

Our first meeting was disaster. We had no place for each other in our hearts and we made promise to each other no matter what happens? We won't fall for each other besides the person we like and if anyone of us falls then he or she will leave. Because we both know we can't replace the person we are having in our heart till that time I thought. But I never imagined that I will lose and will fall for him by his tenderness and gentleness towards me. It didn't take time for me to fall for him. It just happened but the fact is I can't say it out loud to him. Because I know the moment I confess my feelings I had to leave and because of my confession may be I will make hard for him. Even if its for one year our marriage is. I am still happy for the time I am spending with him. But I don't know if I will ever get chance to speak up...

Choco_Muffin · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 6


While I was busy in choosing dishes. Mr Charles and my father were busy in talking with each other.

All were busy with each other except me and him.

We glanced at each other and then turned away our faces and focused on cutting steak.

Suddenly mine and his granny stand up and asked for attention.

All of you can you please give these two old ladies' attention. Today we had something to announce.

So will you young people mind giving some time to us.

Yes! Sure, We all are listening...

We both decided to change our friendship into relationship by making marriage between our grand children's isn't it good.

When my grandma said this I couldn't believe on my ears and couldn't find any words and by this shocking announcement the wine spit out both of our mouths on each other.

We both angrily stand and slam on table and said at the same time,

"No, way, It can't be grandma."

Grandma we are so sorry but this wish of yours can't be fulfilled .....

"I believe grandma Hannah deserves a good man.

I am not suitable for him. She deserves a great man and I think she already had someone, So I think there is no point of talking about marriage with us. Sorry excuse me I lost appetite you can carry on I am going back to my room."

Edward, "Son, wait! Can't you finish dinner and then leave comeback okay!"

Sorry,"Mom but you should remember once I made decision then its final, So I won't come back for dinner."

I see," This is what you're always doing never listened to me, it's okay if you did one more time again. After all it's my mistake I did wrong I don't know what I did wrong in raising you that you are treating me like this?"

"Will you please stop mom...

Do you think this trick will work on me?

If you still want the marriage then find another son and make him to marry Hannah."

Yes! Grandma," He is right. I already had james I love him very much. He is the only guy I would like to marry and spend my life with, So we would be really grateful if no one force us. Because we are the one who will spend life not you people, So we have right to decide whom we want to spend our life with. If you understand my point. I really did appreciate it. Forgive me I may sound rude and disrespect right now."

Sorry," I also gotta go, And please don't come to me for right now I need some time. I want to be alone right now.

Hannah," Child you too are leaving without having dinner."

Sorry! "Mrs Charles, I have to go."

Fine! "You all do as you wish let's continue dinner let them be...."

Ah! " Hanna, Do have good point, But we thought you two make a good and great match, But it's okay if you don't want to. Sorry that we didn't ask for your opinion and decided on our own.

We thought you both will respect our decision. It looks like we were wrong and made mistake we are sorry. We won't talk on this topic again."

No, "This not what I mean grandma. It's just we have different perceptive, thinking and thoughts. We aren't perfect for each other. So please don't get it wrong and font be sorry. "

No, "Mother I think we should make them marry to each other they are quite a match.

Children's you should listen to yours granny's.

You should respect their decision."

Dad," I can't, I said already, And it's better if you don't tell these things of respecting decisions least is that I don't want to hear from you. These words coming out of your mouth makes me sick. Now I am going back to my room. If you want to bring up past events by making me stay here or making me agree for marriage  with Edward for your own benefits then I am ready to tell here all events choice is yours."

Hannah," You are disrespecting your father. Apologize to him right now. Are you listening me? Or you will keep this all going on."

Sorry!I didn't hear.....

Father and I am disrespecting him. Did you just say Father? I don't remember having father all this life. I only keep calling Dad because it's just a word for me.

Mom you know well who is father? And who is daughter? Don't give me this bullshit about how great he is right now. Because you didn't see him real. I have seen him only, But you all treat me as I am insane when I say the truth. Don't force me to do something that I don't want to."

Okay!," I stop it. I won't say anything anymore go ahead. I got your point now you can go."

" It's good that you understood fast mom"

" Is she still with you like this?" Mr Charles asks....

" I think something's cant be repaired once it's broken.

My relationship is only getting worse with my own daughter."

Hey! Man," What you are talking about?

Just hope for the best. Time heals everything"


"People says times heal everything. But they forgot Time heals those who wants to get healed not for whose who doesn't want to get healed, And I am one of them. I don't want to get healed. I know if I get heal. Not only that, but I have to prepare for other wound and I don't want to get hurt again. Already hurt and again got hurt doesn't hurt that much then get hurt after healing. I should go to sleep now. Don't think Hannah too much."

"At that time I never thought that heartless was listening to everything even though he pretends he doesn't care what's going on around him?"