
The meme was true I'm Xehanort

Kingdom Hearts speed runner is killed by a meteor strike and is reborn as Xehanort. Warning I'm Dyslexic so this might be unreadable. This has had no Beta the most this story has been through is Grammarly.

Jett_Gray_8151 · Video Games
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4 Chs

Trip to Arendelle

[Alert Digi egg is Hatching]

Cracks on the widen and then the egg exploded. Out of the egg was what looked like a football-sized orang cat head with a black striped tail. The tips of its ears were tipped with black fur. It had green eyes.

[Digimon Nyaromon has been hatched]

[Quest Complete: Hatch a friend]

(Reward: 1000p, 1 Gotcha Gem, Cure spell)

"Hi, my name is Nyaromon, mew. What is your name friends?"

"I'm Xehanort, the one with cat ears is Shirone, the girl with the white eyes is Cassandra and the one with the six feet of hair is Cassandra's sister, Rapunzel."

"It's a monster cat head that talks! I love it!" Rapunzel pick up Nyaromon and spun. Rapunzel got tangled up in her hair becoming a makeshift spool of hair. Nyaromon was dizzy. Xehanort then picked Nyaromon up and placed it in his lap.

"The world won't stop spinning," Nyaromon said closing her eyes.

"Good News! You should stop feeling dizzy in a moment. Bad news is the fact the world will never stop spinning. The world is turning at a 1000 miles an hour. It's going around the sun at 6700 miles an hour. We're all just falling in space clinging to this tiny world. That is what I feel when I concentrate." Xehanort said silence falls on the group. "That's enough for now let's go to sleep."

Xahanort went to the tent, set up the divider, and slept. Later that night Shirone and Nyaromon snuck into Xehanort's side of the tent. This went on for three weeks before Rapunzel and Cass also joined on Xehanort's side of the tent. Xehanort started to wonder why he bought a tent with a divider in the first place.


The Captain of Corona's guard looked at the crime scene the dead and decaying corpse of the little girl impaled with a sword of an odd design. The message was written in her blood. The rest of the house was ransacked. No food or money was left here. They did find a hidden passage that led to a tunnel that led them to a tower none of them had ever seen before. In the tower, they found paintings of a girl with long sunflower blond hair, and the journal of one Gothel. This might give them a lead on where the princess might be. 

But alas the journal came to a close with no hints of where the princess and Gothel may have gone. The only other lead they had now was the message written in that poor girl's blood. "Zan Tiri." The captain went to the place and told his discovery to the king.

"Do we have any idea who this Zan Tiri might be?" The queen asked. The court mumbled trying to figure out who this Zan Tiri might be. 

"I have an idea of who Zan Tiri is." The kingdom's blacksmith Xavier raised his hand. "Zah Tiri was a demon centuries ago that ravaged the kingdom of Corona. It became a blizzard that nearly destroyed Corona if it wasn't for Lord Demanitus. Demanitus made an underground device to repel the blizzard and seal away Zan Tiri. If I had to make a guess of who may have committed the crime it was one of Zan Tiri's followers. Gothel is either on the run with the princess or she was slain by Zan Tiri's followers and the princess is in their hands now."

"Do we have a way to track where the princess might be?" 

"Your majesty we have a blood hond on its way to try to sniff outwear the princess is. I hope we can get her back and remove the blight of the Zan Tiri follower from the realm." The Captain stated.

"Xavier, is there anything you might suggest to deal with the followers of the demon Zan Tiri?"

"I would suggest finding the Demanitus Device it acts as the main seal on Zan Tiri. If it falls into the hands of followers we will have much bigger problems to deal with. Safe to say if Zan Tiri is freed it will be the end of all we know." The king nodded and has the guards he could spare search for the Demanitus Device.

The bloodhound tracked the Princesses sent until a river. After that, the hound lost track and was unable to pick it up again.


4 months of walking and now they were a day's trip from the port city of Weasel Town. Xehanort planned to take the group on a boat to Arendale. Xehanort had thought the group would get there in 3 months instead of 4. But he forgot how easy it was to get off the trail to check something out. Getting banged up didn't matter when you had the healing power of the sundrop. So we ran into various hostile animals. Bears, wolves, and a fucking manticore. That manticore leads Nyaromon to digivolving into Meicoomon. As far as running into other humans. No one not even a single person. No fellow travelers, bandits, or semi-intelligent life. Not even a dwarf. The group managed as a hole to cultivate into the second real on the road. Shirone was almost caught up to Xehanort a week ago. The diff between A- and B- body is 60 points a day. Sooner or later Shirone is going to surpass Xehanort in terms of cultivation. 

The group was just about to come out of the woods when they were stopped by a crossbow bolt hitting the ground at Cass's feet.

"Now ladies and gents. I, Anthony the Weasel, am here from the Baron to collect taxes. So hand over all your valuables and I'll let you all keep your lives." 

Anthony the Weasel is a scarecrow of a man. His hair was orange in a ponytail under his raggedy pointed hat, and his nose resembled a carrot. The man had some of the worst buck teeth Xehanort had ever seen. The thing that stood out most to Xehanort was that Anthony still had both eyes.

[Quest Alert: Deal with the Weasel]

(Find a way to deal with Anthony the Weasel. Barter, kill, run away, KO what you do doesn't matter as long as you keep your stuff. By the way, if you just give up the system will shut down for a year. )

"Parley," Xehanort said

"I'm not a pirate but I'll honor that code. Wait You're just a bunch of moppets. I thought you would at least be nobles with thoughts outfits you wearing." Anthony 

"Nope, we're just a group of kids heading for the port city. If you would so kindly let us leave it would be appreciated." 

"Now you see if it was any other day I would let you go just like that but unfortunately I'm a little behind on payments this month. So I would like one of you to be my payment to the boss."

"That's not happening Weasel. You know what sense you have been such a good sport I'll let you live after my friend Cass over there gets to try out the gentle fist on your person"

"The gentle wha-"

"Stop" (25 mp used) "Cass he's all yours."

"Sweet I get to beat someone up!" Cass got in her stance and proceeded to do 36 plams closing half the chakra points in Anthony's body knocking the thug out when his time restarted.

"Should we just leave him here?" Shirone asked,

"We will move him on to the road but that's the most we will do." Xehanort proceeds to drag the thug to the road. He found a set of handcuffs on the man so he cuffed him to a signpost. After that, Xehanort rewrote Anthony's memory of the encounter so that he found himself fighting a snake man.

"Well that was a diversion but it doesn't matter for we are almost to the port town." Xehanort said wanting to put the whole event behind him.

"Shouldn't we be concerned about the Baron guy he mentioned?" Rapunzel 

"Nope, the Baron will be busy looking for his runaway daughter and a rider, too look into what happened to one of his grunts." 

[Quest Complet: Deal with the Weasel{Due to letting Cass deal the bulk of the damage, she will receive a reward}]

(Reward: 2000p, Bonus Cass body has been upgraded from C+ to B- {Warning: this process will start the next time she falls asleep. She will sleep for three days and will be in a large amount of pain} Penalty for breaking parley: Pirates spite {You will suffer 20% more damage from pirates and all pirates see you and your party as scum. This penalty will last until you do a great service for the pirates. Such as breaking the curse on Barbosa and his crew, retrieving the black pearl for Jack Sparrow, etc, etc})

"Crap baskets. Well, we should get to the port at the end of the day."

"So what are we doing in the port town?" Rapunzel asked

"We're going to be charting a ship for Arendale. But we have been going for the last 4 months mostly nonstop. I think it's a good time to take a break for a bit. I'll see about getting a ship leaving in a week. The first thing I'll do is get us a room for the time being." Xehanort picked up the pace.


"Reason for visiting to Weasel Town?" The city guard asked.

"We're booking a boat to Arendelle. And here to take a rest after a long trip." The puppet answered.

The guard looked over his book of known criminals and found nothing. "So one adult and four kids you don't have a wagon. I will need 7 gold for the lot of you." The puppet handed over the gold coins. "This is a city pass; it will last two weeks. Just stay out of trouble. The last thing I want to do is bring you before the duke."

"Any suggestions on an inn for our time here?" The puppet asked.

"Well, the Red Dragon Inn is one of the better inns in town. They have a good breakfast and a tavern that is open all hours." 

After that Xehanort booked a room and left the girls to go book a ship only taking Meacomon and the puppet with him.

"This bed is so nice! I could just curl up into a ball and pass out." Shirone said, starting to purr. 

"This place is so cool! I get to see new buildings and art. People walking around aren't just the four of us or the puppet. What do you think sis?" Rapunzel asks

"It's nice and all but I'm tired. I think I'm going to just go to sleep and wake up later for breakfast." Cass. Cass stumbled her way to the bed and Rapunzel placed the blanket on her. Her hand touched Cass's skin.

"Cass! You're burning up. What should I do? What should I do?" Rapunzel ran back and forth.

"Raps you do know you have magic hair that can heal about anything." Shirone 

"OH, right!" Rapunzel wraps one of Cass's hands with her hair. "Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt. Change the Fates design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine, what once was mine." Raps watched as the spell was used. But there were no results. 

"Ok, I have some wet rags see if we can get her cooler." Shirone 

Over the next two hours, Shirone and Rapunzel would change Cass's wet rags and Rapunzel would try using her healing song. When Xehanort got back he made sure to get Cass to drink water and made some ice blocks in the room to help cool Cass down. It was like this over the next 3 days. Rapunzel was just glad that her sis woke up. Over that 3-day period, Cass ruined the bed and Xehanort had to pay for a new one. It was another 7 days in the port town of Weasel Town before the ship left for Arendelle.


"I hope we never have to stay at that inn again," Cass grumbled. Setting bags down in the cabin room of the ship.

"You won't have to worry about that. We were banned from that inn. But I wasn't planning on returning to Weasel Town again anyway." Xehanort groned on the desk of their ship's cabin.

"Why were we banned?" Rapunzel asked.

"Water damage to the floor of the room, breaking a bed. I lost 400 gold just on that room. 2000 gold for passage on the ship going to Arendelle. We are down to just a little over 2,000 gold at the moment."

"Well, that's good right?" Shirone asked.

"We are fine for now. But we are fudged the next time we have to take a boat. The problem is money and the fact that we don't have a lot of ways to earn money. We are 4 four-year-old kids with a shapeshifting puppet and a cat."

"So we're going to be stuck once we get to Arendelle?" Rapunzel

"We will need to stay until we can scrounge up enough cash to be able to travel again." Xehanort

"So what's the plan?" Cass

"Oooh, we could sell art!" Rapunzel

"We could open a sweets shop." Shirone

"Fight club!" Cass. The rest of the group looks at Cass.

"What's the first rule of fight club?" Shirone

"No one talks about fight club," Cass grumbled 

"And if no one is allowed to talk about the establishment in question, how are we going to make money?" Rapunzel. Cass went quiet.

"We beat them up and take their gold? Never mind that just makes us the bad guys with extra steps."

"The problem with the sweet shop is the fact that Shirone would eat out our entire stock of products by herself. The issue with selling art is that the cost of the supplies outweighs the profit you might make. Also, it is a small market. Not everyone will have the cash for portraits and not everyone will want to buy art. But I will allow you to sell your art if you want to. I'm just saying we can't make it on art alone. I'm thinking of opening a massage parlor. Easy repeatable customers. And over time our gold will be enough to leave." Xehanort

"Do you have the skills to be a good masseuse?" Cass

"I'll show you when we stop at Arendelle." Xehanort.


"That took way too long but I'm glad we didn't need to go through the king just to rent a building in the town. Customs here is a joke." Xehanort.

"I'm just glad we're off that boat. It took us almost two months to finally get to Arendale." Shirone 

"Customs?" Cass

"Well it's the system where a kingdom will let in guests. They should check if you have the documents that let you come into the kingdom. They only asked how many of us were coming in and for a small fee. They didn't check if we were known criminals, the duration of our stay, or our purpose for coming. They didn't even check our luggage for contraband. We took longer to get a place for the shop/housing than it took to go through that joke of customs." Xehanort 

"So we spent 1000 gold on the place for six months. How much do we have left, after the fees for entering Arendelle?" Shirone

"We're down to 950 gold. Also in other news. We made it to our new home."Xehanort

The home had in total of 5 rooms. 2 on the ground floor were bathrooms with running water. One kitchen/dining room. And a shop room. With a sales counter and two sets of shelves for products. The upstairs was an attic/bedroom with two queen beds and a wardrobe that looked a bit familiar to Xehanort.

"I'm shocked that this place isn't covered in dust. Alright, I'm going to get this place set up for work. Shirone and Mei, I need you two to remove this set of shelves and take them up to the attic. Make sure they're out of the way." Xehanort 

"Got it." Shirone

"Will do, nya." Meicoomon

"Raps I need you to make up signs to advertise this shop as well as your own art services." 

"Okay doke loki I'm on it. What exactly should I put on the signs?" Rapunzel

"Black Rose massage parlor and Gold flower art studio." Xehanort

Xehanort gave Rapunzel a stack of 30 sheets of paper and an ink pot and brush. (90 p spent)

"Just try to keep the mess to the minimum until we get time to set you up a studio upstairs. Cass, please keep an eye on her." Cass nodded in response to Xehanort.

 Xehanort then took a message table he had made in Weaseltown. Next, he took out curtains and set them up to make a room for messages. After that Xehanort went upstairs to see that Shirone and Meicooman were done. He waved them over to help him move one of the beds next to the other making one large bed. Xehanort then took out and set up more currents and placed a trap on the floor. 

"Looks like we're going to need to check around town to see if we can find an easel. But that can wait for another day. For now, I'll see about making us some dinner." Xehanort

"I want fried chicken!" Meicoomon

"That sounds so good." Shirone 

"Alright, I'm making steamed broccoli and some cheese biscuits to go with it." Xehanort

I could use my point balance.

[Current point balance 21182p]

So I need just 9000p for the next six months. That leaves me with 12182 to use at the moment. I'm going to buy 2 advanced skill books and an expert skill book so that's 9000p used only leaving 3482p to spare more than enough to buy ingredients for today. 

Okay, I need a dozen eggs, a bottle of sherry, milk, 5 lb of flour, walnut oil, a block of cheddar, baking soda, baking powder, 2lb butter, garlic powder, 6lb of chicken breast, a gallon of milk, 2 sprigs of broccoli and a french loaf of bread.

(67p spent)

Okay, I need 2 advanced message skill books, and 1 expert message skill book.

(9000p spent)

[Current point balance 12115p]

 Okay, time to use the book eater skill.

[Learn 1 level in Advance Message (Y/N)]


[Advance Message LV8>LV9 ]

[Quest Complete: Book Devoured]

 (Reward: 1000p, 1 Gotcha Gem, Cooking advance skill book)

[Learn 1 level in Advance Message (Y/N)]


[Advance Message LV9>LV★MAX]

[Advance Message LV★MAX became Expert Message LV1]

(10 hp lost due to mental overload)

[Quest Complete: From Advanced to Expert Archived]

 (Reward: 5000p, 2 Gotcha Gem, MP Rage Ability)

[Learn 1 level in Expert Message (Y/N)]


[ Expert Message LV1>LV2]

(20 hp lost due to mental overload. 6 points of MP restored from MP Rage. MP is already maxed out.)

Xehanort noticed he was having a hard time smelling anything and he had a headache. Bringing his hand to his nose he noticed that he was bleeding.

"Okay, I should probably stop using Book Eater for today. Can I get a Gem balance?" Xehanort

[Current Balance 33 Gems]

 Keeping in mind that I get 1 Gem free per month and can buy 3 more with the shop. I need 17 gems more. It should take at minimum 5 months to get to 50 Gems. Assuming I don't get any more Gems from quest rewards. Alright, I don't want to keep them waiting for dinner. 

"FOODS READY!" Xehanort shouted.

"So we're done with the posters." Repunzel said her face was painted to make her look like a cat.

"I'm glad that I gave you nontoxic ink. Cass why di-" Xehanort was stopped by the fact Cass was inked to look like a gentleman with a monocle and mustache. "HEHHE." Cass and Rapunzel also burst into giggles. 

"I'm glad we're done moving furniture. So what's next?" Shirone asked, taking food onto her plate.

"Tomorrow we're going to register with the local merchants guild and see about getting approval for putting up those snigs Raps made. We're also going to see about picking up an easel for the art studio. After we get that done I'm going to see doing some work. I'll take the first three customers free and have them spread the word around town about their experience. Raps you should set up the shelves to show off your artwork and give a price range for your work. As for Cass and Shirone feel free to train and do as you please. Just try to stay out of trouble. I don't want to have to stop work for the day to save you from the town guard. Same goes for you Mei." Xehanort. The group all nodded their agreement.

"*Burp* I'm stuffed." Raps said. The group did their dishes.

"Alright Cass, come to my massage room. You ask me to show off my message skills so let me show you." 

"Alright, what do you need me to do?" Cass

"Take off your coat, you can leave your shirt on and lay down on the massage table." Xehanort


"I'm only going to do this for 20 minutes. Now try to stay still and awake." Xehanort cracked his knuckles 

"What did you m- ahhh" Cass's words devolved into moans. She was only able to stay awake for five minutes.


"Uh-oh. The princess is trapped in the snow goblin's evil spell. Quick, Elsa! Make a prince! A fancy one!" Anna. Elsa conjures a prince with her ice magic, she then hands it to Anna. "Oh, no! The prince is trapped, too." Anna holds up the prince and with her deepest voice she says "Who cares about danger when there's love?" She then makes the prince and princess kiss.

"Ugh, Anna Bleugh! Kissing won't save the forest. The lost farries cry out. What does the fox say?" Elsa

"I don't know." Anna

Elsa then congers a fairy riding a horse. They wake the fairy queen. Who breaks the spell and save everyone!" Elsa

 Anna then hugs all of the ice toys. "Then they all get married"

"What are you playing?" The King asks his two kids.

"Enchanted Forest. The prince and the princess-" Anna

"Hmm, That's like no enchanted forest I've ever seen." King Agnarr

"You've seen an enchanted forest?" Elsa

"Wait, what?" Anna

"I have. Once." King Agnarr

Anna stands up hands on her hip. "And you have never told us about this before."

"Well, I can tell you now." Anna and Elsa rush up to their bed to hear their dad's story.

"Okay tell us now." Anna

"Are you sure about this?" Queen Iduna

"It's time they know." King Agnarr

"Let's make a big snowman later." Anna whispered to Elsa.

"If they can settle and listen." Anna and Elsa hush up to listen. "Far away as north as we can go stood a very old and very enchanted forest. But its magic wasn't that of goblin's pell and lost fairies. It was protected by the most powerful spirits of all. Those of air, fire, water, and earth. But it was also home to the mysterious Northuldra people." King Agnarr

"Were the Northildra people magical, like me?" Elsa

"No, Elsa. They were not magical. They just took advantage of the Forest's gifts. Their ways were so different from ours. But still, they promised us friendship. In honor of that your grandfather King Runeard, built them a mighty dam to strengthen their waters. It was a gift of peace." The king

 "That's a big gift of peace." Anna

"And I was so honored to get to go to the Forest to celebrate it. I wasn't at all prepared for what the day would bring. We let down our guard. We were charmed. It felt so magical. But something went wrong. They were attacking us. It was a brutal battle. Your grandfather was lost. The fighting enraged the sprites. They turned their magic against us all. There was this voice and someone saved me. I'm told the spirits then vanished. And a powerful mist covered the Forest. Locking everyone out. And that night I came home king of Arendelle." King Agnarr

"Woah, Papa. That was epic. Whoever saved you, I love them." Anna

"I wish I knew who it was." King Agnarr

"What happened to the spirits? What's in the Forest now?" Elsa

"I don't know. The mist still stands. No one can get in. And no one sense has come out." King Agnarr

"So were safe." The Queen Iduna

"Yes, but the Forest could wake again. And we must be prepared for whatever danger it may bring." King Agnarr

"And on that note, how about we say good night to your father?" Queen Iduna.

"Awww, but I still have so many questions." Anna

"Save them for another night, Anna." King Agnarr

"You know I don't have that kind of patience. Why did Northuldra attack us anyway? Who attacks people who give them gifts?" Anna

"Do you think the Forest will wake again?" Elsa

"Only Ahtohallan knows." Queen Iduna

"Octa-who-what?" Anna

"When I was little, my mother would sing a song about a special river called Ahtohallan, which was said to hold all the answers about the past. About what we are a part of." Queen Iduna.

"Will you sing it for us?" Elsa

"Please?" Anna

"Okay cuddle close. Scooch in Elsa." Queen Iduna

Where the North wind meets the sea

There's a river full of memory

Sleep, my darling, safe and sound

For in this river, all is found

In her waters, deep and true

Lie the answers and a path for you

Dive down deep into her sound

But not too far or you'll be drowned

Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear

And in her song, all magic flows

But can you brave what you most fear?

Can you face what the river knows?

Where the North wind meets the sea

There's a mother full of memory

Come, my darling, homeward bound

When all is lost, then all is found

"Well my darlings have a good night's sleep." Queen Iduna

I hope I can get chapter 4 don't before the end of the year. But I make no promises. I'm lazy.

Jett_Gray_8151creators' thoughts