

After leaving school, Allen was standing in front of a computer store looking up at the store's signboard which read 'there is a computer for everyone, come experience the joy of youth at DYNAMIC ENTRY CAFE', "I wonder who came up with such a terrible quote, but I guess the quote is okay only if you can understand the meaning behind it" giving himself a disappointed sigh, as he walked into the cafe, he went straight to the locker room and changed into his work outfit, then he came behind the counter and sat beside the black haired girl, her name was Lucy and she had been working here for the past two years, hell, she was even the one who convinced him to working there saying it was boring to work alone over here. But back then was when his family moved to this district because it was cheap, which was six months ago, to bad he had no idea what he was getting himself into.

What most people don't really know is that while this place is a cafe it just a front for the excitement that goes on behind it, but this is one of the perks of knowing the right people, right?..., this might seem like your ordinary cafe when you entered, but for the knowledgeable ones, you could access the back only through a white special card with the words 'DYNAMIC ENTRY CAFE' written in gold and though the card could be bought, but people could also get it through a special invitation or by being a special employee like him and Lucy, because only him and her could grant the card users access to THE BACK.

Fourteen minutes to six and a group of teenagers walked into the cafe, the leader of the group looked around for a bit then came over to the counter and smiled, then he dropped his card on the counter table apparently feeling proud with himself, Allen looked at him for a moment then proceeded to shake his head then Lucy started laughing when she saw the card, then she wiped under some sort of scanner which changed colour from purple to green then handed it back to him. The leader was already frowning when he got his card handed to him, "whats so funny, you are just the receptionist, I could get you fired with a snap of my finger, don't you know how to respect your customers? do you know who I am?". Allen stood up and said to him "sorry for the slight disrespect, but I'd advice to upgrade your card inside or you might not be allowed to enter THE BACK, because you only have a single chance to enter and after that you card will be nullified if you don't, so please don't make a ruckus or I will have to personally escort you out" then he proceeded to crack his knuckles after removing his spectacles. 

The rest of the people in the cafe looked at the leader and his group waiting to see his reaction, because they had seen a lot of people make a lot of commotions when things never went their way and they ended up getting kicked out of the cafe, and yet despite knowing that, this type of people never stop coming and that is why Allen loved this job. Despite being a receptionist he gets to be a type of special bouncer that beats up the rich and stuck up kids with reason of escorting them out.

Allen grinned while waiting for the leader's answer wishing for him to pick the second option. "you are going to regret messing with me, do you who I am?, do you know who my father is?," the leader said, "Rocco, lets just leave here, you know the rules. We have a mission right now." said another member of the group as they pulled Rocco away to 'THE BACK' "you better watch your back"

Allen gave out a disappointed sigh then looked at Lucy who had been watching the whole spectacle, 'where did she get a popcorn from?' "would you look at the time, its six o'clock" Allen enter the changing room. 

The door bell rang and a really handsome guy walked in, with a very deep black hair, gelled to the back only leaving two strands in the front of his temple, who walked straight to the counter and dropped a black card and Lucy who was still chuckling to herself furrowed her brows when she saw the card but was stunned when she looked up at the owner, in her mind the first thought that came to mind was that he was the definition of perfection, "hi, I'd like to access 'THE BACK'" his voice was like an early spring breeze to her skin when she heard it but she was so stunned by his face that she forgot to even pay attention to his card and that was when Allen came back out, saving her from the embarrassment. Then immediately she swiped the card under the scanner which changed colour from purple to gold.

Then she handed him back the card and he walked into the door beside the changing room. Although allen was surprised about his handsomeness but there are all sorts of skin care products out there, hell plastic surgery is also an option if you have the money, and Allen was sure the dude had a lot of it, but what was most shocking to him was the fact that he had a black card and at worked under the scanner...….