
The Martial God Retires, Not

Ages ago, when the Aeons will still active, there was one other than had reached the pinnacle of his path, the Martial God.

jewby_jube · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"*!&*@& Divine Arts" 

"Reversing Heaven" 

A single strike from the serene white haired man clashed with a huge tanned man looking entity with golden blood seemingly suspended and flowing between body parts. The heavens reversed from the strike as the arm that was struck with the blow twisted and peeled apart, spilling gold blood everywhere. 

"Nanook, accept your defeat. There is no outcome in which you will ever win." 

The giant humanoid glared at the small figure which was standing up against him. 

"Martial God, you are no Aeon, you go against the very nature of existence. An existence I must destroy." 

The Martial God was a young man with flowing white hair and golden gleaming eyes. It should have been a very beautiful view, but it was marred by the disgust that was held within that face. It looked like a broken mirror. 

"Nanook, even now you still are under the pretense of using that as an excuse to fight me and destroy civilisations while you're at it? How badly do you desire the !*(@*& Divine Arts that you are willing to hide and scheme?" 

Nanook sneered, "I do not need the Divine Arts, nor am I ignorant of the concealing code you've imbued into it. If one does not know the true name of the Divine Arts, it will never work. Which is why I'll destroy it." 

The Martial God sighed before raising his fist up. "Then allow me to gift you a sight to remember." 

"*%$#& Divine Arts" 

"Extinction Code Recognised" 

"Heavenly Void Descending Spear"

In that moment, Nanook had a premonition. An instinctual action of pouring all his energy into defending and not destroying for once. An action that went against his very path, to protect himself instead of destroying the attack. 

Ancient unrecognisable text swirled around the summoned spear before it was raised and punched towards the the Aeon of Destruction. 

A streak of distortion was all that was seen as Nanook's energy signature flared up before blocking the attack with both hands. The spear, however, did not even stop. For if it could not strike the opponent through this plane, then it would strike it through the next, and the next, until the spear would hit its target. A hole was pierced through the hands before piercing Nanook's chest but missing the heart due to a loss of momentum after piercing the hands in another plane. 

Nanook immediately retreated the moment he noticed none of his wounds were healing. That was the extinction code granted to the spear by the Martial God. While the Martial God also had wounds that were not so easy to heal, it was lucky that he had a favour from Yoashi. 

The weird tree lady simply touched him with a droplet before asking "Martial God, do you truly intend to disappear? And wouldn't Lan express his displeasure with you after he finds out you came to see me?" 

The Martial God smiled, "I do not care for such trivial conflict between you and Lan, though it is in my advice that warn you that Lan truly does intend on killing you Yoashi. Don't tease him too much otherwise he'll go straight for you." 

Yaoshi laughed before her size grew back into its true form. "I'll miss you Martial God, don't die before me and the others. Also if you see Lan, tell him that he's the only outcast along with Nanook among us Aeons."

The Martial God nodded before asking Yaoshi, "I do suppose I can no longer go by the name Martial God anymore, even the Trailblaze has come up with Akivili. I don't suppose you would have any ideas?" 

Yoashi was stunned, "The Great Martial God, capable of naming his Divine Arts, yet can't think of a name?" 

Immediately the hair of Yaoshi was pulled and yanked causing her much pain that Lan would have loved to have seen. 

"Alright Alright, how about something like Jun Wu?" 

The Martial God raised an eyebrow, "A Xiangzhou name? Really now?" 

Yoashi looked away before whispering "It's the only one I could come up with and the Xianzhou was a world that I remembered." 

The Martial God sighed before walking away and disappearing with nothing more than a flicker. A voice rang out throughout the space, "I'll accept that name, and also Lan is closer than you think, better get moving." 

With the name of a Xianzhou native in mind, the Martial God made his way towards the Xianzhou Loufu. 

Immediately he restrained his aura in before descending and assimilating into the crowd. Perks of being the Martial God was to have something for every occasion. It had been a long time since he had cooked so why not open up a restaurant? 

It took a while finding the right abandoned home that could double as a shop. Jun reached into his spatial storage before looking for credits to convert into strale. Everything else could be remedies later, but the name of the shop would have to be carved first. 

"Jianghu Restaurant" 

It seems that apart from naming martial arts, the Martial God is incompetent at naming anything else. 

Jun raised a finger before the blank signboard made from scrap building material started smoking and denting as his finger carved the wood like drawing on the sand while burning it to create the black filling of the letters. 

This would be the start of the Martial God's retirement plan as a restaurant owner.