
The Med Ninja (Machine Translation)

The MC is transmigrated as Nohara Rin's big brother. He is a medical ninja and a swordman. This is a machine translation, I am not the author.

RandomSwordsThief · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 45

Several birds in the sky skipped

Rin and fell on the training ground in their backyard, complaining.

She felt that her brother must be crazy today.

He usually doesn't even speak loudly to her brother like that, but today he actually murdered her, and he was still abusing her on the training ground. It was inhumane!

Nohara Amazawa looked at Nohara Rin coldly, completely putting away the tenderness of the past, "Rin, stand up and pick up your sword again."


Rin's weak voice sounded, today brother She was so terrified that she didn't even dare to act like a spoiled child, so she could only stand up from the ground with a trembling forehead and pick up the long sword that had been knocked to the side.

This sword was specially made by Nohara Amazawa. Compared with his own long sword, this sword is lighter in weight and has a thinner blade. At first glance, it is more suitable for girls.

Nohara Rin's strength is relatively small, and even with the blessing of Chakra, she can't achieve the kind of power explosion like her own, so she and Minato Namikaze follow the same path, pursuing a faster sword speed, in order to be able to Get better combat results in battle.

"I'll show you your move again, look carefully, and we'll practice again in a while." Nohara Amazawa pulled out his long sword from the scabbard.

As soon as the long sword was in hand, Nohara Amazawa's eyes immediately became more serious and sharp, with an intimidating cold glow.

The left leg takes half a step back, the waist sinks slightly, the right elbow is adducted, the tip of the sword is raised, and the eyes are level with the tip of the sword.

There was a slight deflection of the waist and abdomen, the right elbow was like a loose spring, the wrist did not tremble at all, and the long sword wrapped in blue chakra swept through the air.


The sharp piercing sound was clearly audible.

The stab of basic swordsmanship!

The most basic foundation of swordsmanship, but many times it has unexpected extraordinary effects in battle, and it is also an important foundation for practicing ancient swordsmanship.

Although it is only such a simple action, Nohara Amazawa's body is full of unspeakable explosive power and beauty.

So handsome!

This capable movement without a trace of sloppy action instantly made Rin's adoring body fall to the ground.

Nohara Amazawa's expression was extremely focused, his feet slid forward, his shoulders were motionless, but his arms were like whips, shaking suddenly. Next hack.


The low sound of breaking through the air made one's scalp tighten.

The range of the split in the basic swordsmanship is much smaller than that of the basic swordsmanship, but the instantaneous explosive power is even better.

He explained the main point of "split" vividly, and Nohara Rin could clearly see the bending and deformation of the wooden sword in the air.

Tie, block, lead.

His movements were smooth and pleasing to the eye, without a single pause in the middle, full of explosive force and beauty, when the last movement was completed, Nohara Rin had already kneeled in her heart.

It's not difficult to look at his brother, but it becomes messy and full of loopholes on his own.

She shed tears silently in her heart... They are also from the Nohara family, why is there such a big difference between her and her brother?

She really embarrassed the Nohara family...

After the devastation, Nohara Amazawa came to the center of the training ground.

The long sword was in front of the log, and he nodded slightly to Rin, "Come on, follow my actions just now and attack."


Rin nodded, but she was very uneasy in her heart.

A few seconds later, as expected, the long sword in her hand was smashed into the air again, and she fell to the ground again, and this time, unfortunately, her knee hit the gravel next to her, and her smooth and fair skin was covered with rubble. Abrasion, suddenly there is red blood left out.

Rin felt strong in her heart, and without saying a word, she struggled to stand up from the ground and staggered to pick up her sword.

The next second, she had already fallen into a warm embrace and was picked up by Nohara Amazawa from the ground.

"Silly girl, she's all hurt, and she still doesn't say a word." Nohara Amazawa frowned.

Nohara Rin pouted, her cheeks bulging like a little bun, "I haven't learned the swordsmanship that my brother taught me, how dare I rest?"

"You little girl, so you are angry with me?" He smiled speechlessly, "Okay, let's go here today, your leg is injured, let's go back and get the medicine kit to put medicine on your leg."


Nohara Rin hooked his neck with both hands, curled up in Nohara Amazawa's arms like a kitten. Not only did he not cry because of his knee injury, but he smiled and giggled.

"What are you laughing at?" he asked curiously.

"Hee hee." Rin said with a smug look in her eyes, "Brother, you can't even let me hug me. You don't want to hug me now! I'll always hug you from now on!"

Nohara Amazawa was speechless. She could only smile lightly, but she still spoiled this little girl.

However, he likes such a cute sister very much.

Today, he was a little too hasty,

not because Rin's understanding was not good, but because ancient swordsmanship required very high basic practice.

It belongs to a kind of exercise that is difficult first and then easy, and it cannot be completed overnight. If you are too anxious about the results, you will be too impetuous, but it will make Rin's learning empty and useless.

Thinking of this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind,


this ninjutsu suits her very well!
