

Our first meeting was disaster. We had no place for each other in our hearts and we made promise to each other no matter what happens? We won't fall for each other besides the person we like and if anyone of us falls then he or she will leave. Because we both know we can't replace the person we are having in our heart till that time I thought. But I never imagined that I will lose and will fall for him by his tenderness and gentleness towards me. It didn't take time for me to fall for him. It just happened but the fact is I can't say it out loud to him. Because I know the moment I confess my feelings I had to leave and because of my confession may be I will make hard for him. Even if its for one year our marriage is. I am still happy for the time I am spending with him. But I don't know if I will ever get chance to speak up...

Choco_Muffin · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 8


Hey! " Don't worry everything will be alright soon."

" I know you are saying because you are worrying about me but you and I both know well that there is nothing can be done then why there is need of comforting. I am fine. Don't worry it's just I don't know what to do?"

Hmm! " I heard better way is to fulfill the wish of dying person. By fulfilling the wish of dying person it gives one's happiness and peace after they die. They can leave the world happily. What do you say about fulfilling your grandma wish?"

" My grandma wish is to see me getting married and that I can't since james is not here even if I call him. He won't come. So you say what I am going to do?"

Hey! " Why not marry your grandma friend grandson? And your grandma also like him."

"** Marrying him are u kidding me? Come on, you know I can't marry him...."

" Tell me you love for your grandma is bigger or your ego?"

"Of course my love for my grandma is bigger. I can't throw away everything aside for it."

" Then why not marry him? See! I am giving you idea you marry him after one year get divorce if you didn't develop any feelings for each other?"

" About feelings who know, But I can give a try since it's for grandma. I think I have to talk with Edward first about this all. Let's see if he agrees..."

Sure! " Now lets go!....


Mom and grandma come on," I said already I won't marry her, And she also is not willing to marry then why force to marry?"

" Can't you see her grandma health. Don't you feel anything? How can you be this cruel son? Only this time I am asking for a favor from you only this time."

" Are you serious? Even if I agree her granddaughter won't agree...."

" If she agrees you will marry her?"

Yes! .....

Okay! " Then we will talk with her "

Now I am going to office...


Sir! " Mrs is waiting inside the office of yours for you..."

" Mrs??? Which Mrs that I didn't knew about her and no appointment?"

" She said she doesn't need appointment to meet you.

Because you know her well, And you will know once you come inside your office room."

I see! " Who got guts to say like this?"

" And you better not let anyone in from now on without my permission "

Sure! Yes sir!.....

" So Mrs who are you? And why are you here?"

"Why do you think Mr I am here for?"

Wait! " Why your voice is similar to that arrogant lady?"

" Why? Do you hate this much that arrogant lady?"

" Did she's done something to you? I don't think so....."

" Can you turn back? "

Sure! " Why not? You must not be surprised after my turning back?

" As expected of you....."

" I knew it was you Hannah..."

" So how come you this way today?"

" Did you forgot your way to your place, Or you got something to say...."

" If yes then quickly I have no time. I have to go for meeting**."

"Yes! I got something to say so postpone your all meetings for 1 hour it's better for you."

" Are you ordering me in my own place?"

" Take it as you please and understand."

" I am here for a deal with you, So I won't beat around the Bush and will directly speak up."

So okay! " I will listen now say what deal you came up with?"

" Let's get married!"

" What the hell? Are you okay? Or Did you hit your head?"

" Edward are you on purpose? Are you listening this first time?"

Well! " I mean how come you agree, And you are first girl coming and asking for marriage for herself."

" You are giving me answer or not otherwise I am going if u keep doing this?"

Okay! " But what I will get in this deal? It's not like I will marry you easily think careful?"

"Don't worry it will be marriage for others but not for us."

How come? So you are making this deal? Didn't expect you will be quite smart?"

Hey! " Mr I was always smart it's just you notice now since you can't see this well with your beautiful eyes."

" So I take this as praise? Since you are calling my eyes beautiful?"

"Whatever you wish to take now let's move on main talk."

Okay! " So what's the deal and how it will be benefited for both of us?"

"So listen we both will get married in this month, And we will clearly tell to both of our families if we didn't develop any feelings for each other in this one year. We will divorce after exact one year. What do you say? In truth, we will sign an agreement whoever will fall first will leave. This is game Mr poker let's play till end and see who will lose and embarrass him or her self. "

" Cool Mrs arrogant I love playing games. So let's play till end as you said. I bet you will the first to embarrass yourself. "

" Don't be proud Mr Edward game only started now. Remember I am the one who started this game and has right to end as well. So in every stage I am the winner for now I can only say this to you do your best. I will be looking forward to it. Sign it Mr I have already signed this agreement. Read carefully and sign it otherwise later I will get to hear I tricked you."

Oh! " Don't worry you will be gonna my wife. How can I doubt you? Here I go so now keep this agreement secret otherwise our little secret will be exposed?"

Sure! " For now I have to go. Let's meet on wedding day."

Sure! " Mrs Hannah let's meet on wedding day and I bet our families got the news of us agreeing on marrying to each other."

Yeah! " Since they kept many spies ... bye...."

Bye! " Take care....best of luck for the game...."

" You too Mr best of luck....."

(Nobody has idea in both of them the game they started will create such adventures for them. What ahead in journey for them let's wait and see...)

(after all you all wanted to know who will be the real winner in this game.)