
The news


I woke up to witness a dark gloomy morning sky . For once I even misstook the time for 4 in the morning . But it was 6 in the morning. Usually the sweet sun rays woke me though it was pretty annoying to wake up early in the morning. But still I hadn't witness such a gloomy sky ever since I came to this city . But you know life didn't always lend you time to think about your surroundings. I got ready. This week was kinda good . Everyone in the office were so friendly. And I even made some friends including Christan . Yes , my boss. This week I got to know a lot about this guy . He was like an open book . He was sweet , funny and at the same time mature .

It was already 6 : 30 am and my reporting time at the office was 7 am . Something was strange today . As I left the dorm and went down I didn't see anyone . Usually you got to see people jogging , children going to their schools or people going to the offices. But today the road looked deserted. I barely saw one or two people . From the dorm to my office it took 20 minutes to reach . So I reached office at 6:50 am. The counter was empty . On normal days everybody were rushing to get their coffee , to reschedule their meeting or to get their files .

I shivered at the thought of being alone in the whole office. I glanced at the clock placed at the front wall of the counter. To my surprise, the hands of the clock went round and round and round.

' What's going on ? ' I thought. I took the lift to 14th floor where my desk was . I entered the room and saw not a single soul . There was an eerie blanket of silence . But then I saw a silhouette lurking in the corridor. I felt my heart sank .

" Hello?" No response. I followed that silhouette and that was the only choice left with me . I ended up in the conference room on the 15th floor . I saw Amber in the room .

"Amber?" I asked . She turned .

" Oh , It's you " . she said and surprisingly walked past me without saying a single word . I was shocked . But then I noticed a board in the centre. I went near it .

' We had a very unfortunate news . North Carolina cops found a twenty years old girl dead in her apartment. The cops said that the girl was 3 months pregnant. The most disturbing thing is her body was found after one week of her death when one of the neighbor informed the cops that a weird smell was coming from their neighbor's house . Sources also tells us that the North Carolina cops had also found some marks on her body . It seemed like she was harming herself. Cops also said that this seemed a clear suicide case but they are looking forward for more investigation' It was mentioned on that board. After reading I felt extremely sad . Its not very often that you come across a news like this but when you hear a news like this , your depression always kicks in. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realised Chirstan was behind me . He as always , slowly leaned near my ear and whispered " Why are you here?"

"Holy!! Oh my . Please have some mercy on my little heart " I said .

" Oh ok I will think about it . " He said while laughing .

" But tell me why are you here ? Haven't you heard the news , a storm is coming." Now I realised why I didn't see anyone . We talked for a little while and then we went to his office . He told me about a meeting and we were discussing about our new deals . Soon it started raining with heavy wind blowing. We were discussing when I got a call . And What I heard , started a storm inside me .