
The Monk in the MCU

Ever wondered what Ichibe, or someone with his powers could achieve in the MCU? If yes, then this story is for you. Go ahead.... read it .... do it now!!!

Cedric_7512 · Movies
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43 Chs

First impression

Ichibe walked out of Pancho's Bar. He had gotten nothing interesting from his memories except that the Kree was apparently not hostile to the SHIELD agent. And the agent was helping her now. What a strange development. Things are not as they seem ... just like Yao said they weren't. 

The energy that he felt inside the bar was the one the woman released. The strange part was that he knew this energy. It was the energy of his former 'brother'. Another Infinity Stone. And it smelled of space. 

How did he smell energy? Too hard to explain for us humans. But Ichibe was very in tune with his senses and developed them to heights beyond human capabilities. He was not human if we were honest. He was something entirely different. 

Anyway, Ichibe had a new lead. Something that would not have been possible had he not seen the memories of the barkeep. The woman, Vers as she called herself, had fired a blast of energy to prove to the agent that she was indeed a 'Kree' and not a Skrull. There was only one problem ... we'll get to that later. 

Ichibe used his sense of smell and followed the trail the energy left behind. He had to hurry though, the trail was getting cold. Space energy would just integrate with the surrounding space if it was released. Then Ichibe would not be able to notice it. 

But this was not pure space energy. It was like a special flavour of space. It was the personal note the Kree woman possessed. 


Ichibe travelled east. That was the way the trail led him. The farther east he got, the stronger the smell got. Not very strong but just slightly. If he had to guess, it was about 3 hours ago that they travelled this way. The question was where?

A few minutes later, Ichibe stood above the Mojave desert. He had found something special here. A base. It looked military but he knew better. The name of this base was 'Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility'. Quite a mouthful that one was.

This was where they went. Ichibe disguised himself and entered. He followed the energy as it went deeper into the facility. After many turns and long corridors, he stood in an archive room. This was a treasure for every intelligence agency. And he knew just the one that was trying to establish itself in America. 

He took out his phone and was just about to dial a number when he stopped. That would probably be listened to if he just called. Another idea came to mind. 

Ichibe would return here at a later date, or he would just have Raven get access to these archives. Hmm, why not just take them with him? That could work...

On the other hand, that compromises the Gotei 13 and SHIELD would get suspicious and more alert.

Well for now he had a Kree to catch up to and observe. 


The trace led Ichibe to the facility's hangar where he saw many different planes and vehicles. 

"Hmm, the trace leaves the hangar again. It seems the two took some sort of plane to leave in a hurry if the commotion is to be believed."

He approached one of the men who were hurrying around like little ants. 

"You there. What happened here?"

"Sir, Agent Fury has aided a fugitive to get into the facility. They have fled to the hangar and stole a Quadjet to flee. Right now we are trying to get the situation under control and find out whether there are more intruders. 

Director Keller has instructed those who are not busy with something to find them, Sir."

"I see. Continue then."


That was weird. Why would the Director of SHIELD think that one of his agents has helped the Kree come to the facility? It would be much more likely that the agent got the job of either keeping watch over the Kree or detaining her. 

And since he can't detain her he probably contacted the director and told him what they were planning. 

Then the question is what happened during their stay here? Did the agent go rogue? No that is unlikely. Maybe the director is lying? The only instance where the director would have to lie was ... oh. Yes, that made sense. 

Nevermind then. He would find him sooner or later. There was no way that Ichibe would allow Skrulls to stay on Earth. 


Ichibe left the hangar and went back to the archives. Something here interested the Kree woman and the agent. What was that? He found a group of agents cleaning up some boxes. 

All over the floor lay documents. An interesting paper stood out to Ichibe. Plans that looked like some futuristic 'tech-stuff'... The Light-Speed Engine was its name and the name of the creator ... Mar-Vell!!

A Kree! On earth! She went under the name of Lawson and acted as a researcher. But then ... what happened? 

An accident during a test flight ... hmm, that was unlikely. And the pilot was ... Captain Danvers. Carol Susan Jane Danvers to be exact. Aha.

It seemed like the Kree 'Vers' was actually the former human Air Force pilot Captain Carol Susan Jane Danvers. These idiots just took a broker dog tag with the letters 'Vers' and told her that was her name. 

So then she was abducted and brainwashed? And this whole chase is the Skrulls trying to kill her, while she tries to find out the truth of her past? That seems like the premise of a bad movie. Who would come up with such a thing?

Then the only person they could go to now is Captain Denvers' former partner. Captain Maria Rambeau. And where does this woman live then?

Ichibe approached one of the soldiers.

"One moment agent."


"I would like to have a look at what the fugitives were looking at to get a feel of what their next move will be."

"Of course Sir."

Ichibe went over the papers very fast but not too fast to make the agent ask questions. 

And then he found the last address of the single mother Captain Rambeau. New Orleans, Louisiana. 

"Thank you, agent. Continue."

"Yes Sir."


Ichibe left the archives and then also left the Joint 'Whatever' Facility. It was time to go to New Orleans. 

"New Orleans, Louisiana.", he said and a portal opened in front of him. 

Ichibe walked through and stood a few hundred meters above New Orleans. He only had to wait now and see from which direction the Quadjet came from. But then again, they could already be here.

He took the easy way and waved his hand in the air. Black lines started to appear and Ichibe wrote into the air the spell he wanted to use. 

'Invenire Quadjet Claudere.'

(Find Quadjet, close)

The ink began to transform and formed an arrow which pointed south from his position. 


Using Shunpo, Ichibe covered a lot of ground and it took him all of 2 seconds to locate the aircraft standing in the garden of some house. They were lucky that no one saw them.

Standing above the house, Ichibe could see the Skrull standing walking into the garden and another one ... Talos, entering the house. 

In front of the house, it seems that one of the neighbours, Thomas Zeringue actually saw the Quadjet and asked if he and his kids could have a look. 

Ichibe decided to deal with the Skrull for now. He was getting too close to the child and he didn't like that. 


Inside the Rambeau residence, Maria had deescalated the scene and closed the door. 

"You know you should really be kinder to your neighbours. 

You never know when you need to borrow some sugar...", Talos said and then took some of his milkshake. 

Before they could attack though, Talos told them to relax, as one of his men was outside with Maria's daughter disguised as her. 

But when they looked there was no one outside ... the Skrull was gone and Maria's daughter was also gone. 

Maria got anxious and screamed: "Where is my daughter?"

Carol attacked Talos and punched him a few times before she stopped as well and asked the same.

"Where is Monica?"

"If that is the daughter's name then I don't know. One of my men was supposed to keep her company but he's gone as well."

Before the situation could escalate further, a voice was heard from the living room. 

"You know you should really be kinder to the ones you want to ask for help."

Everyone looked to the left and saw Ichibe sitting at the table with an unconscious Skrull lying next to him on the ground. Monica was nowhere to be seen.

Fury immediately aimed at him and Maria was getting sick of people breaking into her house. 

"Where ..."

"She's in the bedroom. No need for a child to listen to all of this, is there?"

Maria hurried upstairs and went to check Monica's room. She found her sleeping soundly. Silently she closed the door and went back down. 

"Who are you?"

"You may call me the Monk."

"The Monk? Seriously? Way to go Captain Obvious.", said Carol.

"Oh, I'm glad you like it. You see saying my name can be a bit of a mouthful and it tends to get stuck in the throats of those that try and say it. So I thought this is easier for all of us."

"Why are you here? What is it you want?", asked Fury. He was the most suspicious out of them. On one hand, this new addition had saved the daughter of Maria and taken out the Skrull and on the other, he knew nothing about him. He could be a threat.

"Hmm? Are you checking me out, Nicholas?", Ichibe said.

Fury's heart skipped a beat. How did this man know his name? He had to be taken out.

"Now now, Joseph no need to get worked up over nothing. You see names are kind of my thing. So it is natural to know all names. Now for the reason why I'm here.

You see I'm somewhat of a protector of this world in general. And when I found out that a Kree soldier crashlanded here and was apparently chasing Skrulls, I had to take a look."

"And now that you have taken a look, what are you going to do?"

"Well at first I wanted to find out whether there were more Skrulls and Kree apart from you and this guy's men ..."

"And if there were? What then?", asked Maria.

Ichibe smiled and showed his teeth. And then he said in a sinister tone. 

"Then I kill them all!!!"


Well, they finally meet and we see the way Ichibe thinks. He is not someone who believes in going out of his way to save Skrulls and Kree. 

If you are a danger to the world and humans you should die. 

That doesn't mean that he helps those in need. He was very patient with the Mutants even after they attacked him, but he instantly killed the D'Bari.

He also understands that killing is not the only solution to every problem. Carol is a human, technically and as long as the Skrulls leave, he has no problem with that.

You can call him a hypocrite and that is true but that's the way he is.
