

Our first meeting was disaster. We had no place for each other in our hearts and we made promise to each other no matter what happens? We won't fall for each other besides the person we like and if anyone of us falls then he or she will leave. Because we both know we can't replace the person we are having in our heart till that time I thought. But I never imagined that I will lose and will fall for him by his tenderness and gentleness towards me. It didn't take time for me to fall for him. It just happened but the fact is I can't say it out loud to him. Because I know the moment I confess my feelings I had to leave and because of my confession may be I will make hard for him. Even if its for one year our marriage is. I am still happy for the time I am spending with him. But I don't know if I will ever get chance to speak up...

Choco_Muffin · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 4



Good morning! Mom!

Good morning! Son!

Son breakfast is ready go ahead okay! I got something to do so I am going. But please look after Hannah.

She is our important guest. Hope you won't let me down. She is coming down for breakfast in 10 minutes.

So keep her accompany in my place and most important remember no fighting or arguing now bye I am going...

As I wake up I washed my face and took a bath and came downstairs for a pleasant breakfast. As I sat for breakfast. I stared at him from head to toe. No matter what he wears he looks good if only he had nice words to say. Well this has nothing to do with me.

No manners at all. Don't you know greetings Mrs Hannah? Even if you are guest there are some formalities that you have to do. You are not a queen or princess of this world. Hope you will learn something while staying here and if you want help I will surely help you. Don't hesitate to come to me. I am always ready to give you manners.

Oh! Seriously, I don't care, And Mr Edward hold your tongue while I am being quiet. If you can't then leave please because right now I am not in the mood of fighting or arguing with you. Hope you understand. I just want my breakfast peacefully. I don't want a war with you here.

Likewise, I also don't want to. Do you think I am interested in having war with you?

Such a waste of your good looks seriously everyday I feel pity for your looks. Please if one day you want to change your nasty personality tell me I will help you to find a good doctor for you. I am best at searching you can count on me.

Humph! It's better than having a short temper like yours Mrs Hannah.... Even if there is cure for my personality but not for your short temper tell me who is more pitiful?

You won't stop! Right!

No, "I won't stop. You started this...."

I remember you said you are worried about my future husband right. Now I am worried about your future wife. The girl who will marry you will be so unlucky poor her. She must, will think she is living with a beast.

For your kind information. You don't need to worry about my future wife. That's my problem nothing to do with you and about marrying I don't even give a damn. I am not going to marry any girl or you. Even if you and me left in this world I won't marry you Mrs Hannah.

I see! So Mr Edward is afraid of marriage. I wonder a person like you even is afraid of something or not.

Who said I will marry you same goes for you. I will only marry one person in this life, And he is....wait I won't tell you his name. You aren't worthy of hearing his name.

Who said, "I am afraid of marriage its just I don't want to."

And what about you Mrs Hannah? Pitying me when your own ex-boyfriend, Or I say your love left you.

You are bragging so much about him when he left you. Oh! What I am saying?

Ah, I remember his name James right! He left you because he must be regretting being with a witch like you. He was smart enough to leave you. He broke up with you and said, he needs some time and will come back to marry you? What kind of man he is? Your choice I can't help. Change your taste in men's.

You jerk, How did you know all this? Did you investigate on me?

Huh! You are such a bastard. You know nothing. Tell me how did you get to know all this?

Excuse me! Mrs Hannah," I know because after all you are my parents best friends daughter.

If you remember well our grandmas are school best friends and I got to know this all from your grandma. She told last time when she visited. If you want to blame someone then blame your grandma, don't call me bastard for knowing your crazy love story unlike you, I am not a peeping tom." (Smirking)

How dare you? Who the hell are you to call me peeping tom?

There are out many handsome and outstanding men's more than you. If you go outside to look you will find yourself a scumbag. Even my James is better than you. You are far from all.

If that's the case then don't regret saying this all later, And you are same like me.

No! No! Even worse than me.....

Humph! Talking about James leaving me is better than you. Even he left me he promised me to come back.

Then we will get married I myself will come and will give you invitation card make sure to come on my wedding. Your blessings will be very important for me.

Another thing unlike you. Your girlfriend Sara left you and broke up with you even without giving a chance or saying to wait for her. She told you to go on your way.

Oops! Sorry your cousin Sara not girlfriend. It must be because of your nasty personality.

Let me tell you something Mrs Hannah, If you don't know anything then don't say any word as you please just because you want to get back at me. Without knowing saying this all and judging don't you think? You are crossing your line. Stay in your limit. I am saying nothing to you and going easy on you just because you are grandma best friend granddaughter and right now you are guest otherwise long ago I kicked you out of this place. So be thankful towards your luck.

You will kick me out really. You have the guts to throw me out from this place let's see....

Right now, I can't waste my time with you. Because you are carefree and good for nothing person and got nothing to do. I got lots of things to do. You are free, So you can keep going on your fight as long as much you want, But I can't.

Humph! He ran away again.... How can he say I am carefree got nothing to do?

When he don't know anything about me....

Ah! Somewhere I am really feeling bad. Did I go too far just now?