

Without putting to much thoughts into his actions he swung the back of his fist connecting with the lackey's jaw, immediately after hitting Allen's left eye started twitching and he slowly moved back four steps but he was surprised because the Lackey didn't pass from that punch, it should be mention that back at his former school, he participated in a group fight against the rival school and his punch was strong enough to crack the sidewalk by the road not to talk less of knocking out an ordinary dude, or so he thought at first apparently his instincts had always been right, something about the whole group was just off.

"Jake, whats up with you, have you gotten that weak that you can react to a surprise attack from a random kid" lackey #2 said while smirking feeling proud of himself, then Jake started to chuckle before bursting out in laughter "good, good, good, so you are the new kid huh?, I guess you aren't just pretty face and brain, at least you've got some fire in you and I like that, to welcome you I'll be a good senior and beat some common school knowledge into you" he said while walking towards Allen, whose left eye twitched again then he took a boxers stance while watching Jake walk towards him.

The whole cafeteria was silent as they all watched the both of them stand in front of each other waiting to see who would make the first move.

Allen felt his chest becoming heavy, almost like he couldn't breath in enough air into his lungs while his face started to show a slight discomfort even though he tried to keep a straight face and that was when Jake made his move, covering the distance between them in a flash he kneed Allen in his guts followed by a straight jab and a left overhead kick sending Allen skidding back, "rule number one, never mess with any club and their members especially fighting and sport clubs", just during that short exchange Allen knew he was stronger than Jake but Jake could and most definitely would mop the floor with him as the mop because he seemed to be more experienced in chained attacks with the next blow stronger than the last. Allen eye's flashed as he came up with an idea.

Jake was shocked because even though the first two attacks connected he blocked the last one even though he was supposed to be stunned, he felt it was beginners luck so he moved towards him again and started with a low body kick but to his shock Allen held his leg pulled him closer and threw a uppercut with his whole body which stunned Jake, without letting him recover he held him and turned around giving him a collar bone slam through the steel table.

Allen stood back up looking at Jake who had passed out from the shock of his head hitting the steel table and then looked at Lane and said " new number one rule, don't mess with me and I won't wreck your whole motley crew" and started walking away but before he could leave he heard Lane saying "welcome to Brightburn college, where strength speaks loudest, am sure you'll fit right in" without looking back Allen left, if he had looked back he would have seen the weird glint that flashed past Lane's eyes.

The following classes for the whole day went on as normal, well if you idea of normal is having a teacher teach only one subject and leave the class two hours later and the students in the class claim it is a self study session till the school ended...…

In a place surrounded by forestry and exotic plants, an extremely luxurious Villa was built on a mountain, looking closely it looked as If the villa sprouted out of the side of the mountain. In a room, a man knelt on the floor and said in a solemn voice "the transfer was successful, your highness, they shows signs of the power of judgement and the adaptive aggressiveness of their father, but is it the right choice to put him there?"

"of course it is necessary to know if they worthy of life my daughter gave to them, if they can be awakened then the contract can be fulfilled" then the voice continued "as much as I'd love to make their lives so very miserable, I can't very well punish them for being seeds of that mortal for the fact that they have my blood running through their veins.

The voice sighed heavily with disappointment "I should have never sent her to the mortal world, if not we wouldn't be forced to take such decisions, hah….., I hope they can survive this ordeal and live their lives the way they wish without getting involved with the supernatural order and maybe hopefully the bloodline would survive."