
The Med Ninja (Machine Translation)

The MC is transmigrated as Nohara Rin's big brother. He is a medical ninja and a swordman. This is a machine translation, I am not the author.

RandomSwordsThief · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 46

After arriving home, he quickly healed Rin's wound.

At this moment, Wang Cai hurried in from outside,

"What's going on? You're in such a hurry?!" Nohara Amazawa frowned and asked.

Wang Cai was out of breath, and said quickly: "Sir! It seems that there is a very serious patient from the hospital. It is very difficult. Just now, Lord Minato Minato has specially sent someone to look for you. I hope Can you come over there!"

Nohara Amazawa's eyes sank, it turned out that Minato sent someone to look for him? It seems that things are really serious.

He simply explained a few words at home, put on his white trench coat, picked up his medical kit, and hurried out of the house.

It was late at night and the dew was thick. Nohara Amazawa stepped

into the night and rushed to Konoha Hospital at a very fast speed. This is his professional quality as a doctor.

Soon, he arrived at the Konoha Ninja Hospital.

Sure enough, something big happened. At this time on weekdays, there should be only the ninja hospital where the doctor on duty is left. At this time, the lights are bright, and everyone is rushing in and out.

I don't know who shouted at this time,

"The Minister is here!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and quickly made way for him.

At this time, Namikaze Minato hurried out of the hospital, grabbed the corner of his shirt, and led him inside,

"Amazawa, you are finally here!"

Namikaze Minato Minato is also very busy here. It was also stained with dark purple blood, and it was too late to replace it.

"What's going on?" Amazawa asked with a frown.

"Do you still remember the team I told you about visiting the country of the wind last time?"

"After I asked Hokage-sama for instructions, I sent a rescue team to rescue them, and I saw a team that broke out of the sand ninja encirclement. They have suffered very heavy casualties, and there are only two people left alive now, and they are also not lightly injured."

Minato Namikaze frowned and sighed with a very dignified gaze.

Within a few words, the two of them had already walked to the Konoha Hospital, and Minato Namikaze simply explained a few sentences, and he roughly knew what happened.

A whole room of medical ninjas surrounded these two patients, but no one dared to take action.

because of pressure.

The pressure is too great!

These medical ninjas, each with sweat on their foreheads, could not think of where to start, and they did not dare to do it at all, for fear that an accident would hurt the two more seriously and die on the spot.

At this time, I don't know who shouted,

"Get out of the way! The Minister is here!"

It was like a life-saving straw. Seeing Nohara Amazawa walking in with Namikaze Minato, the medical ninjas breathed a sigh of relief.

As if his arrival was the best tranquilizer.

"Lord Amazawa, take a look! We...we really can't do anything..."

Those people stepped out of the way and retreated three feet away, leaving enough space for Nohara Amazawa, who has the feel authoritative.

Nohara Amazawa finally saw the injured person in front of him, and even he couldn't help frowning.

Blood, too much blood.

The two people lying on the sick g in front of him have almost all turned into bloody people.

There were a lot of kunai and shuriken all over his body, and there were still several blood holes in his body, some of which were already wounded, and the other medical ninjas didn't even dare to move.

Because of excessive blood loss, both of them were lying on the g with pale faces, fell into a coma, and looked lifeless. If they didn't have a trace of breath and body temperature, it would even make people feel that they were two dead people.

Nohara Amazawa's expression suddenly became very serious. When

he entered the working state, he was very serious and rigorous about everything.

He walked to the two people, opened his toolbox, and briefly checked the injuries of the two people.

Not as serious as last time Matty, but more tricky than last time.

On the one hand, it was because he didn't have enough third-order soul-returning pills like last time. On the other hand, he didn't know what the two of them encountered before they fell into a coma.

After the initial diagnosis, Nohara Amazawa paused, and he needed to think about how to treat it.

These two patients are like two math problems, and we must find the right way to solve this problem.

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but asked, "Amazawa, is there any hope for the two of them to be rescued?" Nohara Amazawa

sighed and said truthfully, "It's not optimistic, I can only do my best.

" Feng Shui Men nodded, "I believe in you. Both of them are my most trusted subordinates. Please try your best to save them. They should have important information we need now."

"Okay, I know. Yes." Nohara Amazawa nodded.

In this moment, he had already come up with a countermeasure, and the change began to issue orders.

"Shuri, Kasa, the two of you pushed this patient directly into the operating room! Kiro, ​​immediately collect a blood sample and inject anesthesia! Fujino, bring the most advanced physical measurement device I purchased last time into the operation. Room..."

"Yes! Mr. Minister!"

After a series of orders from Nohara Amazawa, the originally noisy room became orderly in an instant, and everyone was busy according to their own responsibilities.

And he himself followed the patient into the operating room.