

Allen put his head out of the room window but to his surprise he found his bike was without a scratch which made him confused because he could have sworn that it was on fire last night thinking it was he was overreacting he decided to freshen up, it was like the ice was never there and when he looked at the mirror after taking his bath he saw his appearance was still the same marking it as an evidence that most of the changes were real. He searched around the room until he found a beanie and he bent it to cover up his weirdly wriggling right eye, but to his disbelief he found it strange that when he stopped focusing on his external appearance he could feel everything clearly his heart beat was so fucking slow that he almost thought it was the bass of some loud speaker playing, his could feel a lot more of something but at the same time he felt nothing, he could hear the conversation going on in the apartment next door if he focused and the limit to the range of his hearing seemed to be the whole block.

Allen went downstairs for breakfast, Emma looked at her brother "why are you wearing a beanie? Is it allowed on your uniform thought you hated them? did you get taller?" 

"I think you've hit your growth spurt, and you seem to look more like your father now... anyways, when did you get a bike? those things are expensive don't you know? if you had a bike why were you out so late yesterday?" granny Liz asked him

"I had to do a bit of a rough day but nothing I couldn't handle" Allen replied

"Big bro since you bought a bike can you be taking me to school? am tired of taking the metro train"


"thank you" - I can finally show off to that bitch why my brother is off limits, He is mine and mine alone-

Finishing their breakfast Allen went to search for the keys in his room, while trying to remember where it was he saw the clothes he wore yesterday..... well what was left of the clothes.. a trouser missing a leg, only one leg of his shoe, a jacket with burns and a huge hole on the chest, looking at all of these Allen knew something wrong happened yesterday he just couldn't remember what.

Taking the keys out from the one legged trouser, he pushed everything on top his wardrobe then went out. Looking at the the bike, Allen kept feeling like he was forgetting something because he was sure he saw the bike catch fire last night, Emma came out before he could get lost in his thoughts then she sat on it.

"stop!, get off of it"

"what's wrong?"

Realizing that he had over reacted "it's nothing, I just wanted the check if the breaks were working fine" walking around the bike he found it in perfect condition to his surprise (・ o ・)..... not wanting to think too much about it,

he said she should get on the bike and he drove off.

Allen arrived at her school in ten minutes which was faster than her taking the train by twenty-five minutes, with a few advises and a promise to pick her up from school he zoomed off.

"hey Emma, whose your boyfriend?"

"fuck off bitch, that was my brother and he is off limits, so stay away from him Stephanie"

Fifteen minutes later, Allen was inside The Back, while parking the bike he still had brows furrowed in thought when a hand touched his shoulder, with a sudden shiver creeping up his spine, he grabbed the hand and swung his fist without holding back but stopped as his knuckles were about to make contact with the beautiful face of the owner as he recognized her being his lobby partner "whats got you all tensed" she said without flinching even with his fist right in front of her face but he ignored the question and her to get on the bike and they drove off.

Allen arrived at her school in ten minutes which was faster than her taking the train by twenty-five minutes, with a few advices and a promise to pick her up from school he zoomed off.

While Emma was standing lost in thought while staring at the direction he drove off too, a voice spoke up behind her

"hey Emma, whose your boyfriend?"

"fuck off bitch, that was my brother and he is off limits, so stay away from him Stephanie"

"is he single? wait up please" then Stephanie ran after her.

Allen passed a vehicle checkpoint after the light glowed green, inside the camera room, a white light was flashing and the one who was watching the screen played a clip of Allen passing by but this time he used a type of x-ray mode and when Allen passed it showed his skeleton colour in gold then the screen beside gave a list of results.

Race: human (?)

Affiliation: not registered.

Class: Unknown 

Results: very dangerous, prioritize capture.

Fifteen minutes later, Allen had reached school but before he could enter his class, a hand held down the door knob without opening the it. Allen looked at the arm then turned to person with a questioning gaze asking why he was blocking him from entering his class, the person was accompanied by two other huge guys who flanked his left and right respectively.

"Didn't you see the Boss coming and you still dared to enter first? are you Courtney that you want to court death? now be a good dog and get out the way" the guy on the right said while blocking the door

"who are you?" Allen asked with a raised eyebrow, when they heard his reply it left them dumbstruck as they couldn't help but be stunned, feeling a headache coming up he pushed them both out of his way and entered the classroom. 

"Boss, this kid doesn't seem to know what's good for him" the right hand guy said, the one they were referring to as boss narrowed his eyes as he thought to himself 'I heard he fought with the MMA group, maybe if I deal with him that guy will notice me' "don't worry we'll show who rules this class" then he entered the class, the two lackeys chortled evilly as they followed him, who would have known that just asking someone to stop blocking the way would give you an enemy.

While classes begun as usual Allen penned down his notes unfortunately his peace didn't last for long as someone kept throwing papers at him breaking his concentration, yet he ignored it but it seemed like the person found his response funny then they threw an eraser which made Allen to stop for a while to glance at the eraser that hit him then he continued to write like nothing happened but this time he instinctively moved his head left which allowed a pencil to whizz pass his right ear till it hit the wall, have enough of Allen traced the trajectory of the pencil and saw it was one of those guys who were blocking him this morning, staring at him Allen picked up the eraser that was hit him before then he flicked it, hitting the guy straight in the eye. 

David never expected Allen to react by retaliate immediately and that cost him dearly, the whole class concentration was broken when he yelled out in pain, then the teacher turned and looked at him with an apathetic gaze

"what's wrong with you and why will you disrupt my class" 

The one they referred to as boss immediately stood up while pointing at Allen "Teacher Rowan, I saw him injure David just now, he was the one who injured him". 

Teacher Rowan asked Allen if it was true? but Allen was lost in thought as he stared at his hand then he responded with a shake of his head. 

"Both of you, get up and stand outside the class. Get out, and someone please take that guy to the infirmary, and as for you Allen, just stand outside."

 Allen got up from his seat and went out of the classroom, then he rested his back against the wall.

 While he stood outside beside the door, he heard screams coming from down the hallway