

Our first meeting was disaster. We had no place for each other in our hearts and we made promise to each other no matter what happens? We won't fall for each other besides the person we like and if anyone of us falls then he or she will leave. Because we both know we can't replace the person we are having in our heart till that time I thought. But I never imagined that I will lose and will fall for him by his tenderness and gentleness towards me. It didn't take time for me to fall for him. It just happened but the fact is I can't say it out loud to him. Because I know the moment I confess my feelings I had to leave and because of my confession may be I will make hard for him. Even if its for one year our marriage is. I am still happy for the time I am spending with him. But I don't know if I will ever get chance to speak up...

Choco_Muffin · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 11

"Good for you that your Sara got good chest. I have to go. I am not like you free."

"What a girl you are?"

"Why? Did you get any problem?"

No! " I was wondering a girl who only fool around in clubs with friends. What could make her busy?"

I see! " Why? Are you jealous? That you can't fool around like me, And you got to do work then don't do it. You also go and fool around."

No! " I am not jealous of you or your fun because I really get bored from this all."

Okay! " Now get lost right now. I need to change."

"What a woman? Don't know how to respect your husband?"

No! " I don't know so now go...."


What a pain in the ass? " I really want to beat him up."

At Breakfast ...

"Children's you both are free tonight?"

Yes! " Mom! I am free tonight About Hannah I don't know..."

Hannah," you! Are you free tonight?"

Yes! " Mrs Charles I am free tonight..."

Aiya! " Call me mom not Mrs Charles. Now I am your mom."

" I got it I will call you mom from now on. So do you have something to tell?"

Yes! " Today Mr Stephen had party and you both are invited. Since you are newly couple, So I wish you guys to go there, And please don't start there anything. Be on time 8'clock."

Okay! " Mom we will be..... you can leave now and can go back to the work you were doing."

Sure! " Son! Take care and remember to dress well."

Sure! " I will...."

"Why you said yes? You didn't ask for my opinion and you yourself said yes for both of us. Are you alright Mr? Why the hell I have to those annoying parties?"

"Do you think I like parties or visiting parties? I also don't like, But I have to do for formality and its mom request I have to do it. If u doesn't do she will start nagging. So Mrs Hannah cooperate please....."

I see! " Then you mean I really have to go and no choice. Wait! What I will get in return if I do this favor on you?"

You are right!" I have to give you something. What about the kiss on wedding that you got disappointed? Why not I give you in return if you do good job?"

Leave it! Leave it! " It's useless to ask you something for in return see how I will make you fall for me head over heels mister."

(grabbing him from tie)

"Just wait and watch Mr poker face."

Let's see! " Who will fall for whom first?"

Sure! " So dear husband be on time from your meeting. I will be waiting for you."

Okay! " Dear wife I will come for you....."


AT 8:00 PM...

So let's go...

(In a thought standing staring at Hannah)

Yes! " Sure! What are you staring at? You don't need to stare I know I am looking gorgeous. You don't need to be lost this much in me or have to praise my beauty."

No! " I was thinking why you look so witch type? Did anyone tell you? You look witch who is dumb?"

"I know mister you are jealous and nothing else, So it's okay. Since you aren't looking this much handsome right."

" I am wise man, So I won't fight with you on this topic.....let's go....."


Welcome, Mr and Mrs. Edward!....

"Thank you, Mr Stephen....."

"So you go look around or talk with someone you know. I have to go and talk with Mr Stephen and remember don't cause any trouble....."

"I know well don't worry I know this meeting at this party how much important to you and hour family rest assured?"

"You look nice when you are calm instead of wild cat. I think I kinda like it."

"You are good at flattering but now go....."

Well! " Nothing looks good and this food also kinda boring that's why I really don't like parties they are so boring."

Well! " My lady what made you feel bad let me replace that."

Sorry! " Mister do I know you? Don't you think its impolite suddenly coming and starting conversation without self introduction..."

"My deep apologies my lady....."

It's okay! " Everything is good and nice no need of replacing?"

Why? " Didn't you said earlier...?"

Yes! " I said, And I remember well but the thing us you can't fulfill my replacement if I tell you to do so. You can't afford it. My tastes are kinda high."

I see! " Looks like you see through me lady what was my intention? Ì kind like it the way you are."

I see! " Mister! But the thing is I didn't see through you. Its just I can't stand the smell of your pervert perfume so take a side. If you don't want this drink on your face in next moment step aside. You won't step aside then don't blame me."

No! " I won't let me see baby what can you do with me and how wild you are?"

"You want to see then here you go....."

(splashes wine on face.....)

What the hell? You splashed wine on me? Bitch! Do you know how expensive is it?"

I's it expensive? I don't think so..... let me take a look..... what a cheap suit like you? Furthermore, I pity you for your taste even though that poker face is better than you in choosing dresses. I have to say you are fail man like this no girl will accept you."

"Who are you to tell me? Do you think I don't know who you are and your background and your family history? If you remember a girl at her age 9 killed her own mother."

(Commotion started in party..... All people looking at Hannah....)