

Our first meeting was disaster. We had no place for each other in our hearts and we made promise to each other no matter what happens? We won't fall for each other besides the person we like and if anyone of us falls then he or she will leave. Because we both know we can't replace the person we are having in our heart till that time I thought. But I never imagined that I will lose and will fall for him by his tenderness and gentleness towards me. It didn't take time for me to fall for him. It just happened but the fact is I can't say it out loud to him. Because I know the moment I confess my feelings I had to leave and because of my confession may be I will make hard for him. Even if its for one year our marriage is. I am still happy for the time I am spending with him. But I don't know if I will ever get chance to speak up...

Choco_Muffin · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 7

**NEXT DAY.....


Mrs Charles," It was a nice stay here in a brilliant mansion with such a kind lady like Mrs Charles. I am thankful to you Mrs Charles for taking care of me all this time. Now I have to go. See you next time....."

Bye! Hannah," I will surely miss you and our good time spending here. Take care....."

Sure! Mrs Charles, me too....


Hey! Hannah," Where have you been? I missed you."

Let's! Drink....

Sure! " I am really frustrated....."

Woah! Seriously...


Alice's" you remember I told you that I will stay for few days in my parents friends mansion and won't come here."

Yes! " I remember well. You did say so what happened?"

"It was so unexpected there my grandma and her best friend decided to make me marry to her grandson.

Her grandson is so arrogant and full of himself. I am so pissed. I refused to marry him, And he also did same, And now I returned to my home."

I see! I see! "Let's leave that just chill and drink this wine with me. This is your favorite wine."

Sure! " I don't want to ruin my good mood because of this past event.  I love you Alice. You really are my best friend."

Suddenly a call came...

Hey! Hannah let's go dance with me....

Wait! Alice," I have to receive a call you go on...."

No, "I will wait for you. Going without you on floor it won't be fun."

I never thought the call I am going to answer will make my whole world upside down...

Hello! " Who are you?"

Hello! " Is this Mrs Hannah?"

Yes! " I am Hannah...."

Mrs Hannah," Can you come to the hospital your grandma is in hospital and has critical condition, And she is wishing to see you."

"What? Wait! I am coming.....

Tell her to wait for me, I am coming as fast as I can."

After half hour...

Arrived  at hospital.....

Grandma! " What happened to you? How you come here?"

Child Calm down! " I just got fainted because of shortness of breath on my way to garden. They took me to hospital for run a check-up that's why I am here don't worry"

Doctor comes.....

"Mrs Wilson yours report test results are out, And we found you had a serious illness, And it can't be cured because it's too late, And I am sorry there is nothing we can do."

Doctor! " What are you saying? Do you even know it's not time for kidding? Tell us the truth....."

I am not kidding. I am serious, And why would I lie to you?

Then you don't need to hide by saying serious illness tell me the name of illness.

Mrs Hannah'" If you are insisting so much then I will tell you. Its brain tumor and it's late for therapy."

What? " How can it be possible? My grandma was always healthy and she has always ate healthy foods. She was so healthy suddenly how can you say this. We all took care of her very well It's impossible.

Please run a test again...."

Sorry! But we already did and results are out.....

Please do it again. I request from you. Maybe you can make mistake.....

Okay! Okay! " I will again run a test, But it won't be my fault. You are asking for it Mrs Hannah. The truth is truth and it's bitter but for your concern and request we are doing it again."

Yes! Please...

" I never thought  that grandma has less time. I regretted for everything that I did to her. I regretted for the time I didn't spend with her. Even I tried myself to be strong not to let my tears out but damn these tears. I don't want to be like this. I never prayed all my life till now but right now for the first time I pray. Furthermore, I pray that please god reports comes out as I am expecting it to be."

Sorry Mrs Hannah we run a test again and its same. We are very sorry that we can't help you.

Sorry! This is not what I want to hear doctor. You can leave.

Hannah! "What were you expecting, Huh? Then again all Hope's goes down as expected of always once again god didn't listen to my request."


What happened child?

Grandma it's true that you have brain tumor.....

" It's okay child. It's my age. I will die at anytime. So what difference between if I die a little earlier. I just wished before my dying I can see you getting married. But it can't be fulfilled since now I am in this state."

" Grandma forgive me! I am such a pathetic and useless child of yours. I made you like this. It's all my fault. Now I can't even fulfill your wish ...."

" It's okay child you are good. Don't  call yourself such. Grandma will be hurt.  If you do like this....."

"You know very well grandma. You are the only one I have in this whole world. You were who was always with me from childhood, And you mean to me so much that I can't explain you.....so please don't leave me behind otherwise I will again fall down in darkness. "

Silly child," I won't leave you for now. So rest assured.  You little fool."


" What happen mother? Where is grandma and  why are you panicking?"

Edward,  " Hannah, grandma got brain tumor.  She has very serious condition. So your grandma gone to visit her. I think you should also go visit her....."

Okay! " I am going right now to visit her."


Hannah," What happen? Why are you drinking so much? Come on, tell me .....

What's the matter?"

" You know My grandma got brain tumor..."

What? " What are you saying? I can't believe it."

Right! Me too...

" How can she get sick? She was always healthy and always been taking great care of her own self."