

Our first meeting was disaster. We had no place for each other in our hearts and we made promise to each other no matter what happens? We won't fall for each other besides the person we like and if anyone of us falls then he or she will leave. Because we both know we can't replace the person we are having in our heart till that time I thought. But I never imagined that I will lose and will fall for him by his tenderness and gentleness towards me. It didn't take time for me to fall for him. It just happened but the fact is I can't say it out loud to him. Because I know the moment I confess my feelings I had to leave and because of my confession may be I will make hard for him. Even if its for one year our marriage is. I am still happy for the time I am spending with him. But I don't know if I will ever get chance to speak up...

Choco_Muffin · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 10

**Okay! " I see but will you both stop it. It's so embarrassing guys."

Yeah! " If he apologizes then I will stop."

"Who said I will apologize? I won't, I didn't do anything wrong?"

Oh! " Then have one more piece of cake."

You!!! " Watch out!"

(Cake fall on Alice face and hair.)

You! " Hannah, You threw cake on me. What I did wrong, Huh? You made my all dress and hair and my expensive saloon makeup mess up."

Sorry! " Alice, I really didn't mean to throw at you. I was throwing at him."

"Now I won't listen to you its payback time."

"What do you mean payback time? Hey! I said I didn't do on purpose. Aren't we are besties? Can't you spare me?"

Besties! " Oh! I really don't want to remember At this moment that I have a bestie like you for this moment let's forget we are besties."

" It's really true besties really know how to take revenge?"

Mrs Hannah," She is your bestie now handle her."

You shut up! " It's all because of you happening this, And you dare to speak."

(Alice threw cake towards Hannah but Hannah dodge it, And it falls on an uncle like this all people start throwing food and cakes on each other everything become a mess in wedding hall and all people were looking like clowns.)

"What the hell happened Hannah?

What is this?

How a wedding hall turned into war?"

Grandma," I didn't do anything. I was just making my dear hubby entertain right dear!"

Yes," She is right. We were enjoying and playing around."

"What kind of playing is this? You made a joke of your wedding you both come with me, I will give punishment to you."

Aiya! " I am feeling dizzy and weak. Oh! I can't even stand my legs are tired."

You! " What are you doing by putting on act?"

"What are you staring at Edward your wife is not feeling well, And you are being standing dumbly instead of helping her?"

Yes! " Because she is alright, And she has two legs to walk. I am not her servant who will carry her around every time when she feels tired."

Edward," Don't be rude. Just do what I said?"

Okay! " Grandma, you are lucky that I am saying nothing to you otherwise you will be done."

Lucky," That what I was always so don't be jealous of my luck Mr Edward."


Hey! " You don't need to put act anymore get up don't lay down on floor. What a lazy bride you are? Get up Mrs Hannah..."

Wait! " Why she is not moving?"

TSK! " What trouble? She really got fainted."

(Holding her up and walks towards car.)

"What happen to her son?"

Mom! " Nothing, Only she is fainted due to weakness that's all after all she is skeleton."

Yes! " Now I remember she doesn't eat anything from morning. "

I see...


Mom! " I am going to take bath, So rest is on you."

Okay! " I will do..."

After the bath.....

Wow! " Now I am free it was a long day, But it was fun...."

Son! " You go to sleep....goodnight...and have a nice time."

Mom! " What are you planning? Don't give me that stare."

Aiya! " Son! What are you saying? It's normal you are wife and husband now what's there to feel shy about it?"

"Shy? Mom are you okay. I am tired, And I am going so bye ..... goodnight....."


Wow! " She is sleeping like a log and sleeping like only she has to sleep on bed. I don't care it's my bed I will sleep on it. If she has any problem. She will sleep on sofa or floor as she pleases. But one thing is good While sleeping she doesn't look like a wild cat but a scary rabbit."

"I don't know what you are outside and what you are inside? Which is real you wild cat or scary rabbit. Maybe time will show me who the real you are?"

Hey! " Edward, what are you thinking and talking about as you are interested in her. You know well more than anyone what's in your heart so don't lose the way?"


Ah! " My eyes are heavy on me. I can't open properly.

Wait! What's beside me? What the hell he is doing with me on bed? You wait and see how I am going to kick you out of bed?"

(Fall down from bed)

"What's that Hannah? You kicked me out of bed so hard Ah! My back. You really are heartless. It's my bed. I will sleep on it. If you can't sleep on same bed with me then go find for yourself or sleep on floor."

Oops! " I didn't know you got hurt on back by my kick and why same bed? You want to sleep with me this badly. Don't tell me you are interested in me, Or you can't resist my beauty."

"Is that so then don't blame me Mrs Hannah"

"For what Mr Edward I would blame you."

Heh! " What do you think who changed your clothes and gave you bath when you were unaware of yourself? Didn't you know what happened last night after bath? I have seen every part of you and did."

"You pervert what the hell you are talking about? I don't believe you changed my clothes or something happened between us. Aren't you a great pervert who would do sex to a sleeping person? Don't you feel shame? Did you forget about our agreement no physical touch, And you crossed line?"

Hey! Hey! " I was Kidding and was pranking you. I didn't do anything to you and My mom changed your clothes and gave you bath. First I aren't interested in you because you didn't notice you are flat chested. I am not interested in flat chested even my ex Sara got better chest than you."