
The Martial God Retires, Not

Ages ago, when the Aeons will still active, there was one other than had reached the pinnacle of his path, the Martial God.

jewby_jube · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Jun had spent a lot of time and money into this restaurant. But no one was coming. That was until a jingle of the bell alerted him to a foxian beauty. "Hello and welcome to Jianghu restaurant Miss?" 


"Miss Tingyun, what would you like to have today?"

The ears twitched as she continue to sniff the aromatic air. "What would happen to be that strange savoury smell?" Jun smiled "That'd be the stew I have currently on the stove. If you'd like something to pair with the stew I'd recommend the steak. 

Of course, Jun would never reveal that the steak was from the shoulder rumps of a dragon race that he had once wiped out. 

Tingyun nodded before taking a seat. "I'll have the Boss's recommendation then." Jun went back to the kitchen before ladling a bowl of stew. He bent down and pretended to grab something from the fridge when all he did was take it out of his storage space. 

Tingyun gasped at the marbling and quality of the cut. "Wow Boss, you really have plenty of good ingredients, but can you bring out the best of the ingredient?" 

Back in the kitchen, Jun placed the steak on the pan before lighting a flame with his phoenix flame. A flame that would never run out it would die and from a spark continue it's existence. This significantly reduced his gas bill. The steak itself was starting to gain a nice sear as Jun continued to use martial arts for a mundane task. Using Domain Severance to cut, Phoenix Flame to cook and Ying Yang Formation to bring everything together into unified existence. 

A little bit of a drizzle of gravy and it was all ready. 

"Enjoy Miss Tingyun..." 

"Miss Tingyun?" 

It was a flash, but Jun saw something, the clairvoyance he had restrained had come undone for a split second when Tingyun whipped her head around to look at him. In the scene he saw, Tingyun's neck had snapped, although it wasn't Tingyun. Something similar to a doppleganger.

"Just call me Tingyun, benefactor." 

"Alright, then call me Jun" 

Jun smiled seeing that she was enamoured with the stew. "Was the stew truly that good? I'm aware of my skill, however it is just stew." 

Tingyun simply placed the bowl back onto the counter before staring at the next dish. "So this is the steak. It's not normal meat is it? I can tell, I am a merchant after all." 

The knife refused to cut... 

Tingyun furrowed her brows before grabbing the knife in a reverse grip and stabbing the meat only for the knife to break and embed itself into the wall. Her excitement died fast as she stared at Jun. 

"Boss, are you trying to break my teeth?" 

Jun forgot that the meat of the dragon race was hard to cut, not hard to eat. In fact, it was a conceptual defence. "I'll cut it for you Tingyun." 

Jun grabbed another knife from the drawer before slicing into mouth sized pieces enough for Tingyun. One bite was all it took. 

"Benefactor Jun, marry me." 

"That was sudden wasn't it Tingyun?" 

Tingyun had long finished the steak as she wiped her mouth elegantly. "To be honest, who wouldn't like a man like you? Can cook, good looking, strong and mysterious." Jun froze as she said the last parts. 

Tingyun giggled, "I was serious about the first part, but if you're wondering how I know, It's a merchant's intuition. That knife was the same exact knife that was used when I tried to cut the steak, yet only yours managed to cut it. A feeling of cutting for the sake of cutting rather than cutting the meat. Only people like the General would be able to exude that type of presence. Also, you feel abnormal." 

Jun opened his mouth only to close it like a gaping fish, while he wasn't exposed, he was already labeled as abnormal. 

Tingyun smirked before placing strale on the counter and leaving a number behind. "Don't worry, we can take it slow benefactor~" 

Jun was stunned, not even a few days in and he already had a proposal? While back in his human days, no one approached him. Perhaps it was out of fear for someone who dedicated his whole life to martial arts. He walked out before giving the change back to Tingyun who seemed surprised. "You can take it as a bonus benefactor. I'll make sure to spread the word." Of course it was only for the future that he had saw that he would do this, a bit of his energy was placed onto the bracelet that she wore at all times. 

A monitoring application. 

Slowly but surely, people found out that the Jianghu restaurant served godly food. In fact, Jun thought that his retirement as the Martial God would finally be sustained. That was until a fleeting presence was felt, Lan. Why would Lan be here? It was a split image for the average individual but for the Martial God it was enough to sense everything. 

Lan arrived for a split second near the Exalting Sanctum, left after a small energy flare. It was confusing for Jun who had a good grasp on Lan's personality. Though the assumption was that Lan had to make a quick stop for some strange reason only to chase after Yoashi. The only thing that could make Lan stop and go so fast was the fact that Yoashi was still far ahead. 

Jun thought nothing of it as he continued serving the locals that had come in. 

"We've run out of nectar! So please order a different drink." Jun never thought that he would run out of nectar, luckily he had a few trees stored away for nectar production. 

For once Jun could relax and go back to his roots as a human. 

That was until the door opened and in came the General, and a familiar spirit that he had helped Lan create. The patrons of the restaurant all glanced at the General of the Xianzhou Loufu, Jing Yuan. 

A single glance and tremor in the spirit of the Lightning Lord was enough for him to pinpoint the Martial God. Jun sighed as he had never thought that helping in the creation of the lightning lord would bite him in the ass. 

"Hello General, what would you like?"