
The Matrix Heights

My hands were shaking. I didn't wanted to pick up the call. But I did pick the call and I heard a woman's voice.

"Hello ? " she said .

I could not say anything. As if the words were not coming out of my mouth .

" Hello ? Are you there ? Hello ?" She repeated.

Tears almost filled my eyes . And in a trembling voice I said

"Hello ? " .

My heart hammered against my chest .

" Loarrian Kirsten ?" she asked.

" Ye-Yes " my voice cracked.

" Oh ! Well I am Amber and I am glad to inform you that you are selected for the secretary post in THE MATRIX HEIGHTS . Congratulations. " she said .

What ! I totally had forgotten that I had applied for the job . But now the thing is that I am selected for the post in the biggest magazine company of New York City . I didn't know how to react . My feelings were totally mixed .

" I am so sorry if you got scared. It was your co-worker and she was just messing with you dear ". She said . I felt so relieved that it wasn't something dangerous.

" Oh okay " I replied.

" And we will send you the details ".

" Okay "

" Meet you in the office. Take care "

" Sure bye ."

" Bye"

Then I heard Wellma asked from behind " Are you okay girl ?"

" Yeah " I said .

What a day it was . I almost got heart attack twice in the same day . I unpacked my things and Rosie and Wellma helped me . They were nice . Except Rosie's temper , but I think I can handle that . The next morning I went to the office. It was amazingly tall and beautiful building with total 26 floors . The interior was also awesome. I was instructed to meet Amber at the entrance of the 24th floor . And as I expected Amber greeted me at the entrance of the floor .

" Hii " she said . A short heightened , skinny girl with pale skin complexion. I greeted her . And then she started explaining everything about the company, my co-workers and my work . She was sweet and polite. Well to be honest I didn't expected that . At last she again apologized for those emails.

" Loarrian I am sorry for those emails " she said.

" Don't be . At least this isn't any sketchy place or kind of like trap , that I had expected. "

We both laughed at it . Then I heard a chuckle from behind and suddenly I got goosebumps when I felt like someone lean closer to my right ear from behind . But the most terrifying moment was when I heard someone whispering

" Are you sure this isn't a trap or a sketchy place , hm ?"