

Our first meeting was disaster. We had no place for each other in our hearts and we made promise to each other no matter what happens? We won't fall for each other besides the person we like and if anyone of us falls then he or she will leave. Because we both know we can't replace the person we are having in our heart till that time I thought. But I never imagined that I will lose and will fall for him by his tenderness and gentleness towards me. It didn't take time for me to fall for him. It just happened but the fact is I can't say it out loud to him. Because I know the moment I confess my feelings I had to leave and because of my confession may be I will make hard for him. Even if its for one year our marriage is. I am still happy for the time I am spending with him. But I don't know if I will ever get chance to speak up...

Choco_Muffin · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 3

Some weird sounds were coming, And I couldn't help but get out to see where that weird sounds coming from? As I got out of my room to see there were nothing, And then I went to garden to have some fun because I couldn't fall asleep it was new place for me. When I went on my way to go back to my room. I got lost and couldn't find out my room. It was late, And I can't ask anyone, So I just believe in myself and entered into room and lay down on bed.

But I didn't think that I entered into wrong room. Suddenly sound came of opening door and when I sit up in my bed to look who was. I was surprised to see a young man who looks damn hot and his wet hair covering his eyes and I got lost in his hot body plus six packs but thank god I came to senses and shouted on him. While covering my eyes and turned back to him. "I told him don't you know it isn't appropriate for a man to enter a woman room at this late of night." You must be Mrs Charles son Edward right!

Yes! I am Edward son of Mrs Charles and you must be Mrs Hannah right! And whatever you say this is my room and my home. Why I need permission from you and for your kind information I am not interested in you, And it's not my hobby to roam around in towel causally. If you are this much of a respected lady then why your nose is bleeding? And saliva is out there from your mouth. I can say for sure you are lost and got in wrong room. This is mine not your Mrs pervert.

First if I am being quiet Mr Edward it doesn't mean I am at fault And you are taking advantage of it while I am saying nothing. Second stop calling me pervert I am not it's you who is pervert and yes its true I lost and got in wrong room and I gave you respect, But you treated me like this, So I also won't give you respect. You bring this up on yourself.

(Its such a shame. Why this nose bleed and saliva? I am so embarrassed. I really want to run and hide, But I can't do this. Furthermore, I have to face him.)

OH! You sure has guts to say this Mrs pervert why I am feeling I met you before. Turn around show me your face, So I can see how Mrs pervert looks? (smirking)

I said stop calling me pervert don't you understand, Huh? You really want to see me then let me show you hope you won't regret Mr Edward.

Don't worry Mrs pervert I won't regret.... Don't tell me you look crazy?

(I never imagined the girl standing right in front of me when she will turn my world will be destroyed)

Now see here I go, And I also want to see how Mr Edward you look with this sharp tongue of yours....

What the fuck? You..... Mr's poker face....

You..... how can it be you? I am really shocked to see you. World is so small you are here also. I really hit a bad luck seriously and don't know how my other days with you will spend?

This should be my line Mr poker face how can you be son of Mrs Charles oh! Poor you....

You are doomed. I also am thinking how my days will spend with you being here. I should have known when Mrs Charles was talking about you only you can have nasty personality....well you are good for nothing son.

You.... just wait and see how I deal with you?

What? Will you come out and follow me while wearing towel..... Ha ha ha...

Laugh all you want we will see who will have last laugh?

Sorry, I can't control laughing....

Oh! Goodnight! Mr's poker....bye.... bye....

It's been long. I really haven't had this much fun all this time like today while fighting with someone. Oh! What I am saying?

Just a little longer I have to wait and then James will come, And I will have the biggest happiness of my life...


Aiya! Son "What happened? Why you look angry?"

Its nothing mom let it be I am good....sorry that I couldn't come on time...hope you will understand me and my work. Work is really important for me and I don't want anything or anyone to get in my way...

(At least I am happy I didn't come on time otherwise it would really ruin my appetite seeing her there.)

Son! Don't worry no one will get in your way and I don't hope too much from you because I knew you will be late, But I thought it would be good if we can try by compromising....

Son! You must be tired right. Have dinner first and sleep tomorrow we will talk okay!

Mom! That girl Hannah....she is going to live here for how many days?

That's depends on her parents and son she is guest so respect her and be good to her don't treat her badly...

Hmm! This much you can do for me right... She is very good girl, And you will know soon.

Mom! You are kidding with me! Not anyone but she is good unbelievable she is just being hypocritical, And you will see soon. I can guarantee you...

Okay! Okay! You win my son... We will see when that day will come till then let's wait and see...

Goodnight! Son I am going to sleep you too also....


Well mom says, But I know all women's like Sara are hypocritical they only love money. In this world if you have money you are the winner and if you don't have you are not even counted in loser.... Sara you must be living happily your married life. Thank you for giving me such experience. If I can go back I should have avoided meeting you. I still remember the day I met you. The first time I met you and fallen for you. It was love at first sight and till now I didn't get why and for what reason I loved you. Does falling for someone needs a reason? Who will answer this question? I guess there is no one ....let it be right now I don't even give a damn about it.

Sara a girl who is a famous model and age 22. She has lots of ambitions and no one knows where is she and is she still married. A girl who loves expensive things and full of herself and wants everyone to revolve around her like her crazy lovers or fans...