

Our first meeting was disaster. We had no place for each other in our hearts and we made promise to each other no matter what happens? We won't fall for each other besides the person we like and if anyone of us falls then he or she will leave. Because we both know we can't replace the person we are having in our heart till that time I thought. But I never imagined that I will lose and will fall for him by his tenderness and gentleness towards me. It didn't take time for me to fall for him. It just happened but the fact is I can't say it out loud to him. Because I know the moment I confess my feelings I had to leave and because of my confession may be I will make hard for him. Even if its for one year our marriage is. I am still happy for the time I am spending with him. But I don't know if I will ever get chance to speak up...

Choco_Muffin · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 2


Finally, I am here. It's been years I came here last time....

Well, It's not like I am afraid, shy or something. It's just leave it why bother to think?

I am late and this all happened because of that poker face. Now what excuse shall I use?

It's okay I will be frank and say all frankly the reason of my coming late…

When I entered into the mansion I was very surprised to see how brilliant the mansion is? And its every corner was decorated with antic pieces and shining like a diamond that I myself was unable to take of my eyes from it.

Then suddenly a voice came saying, "Hannah, I was waiting for you."

And I turned and see it was Mrs Charles, "Nice to meet you Mrs Charles, How are you? Long time no see!"

Hello! "Hannah, I am fine, And how are you? yeah, it's been long time I have saw you."

But you took long time to come here...

How did you know Mrs Charles?

I know because I called your parents, And they told me you left long ago...

I see Mrs Charles…

"What happened?"

"Why you look unhappy?"

"Did you not wanted to come here?"

No, No, Mrs Charles, you got it wrong. If I didn't want to come here wouldn't I have refused to come here.

OH! Then that's great...

So, Did something happen in your way?

Yes! And it's not something happened. Too much happened. Let me tell you...

Sure, It looks like you got many things to tell....

Hmm! So the thing is while in my way, "A car bumped into my car and when I get out of my car to deal with that person. I really felt pissed off. He was so cold and his tongue is poisonous. When I tried to make him apologize. He didn't apologize and start showing his wealth. I swear if not for coming here and if I were there or meet him next time I would really strangle him to death. Whenever I remember his smirking I really want to slap him and beat him up."

Oh! My Hannah, "It looks like that guy really pissed you off and mean to you. He sure has guts to do."

Mrs Charles let's not talk about him otherwise it will only make me feel angry. I never met a mean guy like him in my whole life. Let's go to your garden. I really love that place and talk there...

At that time I myself didn't think why I am like this?

While I was enjoying the view of beautiful flowers in garden. I was lost in view of them but when I turned and see Mrs Charles. She was being looking anxious and lost in thought. For a while I sat there quietly and didn't say a word because I thought it would be rude of me to ask her. But after sometimes I couldn't help but asks her.

Mrs Charles, "Is there something bothering you? You seem to be anxious and lost in your worries."

Aiya, "OH! Yeah! I am worried because I told my stupid son to come home on time. Even her granny also said to come on time. Oh! What I am telling you? You just came here, And I start telling you these things. "

It's okay! Mrs Charles, "Feel free to talk about anything. I am all ears."

For the time being let me tell you about my son.....

Sure! Mrs Charles, "I believe your son must be a gentleman. If my memory serves me right. I met him once. He was very gentle when we were kids."

My son Edward was very cute and gentle when he was little. Now he is not cute at all. Even he doesn't listen to me and do everything and treat everyone as he pleases.

Did something happen to him or his face?

Aiya, What are you saying Hannah?

Sorry I didn't mean to I just thought. Hope you won't mind....

No, there is nothing to mind, And now he is handsome and ladykiller, But he doesn't take interest in any girl, And I am really worried about his future.

But why does he is not interested in any girl?

That's because he had a very bad experience with his first love. So now he is not willing to fall for any other girl again.

Can you tell me who is his first love?

Sara, she is my brother-in-law daughter. She is the girl who made my son like this? And made my son whole world upside down....

At that time I didn't thought what coming next will change my whole life? What Mrs Charles means by telling all this to me. I just felt something is going to happen. But I never imagined that there will be more to this all.

We talked a lot in the garden and It has been three hours...


Hannah! Let's go its dinner time. Now It's useless to wait for my filial son.

At dinner time I met Mr Charles and talked with him...


Mrs Charles, Now I am going for rest...

yeah, sure Hannah let me show your room....


This is you room. Take a look if you don't like it we will change for you....

No, Mrs Charles this room is good for me and it's really beautiful....

I am really grateful to you. Thank you for giving me your time and so much respect....

Aiya, Hannah don't be polite you are like our family member this is what I should do?

Ha, ha, ha right! I see.... Then I am going to take shower and sleep...

Then I should also take my leave and yes! Hannah this house is very big so don't get lost okay!

Mrs Charles," you are making fun of me it's okay don't worry."

Okay! Okay! I won't ..... goodnight....


Now it's time to take a good bath....


I am exhausted now I should get some sleep. Hannah, "you are a strong girl don't think useless thinks. Now sleep." Fighting!

I am waiting for you James hope you finish your trip there and comeback...

James a 26 years old boy and is a doctor. From childhood, he was with me and accompanied me all times. He is a warm person but same time cold also and maybe the reason is me. He said our break-up is for good, And he needs some time and will come back for sure to marry me and I believe him and waiting for him here....