
CHAPTER 13: More Questions

Allen arrived at school on his bike and while he was parking it, he heard a cough come from behind him but he chose to ignore it cause he already had an idea of who it was that coughed. Brenda bowed her head and apologized for yesterday's misunderstanding, Allen was feeling awkward as other students murmured and stared at them, realizing her mistake, she grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the parking lot.

In the MMA meeting room, "I am really sorry for that, let me introduce myself, my name is Brenda and I am the current president of..." "I know who you are and I am not interested in your position or club, what I want to know is why you dragged me here." It was a first for someone to cut her off mid sentence ever since she became president of the club, and it was done by none other than this newcomer. Swallowing her growing irritation "Okay, to be honest, I actually wanted to apologize about what happened yesterday but I think I might have just caused you to be put in a spot. Hopefully you can look past both yesterday and today's mistake and let us start afresh" she said while reaching her hand out for a handshake. He accepted the shake with a smile, but in his mind, his suspicion of her even increased. The moment their hands touched, Allen and Brenda both felt a shiver creep up their spine, as scales began to grow out of their skin his own white and black, and her plain white, in his left eye the symbol of a golden weighing scale appeared, and in her eyes, the symbol of a snow flake.

"What the hell? What was that? What did you do" shocked, Allen yelled as he stepped back. She stared at him, apparently it seems like he wasn't the only one who got one of the biggest shocks of their life. This was also the first time something like this was happening to her, so she had no experience or explanations for it. Seeing her also having a shocked expression like him, he quickly left the room, thankfully the scales on their skin were gone but the same couldn't be said for the eye symbols. While walking in the hallway, Allen almost bumped into a man, without looking back he hurried off. The man paid Allen no mind as entered into the office but before he closed the door, he stared at the twisted doorknob "what happened here, young miss?" He asked,...

Derek and Dale blocked Allen as he rushed to the class through, "seeing as you use your abilities in school grounds without permission, we are within the school rules to suppress you!" Derek said as he charged at him then he swung his fist. Due to the recent event with Brenda, Allen's heart rate had sped up, although the scales were there no more, his eyes still had the symbol glowing in it. He wasn't given any chance to even express his confusion as Derek punched him.

Allen was stunned, no....stupefied even, why? You wondered, Cause he found himself at the end of the hallway, he stood up trying to get his bearing only to receive another punch in the side, slamming him into the wall. Derek didn't stop as he continued to rain blows on him while he was pinned to the wall. Allen felt each blow clearly..... painfully, his heart began to pound, was he angry? Maybe, was he feeling excited by this? more or less.

After using his feet to push Derek away from him, Allen roared as the scales appeared again this time fully manifesting themselves on his skin. His eyes glowed with excitement as he lounged at Derek, both of them smashed through a classroom door.

Pushing off the floor, Derek slapped his palm on Allen's back, the force caused Allen to crash into some desks, as he then tried to stomp on Allen's head, Allen's clawed hand grabbed him then tossed him out the window, Derek rolled on the ground a bit, then did a backflip to stand back up. Allen punched him so hard and fast, he did a cart flip, while still in mid air. Allen stomped him into the ground, and roared again. Everyone could see that Allen had gone berserk especially by his fighting style, it felt like watching an animal on steroids.

Allen picked Derek up by the throat, he was about to use his bare hands or claws to pierce his heart when a hand held him back, the hand belonged to none other than Dale who did nothing but watch the fight go on from the beginning till the end.

Dale finally got a clearer look at allen, his left eye was still glowing but his right eyes was closed, ignoring the battle intent he was releasing. "I think that is enough to vent your anger, cause he must have learnt his lesson by now" he said, unfortunately Allen just continued to stare at him basically ignoring his words. "if you don't release him, I would be forced to engage you" he said, then Allen smiled, almost immediately spikes of ice grew from his feet forcing Dale to jump back in retreat, Allen tossed Derek at Dale, then clapped his hands together as he blew out a puff of air.

Immediately Dale caught Derek, alarm bells went off in his head as his instincts screamed for him to jump, but he was to late cause as he raised his head to look at Allen, he saw a huge mix of mist and frost come down on and the last thing he saw clearly was Allens glowing eyes looking down on him.

Everyone saw as both Dale and Derek became frozen ice statues. Allen was about to punch them when a pillar of fire rose up from the floor right in front of him, out of the pillar of fire walked out a huge man with red hair while wearing a tank top with shorts and slippers. he looked around the field and saw the ice statues and Allen smiling at him, then he asked "what is going on here?"..........

Happy new year everyone 🎊