
The Monk in the MCU

Ever wondered what Ichibe, or someone with his powers could achieve in the MCU? If yes, then this story is for you. Go ahead.... read it .... do it now!!!

Cedric_7512 · Movies
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43 Chs

Part 10

Ok, so this is my first fight scene. I would appreciate it if you could give me feedback on how the flow of the fight felt.

How were the chapters to read? And then some advice if you have any.



Ichibe stood a few metres away from the Ancient One to demonstrate the beauty of a Zanpakuto.

Even if it technically no longer was one. Or was it still? He wasn't sure anymore. He was just going to call it that.

He manifested Ichimonji out of thin air and showed it to the Ancient One.

"A brush?"

"A calligraphy brush to be exact."

"Calligraphy? I thought your power were True names."

"Indeed it is. But do you know how versatile that is? There are almost no limits as long as you have imagination.

I can create runes or use magic this way. I can create shortcuts to spells or even leave the spells entirely.

But coolest of all, I can rename the true names of things."

The Ancient One was shocked.

If that was true, then he was even more powerful than she thought he was. That power was ridiculous.

"The first thing I'll do is to create some concealing and protection for Kamar-Taj and the other Sanctums. That way we can keep unnoticed from unwanted attention."

"That would be very much appreciated Ichibe."

"Now how about you attack me with some offensive spells and I'll just defend."

"All right then."

The Ancient One took her stance and Ichibe prepared his brush. He was going to get the most out of this fight. It was time to practice his powers.

And the Ancient One was a very good sparing partner. She knew so many tricks to get out of all sorts of situations. But this was going to be a first even for her.

She started with some basic eldritch magic. She formed a whip and struck at Ichibe. He defended himself with his brush and let the whip wrap itself around his brush.

The Ancient One pulled and expected resistance. But the moment she pulled the whip broke apart and dissolved into nothing.

She tried to understand what happened. But nothing happened. Ichibe just defended himself and let the whip catch his brush.

Maybe magic didn't work on his brush? She needed to try it out more.

She attacked again. She created discs and more whips to catch Ichibe unfocused. Ichibe however bobbed and weaved around the whips and discs that targeted him.

During these 10 years, he had trained like a madman. His physique was out of this world and he was ripped. Every day he put himself through painful exercises, similar to some Shaolin monks.

He pushed himself beyond his limits day after day. And it was fruitful. He had gotten so much stronger. He was not sure, but he estimated that he was no weaker than Thor Odinson. And he was only getting stronger. His strength did not seem to have an upper limit.

He only needed to push himself beyond his limits.

So, his speed and coordination were well-honed. That's why he could dodge all the attacks from the Ancient One.

Seeing her attacks not working, she changed tactics. She chanted a certain spell that created an energy-based attack. This attack would act like a seeker missile.

At the same time, she created a trap that would trigger, as soon as Ichibe stood on it. And to make it even more difficult she created, even more, whips to catch him.

Ichibe saw the snake-like energy attack coming closer. He could outrun it and be faster but not forever. And there was the trap that would get him if he ran away as well.

So he changed his approach as well and went on the attack. He stopped in his tracks and ran towards the attack.

Ichibe pulled the brush back and jumped in the air. Then he used it like a Naginata and slammed it against the energy stream. And just like he expected, the energy got less. The amount became less than it was in the beginning.

And in the next moment, it simply dissolved.

Ichibe did not have time to celebrate as he felt the next couple of attacks coming already.

He was on the move again. This time he was running towards the traps that the Ancient One had prepared for him.

He had no choice as from all directions, attacks were approaching him. So he sprinted towards the traps and tried to cut them before they would activate.

That was a mistake.

The traps that the Ancient One had prepared for Ichibe were of different types. Some were traps that would bind you to them and others would make you shoot upwards.

But there were also traps that were meant to detonate and create an explosion. And those traps were the ones that he was going to have problems with.

Ichibe arrived at the traps. From behind, there was lighting chasing him and a multitude of weapons was approaching from the side.

He stood on the first trap and right at that moment he swung his brush to cut its name apart. And then he did the same to the second one.

But when he came to the third he realized his mistake. He would not be able to get out of this one as easily as he did with the others. But he had no time to change tactics and therefore still brushed the trap and then braced for impact.

The trap was an explosion trap. It went off right underneath Ichibe and launched him into the air.

This was good and bad for Ichibe. He had not run forward for this exact reason. He wanted to be catapulted upwards to gain space and time for the next move that he was going to make.

Because, even if he knew how to use his power instinctively, he needed practice. So he was not as fast as he would like.

Therefore, he let himself be shot into the air by the blast. This did do damage, however. And that was the negative part.

Ichibe was shot into the air. The attacks that were chasing him and aimed at him met at the spot he was just at. This created a series of explosions and reduced the number of weapons that chased him.

Some however remained and those were the ones that chased him into the air.

Now, normally this would mean that he couldn't dodge. But he was able to use spirit energy in the mirror dimension. He was however not able to stand in the air.

Ichibe was ready for the weapons that were littered with small enchantments. The Ancient One was truly a master in these things. To enchant her eldritch weapons was very hard to do.

But he was ready for them. All the weapons arrived in front of him at the same time and struck him.


Tell me what you thought about it.

There's going to be another chapter of them sparing

Cedric_7512creators' thoughts