
The Merc with a Mouth in DC (Rewriting)

This is a book about Deadpool in DC Universe. Want to know what would happen? Come and read at your own risk! Note: I am not that adept with the happenings in either DC or Marvel Comic Series as I have never read the comics continuously before. But this book would have a combination of what I know in DCEU and comics that I found in youtube. So it's a little bit of an AU, but still DC... With Deadpool that is. Tags: Action, Wade x Harley, R-18, Mature, Comedy, Drama, DCEU x Comics, No Harém, Romance, MCU x Comics The love interest is on the Cover. Aren't they lovely? Disclaimer: I do not own DC or Marvel in any ways, obviously. This is but a fanfiction about them. I also do not own the cover, so if you're the owner and want it down, just tell me. Join my Discord Server so we could talk about various ideas for the fic. [[https://discord.gg/tvXhVAepMT]]

FanfictionLover2 · Movies
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18 Chs

Chapter 07

Deadpool kept on drinking alcohol so that he could momentarily forget everything, just to ease the pain he was currently feeling inside.

He doesn't know what he should do, what he should do in times like this anyways?

So with no choice, Deadpool just banged his head on the table, which in turn shook it, creating a loud banging sound.

He garnered the attention of the people inside the bar as they all looked at the darker side of the place where the light was so dim, and there, they could only see someone else's outlined figure.

The people looked at the figure with curiousity, but immediately lost interest after seeing that the figure was just laying there motionless, they thought that he might have passed out.

Seeing this, one server then walked towards Deadpool to check his current state, only for her to stop just one meter away from him, as she immediately turned around and walked away from his table.

Seeing this, the manager frowned and confronted the server.

Seeing the manager, the server then told her findings, that the figure at that corner was none other than the famous Deadpool.

She was afraid of him as she knew that he wouldn't hesitate to kill his enemies, and now that he's drunk, no one knows what he could do.

She could see many bottles of alchohol sprawled around his table, so he is in no doubt drunk, that's why she was afraid.

Though some people revered to him as a hero, some people were also still scared of him.

The manager shook his head as he knew that this new server's worries were founded, so he just let her go and ordered the server who was serving Deadpool's drink for the past few hours to check upon him.

Though the server was also somewhat scared, he still walked his way towards Deadpool's table and remained professional. He knew that Deadpool was currently in a bad mood so he reminded himself to take a soft approach.

Approaching him, he softly asked. "Uhm, sir? Are you ok?"

To which Deadpool replied, a little drunk. "Do... I look like wannn?"

The server's body finched as he internally panicked, but still kept a professional expression outside and asked. "Then, do you need any help sir?"

Deadpool did not reply as he sat straight and stared at the server. He still has his mask partially lifted, so his scarred skin could be seen by the server amidst the dim lighting that the bar produced, which made him grimaced, thinking how painful could those be.

Deadpool then pointed at the server and said. "If you could fix a broken heart, then I would be indebted". Deadpool finished his words as he pointed his finger at his chest.

The server was feeling awkward, his sweat trickled down from his brows until to his cheeks as he nervously said. "I... could not do that sir".

Deadpool just nodded and shooed him away with his hand and said. "Just leave me alone then".

And banged his head once again on the table, which garnered him attention once again.

The server was feeling nervous, he was wondering if he said something wrong? He wouldn't get killed once he turned his back right?

So with that thought, the server backed away slowly, one step at a time while still staring at Deadpool warily.

He entirely focused his attention at him as he keep backing away, and when he was three meters away from Deadpool, he was about to sigh in relief, when he suddenly felt a hand had landed to his shoulders.

"Ah!" The server yelp in shock as he immediately stared at the owner of the hand, and there, he saw, a 5'8 feet tall brown man with curly hair.

The man's gaze remained at Deadpool as his face was supporting a frown while his eyes were determined.

The server looked at the man and at the hand on his shoulders back and fort with a weird expression.

Feeling the server's gaze, the man turned his head and looked at the server as they then stared at each other's eyes.

The server was awkward while the man, with his still serious eyes stared back at the server and slowly said. "I know him". The man pointed at Deadpool.

The server look at him weirdly, 'everyone knows him'. He thought.

But the man, with his left hand still on the server's shoulders pointed at Deadpool and stated. "He's my friend".

The server's eyes lit up as he looked at the brown man in front of him and nodded. "Oh, I see! Then please... Sir".

The server gestured the man to Deadpool's table. He assumed that the man was telling him that he'll handle deadpool, so he was grateful.

The man just nodded and stared at Deadpool's sorry figure with a determined gaze, and immediately strode his way towards him.

His steps were kind of exaggerated, as though he was marching, while his eyes were still full of determination.

Arriving beside Deadpool, the man then slammed his hand hard on the table.


Which woke an annoyed Deadpool up.

"Who's motherfucker wanted to die?!" Deadpool yelled in anger as he immediately grabbed a beer bottle and slammed it on the wall at his side, shattering it into pieces and turning the end into a sharp weapon.

Seeing this, the man's determined look immediately crumbled down as he yelp like a little girl and hurriedly told Deadpool.

"Ahh! Mr. Pool! Stop! It's me, it's me, it's me!"

The man hurriedly said as he raised his arm to defend himself.

Hearing that voice, Deadpool stopped and questioningly asked . "Dopinder?"

"Ah! It's me Mr. Pool! It's indeed me!" The man, who was Dopinder, confirmed meekly as he scratched his head awkwardly.

Deadpool stared at him in confusion and asked. "Why are you here?"

Dopinder's expression turned a bit serious as he said. "I heard what happened Mr. Pool. I am here to accompany you... If you need any company that is".

Deadpool stared at Dopinder with shock, his mouth wide open.

But after a moment, Deadpool stood up and hugged Dopinder into his arms.

Dopinder was a bit surprised with Deadpool's actions, but he accepted it nevertheless.

"Um... It's okay Mr. Pool, I'm here". Dopinder comforted as he patted Deadpool's back.

Deadpool just hugged Dopinder hard as he mumbled. "How could I forget about my slender-brown friend... Thank you... Thank you...". Deadpool repeatedly said in gratitude.

Dopinder just remained silent and quietly smiled while continuously patting Deadpool's back.

After a while of hugging each other, they finally separated as the server awkwardly take his leave while mumbling. "Bromance?"

Deadpool held Dopinder's shoulders as he nodded and invited him to his table. "Come, seat on the other side".

Dopinder nodded while scratching his cheek as he sat across Deadpool.

Deadpool sat back down as he stared at Dopinder and at his phone back and fort.

He scrolled down to his call history and found out that only Dopinder's contact number was unknowingly skipped.


So he laughed due to how ironic the situation is. He called everyone and unknowingly skipped one contact number.

But out of all the people he called, no one came. But the one who came was the person he accidentally skipped instead? How ironic!

Dopinder stared at the laughing Deadpool, and as though he decided something. He too, laughed with him.


Deadpool stopped his laughter and stared at Dopinder. "Why are you laughing?" Deadpool asked, really confused.

Dopinder immediately stopped his laughter and cleared his throat. "I don't know why you laughed Pool sir, but I did anyways as I did came here to accompany you, I don't want you to feel alone so I laughed too. You are not alone, Pool sir". Dopinder said with conviction.

Deadpool was gobsmacked as he felt Dopinder's sincere words. Recovering from his shock, Deadpool also sincerely said. "You never cease to amaze me Dopinder. You are a true friend". Deadpool grabbed Dopinder's hand and squeezed it tightly.

Which made Dopinder react slightly in pain, but he could feel Deadpool's gratitude, so he let it be.

"Your welcome Mr. Pool". Dopinder said.

Deadpool nodded and patted Dopinder's shoulders and poured him a drink. "Drink with me Dopinder".

Dopinder nodded, glad that he seems to be not overpushing his boundaries by going here. He honestly still felt like a bit of an outsider as Deadpool's friends were all cool and smart peole.

While he, on the other hand was just a small time contracted killer that got in due to Weasel's training.

He mastered the way to hold a mop for years before he could hold a gun, only to find it uncomfortable to grasp, so he went back to the mop and made it as his main weapon.

Which resulted on him earning the nickname, "The Mop guy". It doesn't sound so intimidating, but Weasel comforted him by telling that it was the coolest name one could ever get.

"The mop guy would come to your doorsteps, so be prepared to be cleaned (slaughter)". Is what weasel said, so he accepted the name.


Join my Discord Server so we could talk about various ideas for the fic. [[https://discord.gg/tvXhVAepMT]]

Dopinder appears! The Mop Guys is here~!

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