
The message

My heart skipped a beat . I started sweating and at that time the only thought that struck to my mind was ' DEFENCE' . I grabbed a file from Amber's hand and turned to hit the person but he grabbed my hand and twisted it . The file fell from my hand . Darkness filled my vision. It was just like that when I was younger. I WAS HAVING A PANIC ATTACK. I tried to calm myself. I literally felt that I just finished a marathon race . My heart was racing . But then I saw Amber stuttering the word ' boss' . Wow , I am doomed. I lift my head to see his face and I saw a coloured face not too dark or too fair , with ocean blue eyes. Not gonna lie but he was damn handsome. I felt the colour draining from my face .

" Easy girl ". He said . He slowly let me go .

" You are Loarrian Kirsten , right? " He asked.

"Ye -yes sir " . My damn voice cracked and it always happens at the wrong time

" Hii , I am Christan and I am a sorry if I startled you " . He stretched his hands for a handshake. He was much taller than me . We shaked hands.

" Leave it on me Amber . I will show her the office. You can go back to your work " Christan said . I didn't want Amber to leave us alone . It was so awkward. We both were silent for a complete minute. I was praying ' God please kill me right now ' . But then he decided to break the silence and said " Don't worry I am not a man eating beast ". I smiled . We went to his office. His office was small but it looked like he poured his heart into decoration . His office was decorated in white and grey theme. But the one thing that attracted my attention was the bookshelf. There were lots books and most of them belonged to mystery or thriller genre. I was so lost in that book section that I didn't realise that he was just behind me . I turned and accidentally bumped into him.

" I am sorry " . I said . He smiled .

That day was exhausting. I was totally drained. I still had 3 files to complete. It was 8 in the evening. Everyone had left . Suddenly someone put a coffee cup on my table . It was Christan .

" Tired ?" He asked .

" Yeah , kind of" .

" Well I am not gonna suggest you that stop here and complete this files tomorrow. Because work is important. But I can help you with a cup of coffee ". He was kind and mature. I liked his nature . And I was truly looking for a strong coffee.

" Feeling energetic? " He asked .

" Yes boss ".

We continued talking for while . Suddenly I don't know what got into Christan . He got serious and asked me.

" We are all alone . Imagine what would you do if I did somthing wrong with you ? "

I tensed up . This was not a topic to talk about.

" Chillax. You get tensed up so easily ". I thought he was going to say something else but then his phone rang and he went away . Something was wrong with guys . Even though he said that he was kidding but I felt strange .

The rest of the week was tiring and exhausting. So on the weekend Amber , Rosie , Wellma and I decided to chill at our dorm terrace with some snacks and soda .I introduced Amber to Rosie and Wellma .

I was enjoying my evening when I heard a pop up sound . I GOT A MESSAGE . I opened the message . I thought it was joke because it doesn't made any sense. It was written like

' pain like Hell

tEars of blood

don't miss took me as aLive cause i am not, girl

hoPe you will

find Me soon

thEn you will be able to see my wounds ! '