

Our first meeting was disaster. We had no place for each other in our hearts and we made promise to each other no matter what happens? We won't fall for each other besides the person we like and if anyone of us falls then he or she will leave. Because we both know we can't replace the person we are having in our heart till that time I thought. But I never imagined that I will lose and will fall for him by his tenderness and gentleness towards me. It didn't take time for me to fall for him. It just happened but the fact is I can't say it out loud to him. Because I know the moment I confess my feelings I had to leave and because of my confession may be I will make hard for him. Even if its for one year our marriage is. I am still happy for the time I am spending with him. But I don't know if I will ever get chance to speak up...

Choco_Muffin · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 1

There are always up and downs, And we all face them and gather our courage to survive same as I am doing like you all.

We all are main character in our stories. We all had stories where we are fighting?

We all fall down and lost hopes but we all are still breathing. We are still picking up all our broken pieces of our hearts. We can't help. We all are like this after all we are humans who are fragile, sensitive, weak but at the same time we all are strongest than anyone because we know when to give up and when to fight?

Everyone thinks we are perfect couple and made for each other and this is what seems to be so.....?

But no one knows the truth and if they get to know I bet they will call us selfish or ignorant....

I always seems to everyone as arrogant and yes! Its true...

If I won't be arrogant I know I will nothing in this place...

The truth is we are just couple in name. We just fulfill our needs and desires...

We both know our positions and we know we have someone we like...

As for me my ex boyfriend is my first love. He was my childhood friend whom I trusted a lot and gave my everything. Its true that I was a bit cold towards him and never shared any of my sorrows and didn't let him close to me or any physical contact....

I was wrong but I always thought one thing at same time that I know I am right and I did right thing for myself even though it may looks to him I am wrong but the least I can do is ignore.

As for him he loved his cousin Sara. Even he was willing to give up everything and run away with her but love won't last. She left him and chased her dreams and went to new place and got married to a rich man at that time. He had nothing to give her because he was still a merely manager at his father office and everyone looked down on him. He left out all alone.

As to think this I think we both are pitful only the difference is his love left him but it wasn't his fault and my love left me it was my fault. But I still promised to James I will wait for him and he said he will return soon.

We both know our limits and our places that's why we always kept distance. But its been long and now I want that distance to be closed. It didn't took time much for me to fall for him. But I can't say out so I am just letting go with time.

If I can reverse the time then I wish I wouldn't met him that day so today maybe was different.

It was all his fault only if he didn't treated me tenderly so maybe today I wouldn't been this miserable and I clearly remember the day when we met first. It was January 30 on my 20th birthday.

( Flashback Started )

I don't celebrate because I hate my birthday and my parents are always busy in their own greediness and are always trying to expand their business more. But suddenly they told me to go and visit their best friends and stay there for few days. As I was dying to go I didn't have choice so I just went on my way to their best friends mansion....

I am Hannah a girl who is 20yrs old finished my graduation a half year ago and now I am just playing around I got no ambitions. Only I had one dream to marry my ex boyfriend James. But from childhood I was smart my parents told me to inherit their business just for my little brother who is studying abroad so he can come and sit on the chair of president and boss around. I got no interest in business. So I just always play around with my friends in clubs and cafes.

While I was in the way to their mansion.

suddenly a car bumped into my car and I got angry and came out of car to see and give lesson to the car owner.

But the time when I came out of car. I was surprised to see a very handsome and charming young man who looks nearly 27 age according to my instincts came out of that car and I couldn't make eye contact with him because he was looking damn hot.

But suddenly I felt a cold chill down my spine because his handsome face turned into cold.

Seeing this I became more angry and started saying in loud voice,

"Who the hell are you? Can't you see a car in front of your car huh? If you don't know how to drive then why you even have car? For god sake leave driving so can many people can be safe from you."

Mrs whatever you are I don't know your name so I will call you only Mrs you need to calm down. Can't you see your car is not the only one who is damaged mine also.

About driving its my driver the one who is driving not I am and I would like to give you a piece of advice control your temper if you didn't. No man will marry you. Because no man want to make their life hell by marrying you.

you!! better not say anything as you please because you don't know who am I?and who is my father? About marriage it got nothing to do with you and change your driver who knows this time only you car bumped. What if next time whole car got destroyed? Oh! poor you can't even choose a good driver so poor taste.

Let me know if you plan someday to find new driver I will find for you.

I am very shocked to see an arrogant lady like you. The moment you opened your mouth only nonsense is coming out of that stinky mouth of yours. Did anyone tell you? You are annoying and makes one lose temper like you. About you and your father doesn't matter to me who you both are? Take a side I am late...

Wait! I won't step a side I didn't finish what I am saying?

Oh! Really even my mansion dogs are better than you. Do you think I won't say anything to you just because you are wearing a very expensive suit and watch of a famous brand and riding in most luxuries car.

( At that time I myself can't seem to understand what I was saying? )

Are you praising me? Shall I take this as your admiration for me? I don't have time to talk with a spoiled young miss like you. I am just worried for that unlucky man whose life you will gonna ruin by marrying him my wishes with that unlucky man sigh!

Just wait you didn't compensate for the damages. You can't go now...

Tell me how much??

one million now say, "will you still be like this and won't apologize?" If you apologize maybe I can forgive you and won't ask for compensation.

Here you have not one million but I am giving you hundred million even you can go now and buy new car....have this check..

I am so pissed because of you. You think I am dying for your money see how I tear this check apart right in front of your eyes? Here you go...Humph!

I didn't thought like that maybe you are dying???

I teared the check right in front of you and you are just making me more pissed I feel pity for your eyes having such beautiful eyes but poker face such a waste of beautiful eyes.

If you done throwing tantrum then I take my leave then bye. Hope we don't meet each other again.

Yes! I also hope that I won't see you again Mr poker face.....

Right Mrs arrogant then bye....

Such a spoiled and arrogant lady her family really spoiled her no manners at all such a waste of her gorgeous looks.

If I were her father see how long ago she had manners? and won't be spoiled. Well she can't be blamed since its her family fault for not teaching her manners.

Driver! drive fast I have to finish my work and had to go back on time for dinner. Old lady said, "I should be on time for dinner some guest is coming for staying for few days."

I think it must be dad best friend daughter few days ago dad was talking about her...

I am Edward a young man who is 27 year old and now a business man its been years I completed graduation and I got many hobbies to do.

To Be Continued....

Appearances Of ML /FL

Female Lead

Name : Hannah

Age : 20

Hair : Light Pink

Eyes : Purple Colour

Height : 4'9

Weight : 45

Ex :James

Male lead 

Name : Edward

Age : 27

Hair : Black

Eyes : dark blue

Height : 6'2

Weight : 74

Ex : Sara