
The Merc with a Mouth in DC (Rewriting)

This is a book about Deadpool in DC Universe. Want to know what would happen? Come and read at your own risk! Note: I am not that adept with the happenings in either DC or Marvel Comic Series as I have never read the comics continuously before. But this book would have a combination of what I know in DCEU and comics that I found in youtube. So it's a little bit of an AU, but still DC... With Deadpool that is. Tags: Action, Wade x Harley, R-18, Mature, Comedy, Drama, DCEU x Comics, No Harém, Romance, MCU x Comics The love interest is on the Cover. Aren't they lovely? Disclaimer: I do not own DC or Marvel in any ways, obviously. This is but a fanfiction about them. I also do not own the cover, so if you're the owner and want it down, just tell me. Join my Discord Server so we could talk about various ideas for the fic. [[https://discord.gg/tvXhVAepMT]]

FanfictionLover2 · Movies
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18 Chs

Chapter 08

Deadpool raised the bottle of alcohol and drank it relentlessly. While across him, Dopinder could also be seen downing the alcohol directly from the bottle instead of the shot glass.

Even though he already felt his throat hurting from him execessively consuming directly from the bottle, he still continued.


Deadpool slammed the bottle on the table and wiped his mouth with his free hand.

Across him, Dopinder also stopped drinking as he shakily put the bottle back on the table while coughing.

Deadpool smirked, not because Dopinder was coughing, but because he knows why Dopinder was drinking like that.

Staring at him, Deadpool then told Dopinder while shaking his head. "You don't need to do that Dopinder".

Dopinder couldn't even give a reply yet as he keep coughing and clearing his throat back and fort.

Seeing him like that, Deadpool could not help but smile gratefully. A truly rare situation where Deadpool expresses a true and grateful smile.

After a while, Dopinder finally recovered slightly as he decisively shook his head and said.

"I really..*cough*..don't know how to comfort someone Pool boy..*cough*..*cough*.. so.. ahem!.. this is the least I could do..*cough*".

Deadpool smiled and nodded in agreement as he said. "Yeah, what you're doing is really working".

Dopinder smiled back and said. "I'm glad".

They both went silent as Deadpool continued to drink the bottle of alcohol until it's all consumed.


Slamming the empty bottle back on the table, Deadpool then asked Dopinder of a certain question. "Hey Dopinder".

Dopinder raised his head and asked back. "Yes, Mr. Pool?".

Deadpool twirled the bottle in his hands and asked. "Why did you slammed the table earlier when you arrived?"

Hearing that, Dopinder flinched as he panicked internally. He scratched his cheek as he nervously said. "That... you see...".

Dopinder looks like he could not get the word out as he was feeling somewhat afraid and nervous.

Seeing him all nervous like that, Deadpool comforted. "No need to be nervous. Just spit it out".

Deadpool said that in a reassuring and soft tone, hoping to lessen Dopinder's nervousness.

And with Deadpool's reassurance, Dopinder then nodded as he slowly explained.

"I-I heard that i-if you put a strong and angry front in your grieving friend, you could pull them out from their miseries and wake them up. I-I just really heard it in an Ad Pool sir bu-".

"hahahahaha". Deadpool softly laughed.

"Mr. Pool?" Dopinder worriedly called out.

Deadpool laughed some more as he shook his head and said. "That's some great Ad right there".

Dopinder was about to apologize about earlier as he though that Deadpool was offended at what he did.

"It's okay, Dopinder". Deadpool interrupted Dopinder before he could even open his mouth.

"I understand. And I am really grateful for that... So Thank you". Deadpool said, full with gratitude.

Dopinder was surprised.

"If you didn't arrive, who knows what could happen to me?" Deadpool said with a smile, his words has more meaning than it initially sounds.

Dopinder was dumbfounded. He really thought for Deadpool to get angry at what he did, as he expected him to laugh then smash the bottle at his head for doing that earlier.

So to see him thanking him instead makes him surprised and glad.

So he accepted Deadpool's gratitude with a smile as he opened another bottle of alcohol and offered it to Deadpool. "For moving on, Mr. Pool".

Deadpool accepted the bottle and replied. "For moving on".

They drank together and continued in silence. No need for any words, just knowing that at least one person would come and accompany him at times like this was enough for Deadpool.

They didn't talk about Deadpool's broken heart.

They didn't talk about his divorce.

They didn't talk about Shiklah.

And they didn't talk about those people who did not come.

They just sat there, drinking in silence...

Sometimes silence was indeed enough more than a thousand words as the two just continued drinking and drinking until they reach their limits.


Two hours has passed and Dopinder was already knocked out on the table.

He passed out after drinking and trying to keep up with Deadpool, but he just can't.

He has no powers like him, nor does he have a high resistance against toxins, so he layed there at the table, totally unconscious.

Deadpool finished the bottle in his hands and looked at Dopinder.

He was really thankful that this guy came. Though he didn't speak that much, but his efforts on trying to comfort him was clear to see, so he was feeling better now unlike earlier.

He originally felt like going crazy before. Not crazy like he always was, but crazy to the point of insanity!

He felt a strong urge. The urge to take revenge. The urge to kill. To slaughter! Not just Shiklah and Dracula, but everyone who ignored him!

He wanted to kill them all badly for mistreating him like some disposable trash! He wanted to wreak havoc and unleash hell!

He wanted to lose control and just brandished his two Katanas around and kill everyone, this include the people in this bar!

The feeling of being abandoned was just too much to bear. Not to mention that this isn't the first time that it happened! It happened many times before, but not as painful as this one.

He totally felt abandoned, betrayed and alone. He was at his wits end and that loud slam on the table from Dopinder really woke Deadpool up from his turbulent thoughts.

If it was not for him, Deadpool could only imagine what he could have done with that kind of mental state like earlier.

"I think I really need to look for a psychiatrist". Deadpool mumbled.

Deadpool raised his hand and called the server. The server thought that Deadpool was asking for the bill, but Deadpool just gave him a bunch of expensive jewelries, saying that he didn't bring any money.

The server was dumbfounded as the jewelries all looked elegant and so expensive! All the alcohols they ordered couldn't possibly amount to at least even one of this jewelry!

So the server nervously told Deadpool that it was too much to use as a payment, but Deadpool just replied.

"I don't care. Use it, take it, go change your life, do anything you want with that. I don't need them anyways. Take the half as your tip and the half for this bar, tell them that Deadpool was thankful".

Finished saying that, Deadpool just stood up and carried Dopinder in a princess carry style, which is very awkward to see.

As they then walked out of the establishment with Deadpool walking calmly, albeit a little drunk, but not drunk enough to stumble with each step.

Deadpool was thankful for this bar. Each bar before this have refused his entry. Afraid what he could do inside.

Deadpool put all his efforts from controlling himself and not to unsheath his Katana at them and just patiently went to bar after bar, hoping that at least one bar could let him enter inside as he really need a drink.

And this bar just happened to welcome him, the manager was very reasonable and treated him just like the other customers, not minding his identity.

While the server in front of him just served all his drinks with professionalism, not complaining even one bit, though Deadpool noticed his occasional trembling hands, he still served him with a smile.

Deadpool left a dumbfounded server and a stunned manager/owner at the side who overheard their conversation.

As he strode his way outside to find a cab and bring the unconscious Dopinder back at his own house (Dopinder's house).

After waiting a couple of minutes while still carrying the unconscious Dopinder in his arms, a cab finally arrived as Deadpool then took the ride and told their destination.

The whole ride was smooth, Deadpool's drunkenness were almost all gone as he was now almost back to normal and was feeling completely better.

He thought that Dopinder was right, he should stop mopping around and stop from immersing himself in misery.

Because even though he still felt kind of hurt, he shouldn't be acting like earlier.

Everyone has their own lives. So why should he complain when they could not accompany him? He would just do the same next time then.

No need to wage war and include innocents just because of a heartbreak. He knew that it would all eventually heal at some time, he's Deadpool after all.

Arriving at Dopinder's house, Deadpool smoothly opened the door with Dopinder's keys and then put him on the bed.

That was the least that he could do to show his thanks from showing up and accompanying him earlier.

So with those all said and done. Deadpool left Dopinder's house with a smile after locking the door.

Deadpool walked a couple of blocks away from Dopinder's house until he arrived in a completely desolated area as he then yelled with all he's got.

"FUCK YOU ALL!!!!! FUCK YOU SHIKLAH! FUCK YOU AVENGERS!!! FUCK YOU FURY!!! FUCK YOU SPIDER-MAN!!! FUCK YOU X-MEN!!! FUCK YOU ALL!!!" Deadpool's chest was heaving up and down as he released the remaining bottled up emotions within him.

Sighing in satisfaction, he quietly said. "Deadpool totally resigned as your friend. Good luck". And left the place.

But before Deadpool could even take another step. He suddenly felt a strong pull. A force that was very strong he could not help but shiver!

A force that was out of this world! Anyone in the Universe or even the Multiverese could not even compare to this force as it totally pulled Deadpool from where he was and sucked him into a very dreadful looking portal as Deadpool heard a very ancient and powerful voice inside.

[[You would do]]. Is what Deadpool heard.

Deadpool's last words before getting pulled were. 'Shhhhit. I shouldn't have yelled huh?' And was totally absorbed by the portal.


Join my Discord Server so we could talk about various ideas for the fic. [[https://discord.gg/tvXhVAepMT]]

Oh my~ Who is that~?

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