

Our first meeting was disaster. We had no place for each other in our hearts and we made promise to each other no matter what happens? We won't fall for each other besides the person we like and if anyone of us falls then he or she will leave. Because we both know we can't replace the person we are having in our heart till that time I thought. But I never imagined that I will lose and will fall for him by his tenderness and gentleness towards me. It didn't take time for me to fall for him. It just happened but the fact is I can't say it out loud to him. Because I know the moment I confess my feelings I had to leave and because of my confession may be I will make hard for him. Even if its for one year our marriage is. I am still happy for the time I am spending with him. But I don't know if I will ever get chance to speak up...

Choco_Muffin · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 9


"Congratulations Mrs Charles we are going to be one family. Our friendship will turn into relationship. I am so happy children's agree on marriage, Although they set a childish way but as long as they get married all is okay."

Yes! You are right....

Now we can start preparing for wedding...

Hmm! " So let's go...."


" It's been days passed, And I didn't meet Edward after that day. Well today is my wedding and of course I am

A little nervous but it's really a hard decision because I have to put aside all my happiness and my feelings for james and marry other man even though I don't have feelings for him."

Hannah," Are you ready?"

Yes! " Mom! I am ready and coming."

Wow! " Hannah, You look gorgeous in wedding dress. Oh my god! I can't believe in my eyes."

"Then believe it Alice you know right I am very beautiful girl."

"Of course It's who you are from childhood. Now let's head towards your dad to hold your hand."

Ah! " Dad and holding hands."

Come on," Hannah, Today not it's your wedding and your father will be the one to take you to groom. So don't start anything today for the sake of your mother."

Hmm! " I won't start. Now stop nagging like a granny and go."

Okay! Sure! But be careful...

Welcome the bride....

Wow! " Groom looks so handsome Hannah. You really catch a hot fish."

Shut up! " Alice, what you mean hot fish?"

Okay! Now enter...

Didn't think this poker would look so handsome in groom dress damn....

" What's happening all eyes on me?" I am kinda getting nervous. Hannah don't be like this. You are cool. This is nothing....


"What the hell is this? Did I really have tripped in front of all? This is so embarrassing. I wish if It was a dream it was so good."

Never thought after my tripping this cold-hearted would give a hand to help me.

Hey! " Are you okay? You didn't sprain your leg? Did you."

No! No! " I didn't..... I am okay....."

I see! " Did you not had breakfast at morning?"

"Why you asked?"

" You look like skeleton that's why because of that you also fall down."

"You are trying to help me or lecture me? You Mr hold me up."

"What a bold bride in front of all people's saying me hold up? Should I feel honorable or let's leave it? Since you look so pitiful right now."

" You called me pitiful let me tell you I am not pitiful Mr."

" Will you both stop? See all people are staring at you both. Today is your wedding and you both are being like you came on war. Now be respected and go."

Okay! " So dear wife let's go..."

Sure! " Dear husband...."

" Do you take Mrs Hannah as your wife?"

Yes! " I do....

"Do you take Mr Edward as your husband?"

Yes! " I do....

"Now you may kiss the bride....."

Wow! " Now I really have to give my first kiss to this man. I can't believe it."

"Don't worry women I am also not satisfy with this fact. So I think of a way."

" What way?"

See this way.....

Hey! " Do you think I am fool? It's clear you are going to kiss me by holding like this."

"Of course I will kiss you. If I don't kiss you on wedding day wouldn't you become a laughingstock."

"You really are something I thought you got a good idea, But you're still thinking of a way to make fun of me."

Of course, I got an idea see ...

"Done! Are you happy? Both are saved."

"Wedding done from now on they are husband and wife."

Wow! " You really got this idea putting your thumb between our lips it really made everyone believe that we kissed."

Yes! " Why are you disappointed by it. Don't tell me you were expecting a real kiss sorry that I let you down. If you told me before you want a real kiss I would have given you."

You! " It's  useless to talk with you about it. You only know how to use your twisted tongue with playful words."

It's good you know well ...

Let's all move to other hall to cut wedding cake. All guests are waiting there...



Bride and groom cut the cake with this knife.....

"So dear wife you will cut cake or me, Or I say both.

But I think it's a better way if I cut cake otherwise it will be trouble. "

"What do you mean?"

"You are a princess in your family, So obviously you haven't done anything by yourself till now, So you also don't know how to cut cake."

Ha ha ha," sorry I can't control thinking you can't cut cake even. I am sure I am right."

"Was it fun? You enjoyed very much right insulting me.

When you don't know if I can cut or not so don't judge. If that's the case let me show you how much I can cut and how much I can not?"

"Here you go have knife."

Hmm! " So Mr poker you don't regret saying this does you?"

No! " Never I will regret."

I see....

(Taking cake in hand threw at Edward face.)

" What the hell you are doing Mrs Hannah?"

"You say what I am doing I am only making my groom more handsome."

" If that's the case then here you have also....."

"You threw cake on my face wait here you again have this...."

"Will you both stop all people are watching you. Don't you guys have a little sense throwing cake on each other face on your own wedding? Which bride and groom do this? Huh?"

Alice," Step a side don't come in the middle. He started all this. I didn't I only taught him a lesson that's all."