
Chapter 12: Shock

While he stood outside beside the door, he heard screams coming from down the hallway. Curious about what was causing the commotion, he peaked out of the corner and found an entire crowd of girls surrounding a blonde girl and he thought to himself:

"she's cute,"

Allen pulled a guy from among the crowd and asked him who the girl was. 

"Oh, you're the new guy they are all talking about? How else would you have no idea who she is?. She is the president of the school's MMA club, her name is Brenda, rumors says she's beaten every guy that's ever asked her out and she said that she will only permit someone stronger than her as her partner. I also heard her family is like some sort of rich tycoons and if you could get engaged to her then you are set for life" the guy said while staring at her in adoration at her "ooh, by the way the name's is Mark. I am your guy if you need anything and I mean anything..." while Mark was talking about something Allen was thinking that it was about time the class and just on cue the bell rang for a break.

"Exam answer, getting assignments done for you, stealing of test questions are some if the special services I offer for a fee" Mark proceeded to follow Allen who was heading to cafeteria, 

"I can see that you aren't familiar with how thing are done in this school so lemme do you a favor and start by telling you that everything and anything that has do with something in here is summarized in one word...… -POWER-"

Allen stopped walking as he found this topic interesting then he looked at Mark then said with a weird smile "Do you mind telling me more about this Power"

Seeing he had gotten Allen attention, he rubbed his palms together which made his chubby, innocent face look a bit diabolical, mischievous and untrustworthy.

-Where do you stand?-

That was the Allen's understanding of the word -POWER-, you must have the power to make your dream school life and that's just the lowest criteria because there is always someone stronger than you, and that is where the importance of a club comes to play because the larger the group the more say they have in the affairs of the school but that is the thought process for weaklings because very rarely does quantity ever beat quality and Brenda proved that theory. Although the MMA club is a group but at most they walk in groups of 2's and 3's

While Allen was lost in thought he felt everything go dark.

-Who turned off the lights-

Allen thought to himself as he couldn't see anything, .....no it was different, he couldn't feel anything nor hear anything he would have been comfortable if not for the feeling of like something was blocking him from breathing, at first it was bearable but when he started to sweat he realized it wasn't that there no air he was the one who was holding his breath and it was because of the suffocating presence behind him, so he tried turning and that proved to be a hassle but he still wanted to get a glimpse at the thing causing him so much discomfort and he saw it

A very large reptilian eye staring down at him causing his mind to shut down from shock unfortunately before he could get a clearer look at the head ..... 

"Hey man, you seemed lost in thought are you are ok" said Mark As he tapped Allen "sigh..... not like i blame I also understand your reason for freezing up cause she is a stunning piece of work unfortunately she is so freaking proud and one hell of a snub. Anyways here is my contacts, ooh and don't forget I can get you anything for the right price , you just name it" Mark said as he walked away. 

After mark had walked away Allen held his throat feeling thirsty while thinking to himself "what was that?" looking at Brenda one last time only to catch her also looking at him too, while staring at each other, Allen could have sworn he saw her eyes change to that of a reptile for a second and when he blinked it was normal again, shaking his head he walked away heading to the boys toilet…..

He splashed some water on his face and stared at the mirror "damn it! what happened yesterday?, I gotta find that guy" he thought to himself while staring at his reflection for a while came out of the boys bathroom only to see Brenda waiting outside by the door. They both stared at each other, then she spoke up first "what is your clan totem?" 

"What?" Stunned speechless Allen replied,

"I said, what is your clan's totem?" She asked again

"And I don't understand that question, what clan? If you are looking for someone then I assure you it's not me, so if you don't mind excuse me" then he walked away, Brenda looked on as he turned the corner and thought if she was truly mistaken.

The school bell rang signaling the end of the day

Allen walked into The Back after his usual shift in the cafe and met Big Moss "I need your help, yesterday some kids around my age attacked me after i bought that bike you suggested to me. I am pretty sure I won the fight but I can't seem to remember how I got home or any memory of the time after that". Big Moss stopped drinking then stared at him for a while before he got up and said "follow me" and walked to one of the restricted access doors and placed his palm on the one right beside the wine shelf, Allen had always wondered what was behind some of these doors, the door opened to a spacious hallway with lights for floor boards and the walls on the right were filled had all sorts of cold weapons and on the left were guns and ammunition of all sorts while the ceiling had a lot of weird objects, some were mask, some looked like a regular ball while others came both in familiar and unfamiliar shapes

Looking at all of these, Allen was stunned but followed Big Moss while admiring them. He always knew THE BACK was more than just a club even tho he DJ'ed on special like yesterday, but he didn't expect them to deal in weaponry.

Opening the door at the end of the hallway, Big Moss led Allen to a sort of dojo-ish gym, "usually I'd give tips on how to fight a group of people alone but before that, pick up that ball........ Alright now close your eyes and relax your breathing and focus on your heartbeat, what makes your blood pump. I want you to speed up your heartbeat but keep a calm mind while taking gentle breaths". The orb began to shine brightly immediately he finished talking, as Allen was breathing the room's temperature began to drop as scales began to appear around his body.

-clap clap- Allen woke up from his trance "what happened? Why is it so cold here" He was surprised as he looked around, immediately he woke up from his trance the scales recided immediately. "From now on try not to get excited much or let your heart race, and take these glasses and always keep them on. As much as I would like to explain what might have happened to you, you might need to experiment a bit by yourself, come over tomorrow Let's see if we can figure it out." 

While Allen left The Back, Big Moss headed over to meet the head of The Back, entering inside the room he knelt down and bowed then said "your greatness, it has been confirmed he is the one....…"