
The Merc with a Mouth in DC (Rewriting)

This is a book about Deadpool in DC Universe. Want to know what would happen? Come and read at your own risk! Note: I am not that adept with the happenings in either DC or Marvel Comic Series as I have never read the comics continuously before. But this book would have a combination of what I know in DCEU and comics that I found in youtube. So it's a little bit of an AU, but still DC... With Deadpool that is. Tags: Action, Wade x Harley, R-18, Mature, Comedy, Drama, DCEU x Comics, No Harém, Romance, MCU x Comics The love interest is on the Cover. Aren't they lovely? Disclaimer: I do not own DC or Marvel in any ways, obviously. This is but a fanfiction about them. I also do not own the cover, so if you're the owner and want it down, just tell me. Join my Discord Server so we could talk about various ideas for the fic. [[https://discord.gg/tvXhVAepMT]]

FanfictionLover2 · Movies
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18 Chs

Chapter 09

"Shhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiittttttttt!!!!!" Deadpool yelled at the top of his lungs as he felt himself getting pulled by a powerful force. The speed he was experiencing was faster or rather the fastest that could ever exist in the entire Multiverse!

Deadpool could hardly see anything around him as everything he passes to would all turn into nothing but blurry sights!

He felt his whole body, down to its every parts, tearing! His skin, muscles, bones, nerves, blood, everything was being teared and dissolve into nothingness!

Only for it to heal immediately after.

It's not because of his healing factor, rather, the force that was pulling him was healing him everytime he was turned into nothingness!

He felt his very soul getting pulled out of his body numerous times.

It was teared to pieces and assembled back together after!

If you ask him, Deadpool would definitely answer that it was the most painful thing he has ever experienced in his entire life!

It's fine if those painful things could only happen once or twice, he could still at least cope up with that.

But no!

As soon as his body and soul was healed, it would all tear and disintegrate once again!

He always feels like dying for real, only for him to heal in a blink! Deadpool literally screamed his lungs out, but no voice or sound would come out.

It was like he was in a place were sound doesn't exist.

The only thing that he could see were nothing but blurry lights that would pass by him in great speed!

The force that was pulling him was still present, as it dragged him to who knows where!

The process of being disintegrated into subatomic level and healing back together keep on repeating all over again without stop.

He would turn into nothingness and brought back again.

It was like he was stuck in a loop were everything would happen over and over again.

Deadpool has already used every words to curse his situation as well as the voice behind that portal as he knew that it was undoubtedly the culprit behind all of this.

What Deadpool was currently experiencing could totally break anyone mentally, but the force was preventing that to happen.

If there is something that was fully protected by the force, then it was the little sanity that he always has.

It keeps him from completely breaking inside as when the pain started to corrode his mind, the force would completely expel it all together.

That's why all this painful experience, all this blurry sights and this powerful force was being fully witnessed by Deadpool's protected mind!

Deadpool was slowly adapting to the pain, he could still feel it all clearly, but he was slowly getting used to it.

A little more and he might really become totally immune to feeling pain, even if his soul was teared apart.

But before that could happen, Deadpool saw something far at the distance in front of him.

Slowly it became clearer and clearer as the speed he was travelling to was so fast that in no time, he finally saw what it really was.

It was the same hideous looking portal before!

"Fuc-". But before Deadpool could even completely curse, he was thrown by the very force that was pulling him right into the hideous looking portal.


And was totally absorbed by it. After Deadpool got into the portal, it immediately closed and vanished as though it was never there in the first place.


"Ahhhhh!" Deadpool yelled as he flew across the place after the portal that he passed through spitted him out.

He tumbled and rolled around, breaking several of his bones in the process.

His suit was still unscathed as though it was not ripped apart along with his body earlier.

He doesn't look like a mangled corpse, in fact, he looks completely healed!

Aside from the new broken bones he just sustained, he was pretty much all fine.

He rolled and rolled for dozens of meters until all momentum was lost and finally stopped.

"Agh". Deadpool groaned. The memories from earlier was very clear for him to remember inside his head.

Knowing and experiencing that kind of hell, or rather worst than hell, he obviously doesn't want to experience it all over again.

So as a result, Deadpool was restricting his movements, in fear that he might once again go through that portal.

Deadpool remained there, unmoving, as he laid there sprawled down into the misty floor.

"Misty?" Deadpool confusingly asked as he turned his head and checked his surroundings.

And indeed, the very floor itself was misty. He could feel the hard and cold surface of the floor, but he could not see it. It completely looks nothing but a mist.

A mist that he could step on.

Deadpool slowly stood up and tried to inspect the place around him, and what he saw was nothing but astonishing!

Around Deadpool, the place were all colored with white and gold! But that was not the astonishing part!

What surprised or shocked him was after seeing various books with different covers on them, they could all be seen either hovering around or lying down on the floor!

All the books' pages were all turning again and again as words and letters flew in them and went inside them.

Words, numbers and all kinds of letters were flying around as it enters every book to form sentences of all kinds.

Every books also exude power that couldn't be imagined by anyone! Even getting close to any of them made Deadpool's skin to dissolve into nothingness once again.

"This...". Deadpool dumbfoundedly looked around, not even caring about the dissolving parts of his skin.

He has a hunch on what those are, but he still asked nonetheless.

"Where is this?" He loudly asked, but no one answered.

"Where the fuck is this?!" Deadpool yelled, louder than before as he looked around warily.

But there is still no answer.

Deadpool was pissed, so he prepared to yell with all he's got, but before he could do that, all words, letters and numbers suddenly stopped their movements and started moving around Deadpool, surrounding him!

Deadpool tried to pull out his Katana to slash at them but it turned into letters instead that read "Katana".

Deadpool clicked his tongue in annoyance and pulled out his gun, but it also turned into a words that read "Gun".

Seeing this, Deadpool hurriedly backed away, trying to keep his distance from all the letters and numbers flying around him.

But he could not, he was completely surrounded from all sides!

If it could do what he was thinking it could. Then he would also turn into letters once he was physically touched!


(A/N: Short chapter for now. Sorry. Will be editing this tomorrow as I think I have made a lot of mistakes. But what could I do? I was literally dozing off while writing, so this is it for now my sexy readers! Hope you all still like it!

Also, please vote with your Power Stones so that this book could crawl its way into the rankings. The higher place it was, the more readers could find it! Which means, more people could join my Discord! So help me with this one, thank you.)

Join my Discord Server so we could talk about various ideas for the fic. [[https://discord.gg/tvXhVAepMT]]

Short Chap~

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