
The Med Ninja (Machine Translation)

The MC is transmigrated as Nohara Rin's big brother. He is a medical ninja and a swordman. This is a machine translation, I am not the author.

RandomSwordsThief · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 47

Time passed by every minute.

All the people were waiting at the door of the operating room, watching the medical ninjas bustling around one by one.

Minato Namikaze's heart is full of anxiety, these two ninjas are related to the important information Konoha needs now, and they are also his two capable subordinates.

It would be a huge loss for Konoha if they just died like this.

At this time, the only thing he can do is to trust Amazawa.

Amazawa... please!

Five hours later,

Nohara Amazawa walked out of the operating room,

and a circle of people immediately surrounded them with a bit of concern in their expressions, and Namikaze Minato was the first among them: "Amazawa, how is the situation inside? Are you ready ?" The

others looked at Nohara Amazawa with anticipation, and their hearts were raised in their throats.

The momentary trance made Nohara Amazawa think that he had returned to the previous life, when he just came out of the operation and saw Family members of patients waiting at the door.

"For the time being, there is no danger to life, and I still need to rest in peace."

Nohara Amazawa's voice was filled with pride, which was the pride of being a doctor, and that was why he loved the profession of a doctor so much.

"Survived! Survived! Youxi and Matsushita can survive!"

"Woooooo... I'm really scared to death, I thought I'd never see them again in the future. "..."

"Lord Amazawa! Thank you! Thank you so much!" In an

instant, outside the operating room, the relatives and companions of the two patients cried with joy.

In Minato Namikaze's eyes, a stream of light fluctuated for a while, as if there were tears in his eyes, and his voice was a little more choked up. He patted Nohara Amazawa on the shoulder,

"Amazawa, thanks to you." The

two of them The relationship between them is already very familiar, so there is no need to say thank you, Minato Namikaze has already secretly remembered this kindness in his heart.

"It's nothing, it's just my duty." Nohara Amazawa smiled lightly, then suddenly remembered something, he took out a blood-stained scroll from his pocket and handed it to Namikaze Minato.

"This is what I found from the clothes of one of them after the operation just now. I took a general look. It is the information I want to report to Lord Naruto. You should send it to Lord Naruto, ig is important. "

Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment, then opened the scroll, and the moment he saw the text recorded on it, Namikaze Minato's expression changed.

"Amazawa... This matter is too important. I must report it to Hokage-sama now. Before that... Please don't leak the news of this matter." Namikaze Minami said with a grim expression. .

"Don't worry." Nohara Amazawa nodded.

Namikaze Minato nodded, daring not to delay any longer, holding the scroll in his hand, he immediately went to Hokage-sama's office as quickly as possible.

Nohara Amazawa watched Minato Namikaze gradually disappear into the dark night, and

he often exhaled, what

should come... After all, it came.

After finishing all this work, when Nohara Amazawa returned home, it was almost late at night.


Rin sat at the door of the house, holding a lamp, waiting for him to come back in the dark.

The moment he saw Rin, Nohara Amazawa couldn't help but warm his heart. Rin was like a little angel who could heal the pain. All his physical and mental exhaustion seemed to be completely eliminated at this moment.

"Why are you waiting for me here? It's windy at night, be careful of catching a cold, go in quickly." Nohara Amazawa smiled gently.

"I'm worried about you..."

Rin murmured in a low voice, she naturally took his hand with her own little hand, and led him into the house,

"I've never seen my brother when you are so late, you still have to come When you go to work in the hospital, and, if it's not a serious matter, Minato-sensei will not specially send someone to come to you, but you must go."

Nohara Amazawa's eyes flashed with surprise,

this little girl, It was even sharper than he imagined.

"Rin, come with me for a while," he said.

In the next second, he had already wrapped his arms around her waist, jumped, and jumped onto the roof. When he was building this house, he deliberately built it higher than other houses, just to have a better view. .

"Brother, you just said that I would catch a cold at night..." Rin Zuijiao teased him with a smile.

"It's okay, brother is holding you." With his hands, he took most of Rin's body into his arms.

A few seconds of silence.

"Brother, did something major happen?"

"Well, there's going to be a war."

"A war?!"

Rin's pupils shrank, a look of surprise suddenly flashed across her eyes, and her delicate little face was full of disbelief.

Nohara Amazawa did not answer Rin's question, but h. shot and pointed at Konoha in the distance.

Almost at the same time,

a whimpering horn sounded without warning,

The quiet and quiet night suddenly broke out, as if a sleeping dragon was suddenly awakened.

Starting from the Hokage office, one lamp, two lamps, kept on lighting up in the dark night, and the entire Konoha high-rise was shaken by this incident!

The brilliant lights shone constantly in the eyes of the two people, reflecting a strange brilliance.