
My life

" Hello?"

" Is this Miss Loarrian Kirtzen?"

" Yes" .

" Oh, this is Officer Amanda from investigation agency " .

" Okay...Is everything alright officer ?"

" I doubt, no. Where are you now ?"

" I am in New York City "

" Can you please come to the North Carolina ?"

" Wh-What happened Officer?"

" Its a suicide case and....you are the suspect ".


Hii ! I am Lorraine Kirtzen , I am a brunette and I am 20 years old . I am actually from Ontario, Canada, but I recently moved to New York City in search of a good job and this was kind of like my dream to live independently. So I just got graduated from my University and...OH , wait a minute I got a message. Okay so its the dorm's address. My parents thought that living in a dorm it will be safer than anything else . Well atleast I can have good , sweet friends but....that's what I thought . The moment I entered the room I saw a pillow flying towards me ." HOLY CRAP WHAT IN THE WORLD ? " I screamed. I felt like my heart droped into my stomach . Two beautiful elegant ladies were fighting like cat and mouse . Wow what a warm welcome . I entered the room and placed my bag on the bed . It was a small room containing 3 beds and 3 side tables with 3 cupboards. The room was full of pop star's posters . One of the girls stop and bother herself to pay attention towards me .

" Hey look , to what do we owe this pleasure ? " a girl with maroon hair , pale skin and large eyes said this. She was tall and pretty.

" Rosie stop ! not with her . " other girl said .

" Whatever " Rosie said .

" Hii I am Wellma" the other girl said. Her skin complexion was dark and her height was short . She had brown wavy hair and was amazingly beautiful. I introduced myself . And everything went well . But then I got an email . It was written that ' CALL ME IN A MINUTE ' . It was from an unknown source so I ignored it . But then again I got another email. This time is was written 'BETTER HURRY OR ELSE DON'T BLAME ME ' . It was weird. I won't lie but I got scared. It was kind of a threatening email . But then I got a call and I accidentally dropped my phone . I got startled . I was scared to pick up the call . Even the caller Id was in red . But I picked up the call and....


Hey guys this my first time trying this kind of novel. I was so excited to write this novel. I hope you guys will like it and support me . If you have any kind of thoughts or ideas about my novel then please let me know.

scatteredsoulcreators' thoughts