
The Martial God Retires, Not

Ages ago, when the Aeons will still active, there was one other than had reached the pinnacle of his path, the Martial God.

jewby_jube · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Jing Yuan sat down as he asked for a SoulGlad from Penacony. "Such a strange drink, and perhaps one of the very first to grace the Xianzhou." Jun nodded "It's a very nice drink that has a different flavour according to each person." 

The general nodded before placing the empty cup down "I'll be honest with you Martial God, most of the higher ups already know you are here. In fact your very presence caused the Reignbow Arbiter to descend for a split moment leaving only a single message, "The Martial God is alive." Jun nodded realising the reason for Lan's quick appearance. "I have a favour to ask of you. Im not asking you to come out of retirement, but I beg of you, not as the General of the Xianzhou, but as a friend. Two of ours have been struck with mara due to an incident, one is missing however the other one, my teacher Jing Liu, can not last much longer." 

Jun took it all in before asking the question that had been plaguing him. "And how did you think to come to me to solve this problem?" 

Jing Yuan sheepishly scratched his head "Lan left a second message that was both a message and clue. He said to beware the Martial God, for no situation is beyond his grasp." 

Jun shook his head "Pesky Lan refusing to let me have my retirement in peace. I see that the Lightning Lord I helped to create is serving you well." Jing Yuan looked surprised "You helped create the Lightning Lord?" 

Jun smirked before boasting as his nose grew longer "The Lightning Lord was based off of the Thunder Decree branch of my #$^%$ Divine Arts" Jing Yuan flinched before inquiring "Martial God, what was that? Something Divine Arts." 

Jun shrugged "I forgot about the concealment of the Martial Art name. Just call it the Nameless Divine Arts for now. However, the Lightning Lord is a far cry from the Thunder Decree." 

"Now why don't we resume where things left off and I'll go have a look at your friend?" Jing Yuan froze when he realised that time had frozen. None of the patrons were moving and the world itself was tinted in a grey hue. "What in the name of the Reignbow Arbiter?" Jun snorted "You like it? It's a domain temporal severance. And 3,2 & 1."

Time resumed as if nothing had happened and the grey hue had disappeared. Of course he couldn't just leave the restaurant unattended so he called upon the best business woman he knew. 

"Tingyun, I'll hire you to take care of the restaurant for a while." 

"Hm? Alright, I'll pay double." 

Jun continued to negotiate. 

"Ok, I'll allow you a single favour within reasonable bounds along with a void dust from IX." 

Jing Yuan stared at Jun realising that Tingyun had figured out his identity. "How did the ambassador figure it out?" 

Jun chuckled "Bribes and digging, don't underestimate the resourcefulness of a Foxian. Now why don't we go see your friend." 

Jing Yuan led the way as they continued to walk towards the isolated area. Jing Yuan was terribly curious, here was someone that was essentially an Aeon in immortal human flesh. "So how did you become the Martial God, every known source says that you started off as a human." 

Jun thought for a bit before replying in a monotone voice "I trained, I fought, I'd steal someone's martial arts and make it better before crushing them with their own martial arts. Until I had created my own path. A path where all martial arts convergences. All martial arts are nothing but not yet learnt books. If It's useful I'll learn it, if it's pointless then you where never destined to be great in the first place." 

Jing Yuan nodded before we stopped at a small secluded forest. Inside a small hut was a cabin that housed a terrifying chill for the normal person. "The path of destruction." Jun wrinkled his nose as if he had sensed something disgusting and in fact he had. The door opened as a woman with a blindfold walked out before seemingly trying to fight with some unknown mental disturbance. 

"Jing Yuan, I thought I told you that It's best for me to seclude myself. I'll soon succumb to mara, my mind is soon to disappear." 

Jing Yuan reached out but didn't touch, "Teacher, that's why I brought over someone that can help, the Martial God." 

Jing Liu froze, "I'm surprised considering I'm sure that the path I'm more aligned to is destruction. I thought I'd be dead by now, considering the conflict between you an Nanook." 

Jun snorted "You barely scratch that path. If anything more, your martial arts are sublime for someone like you. The destruction simply is a bad fart wafting around you. Martial arts is for power, but power does not mean destruction. Power is the ability to make things happen."

Jing Yuan nodded before asking Jun what to do, "So you can fix her right?" Jun nodded before drawing out a sword and seemingly cutting Jing Liu as she groaned and kneeled with wounds that existed in a different plane. Mist rose from the ethereal cuts as they shrieked and twisted black like murky water. 

"$%@*^*$ Divine Arts: Myriad Curse Sealing Formation." 

A random sword was stabbed into the ground as a vortex was created, sucking in all the mist as screams of the past horrors vanished and the sword cracked before disappearing into dust. There it's all done. Although, I'll make my way out of the Xianzhou Loufu. I can no longer stay here. Too much trouble, although I might want to experience what it's like to face a challenge.

Jing Liu and Jing Yuan both bowed their heads as Jing Yuan gave a farewell. "I thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to my request." 

Jun waved goodbye and the very next day, the restaurant was gone. It was temporary, but it was fun. No more than a few days and he had already been ousted. Perhaps it was time to visit a few of his so called disciples. 

Disciples of the Martial God did not follow the Martial Path they simply served as retainers under the name of the Martial God. Most where those he had helped in the past. A woman that was the last survivor on a planet about to be engulfed by that fatso IX, a boy who had enlisted his help by winning a gamble, a girl who pleaded with him to split the winter of cicero. Many others volunteered to become Martial God disciples. Yet he had never visited them. Perhaps the only ones he ever had interest were that woman that now goes by the name Acheron. The boy perhaps would make a good wallet, Kakavasha was it? That brat should have a hefty amount of money. 

Why not visit Acheron? It has been some time since he had given her a medical check up. There were reasons he was once called the Medicine Immortal. Although numerous nicknames were given on his journey before he was the Martial God. 

Divine Interceptor, Medicine Immortal, Sword Saint, Martial Saint. 

The mark he had given them years ago still existed. And so all it took was for space itself to be ripped apart. 

Acheron was still posing as a galaxy ranger and although her memory used to be fragmented and stored within a blade, it all changed when she met him... The Martial God, a former mortal that rose to become an aeon. With a path that was solely his, he had responded to her cries at the ends of the world. It was shocking to say the least, although he came late and she was long soaked in the shadows of IX, her resistance and his influence allowed her existence as an emanator without damaging her psyche. It was a rare case for self annihilators. 

In fact, her life views were shattered when she realised that IX was capable of speaking, when threatened by the Martial God. A divine resounding shout, calling another aeon a fatso, swallowing planets left and right. Although she walked the path of nihility, it was more of a formality at this point. The Martial God takes in all forms of disciples though few. 

Hence her surprise when a gaunt poor looking Martial God appeared right in front of her by tearing the very fabric of space. 

"Acheron, hand over those peaches I know you keep stored somewhere. I haven't eaten in so long."