
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

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21 Chs

One more person knows

After all the chaos was handled effectively by Unit 10, it was time for the cleanup phase. I walked through the base, carrying Ren's work files while feeling the strange stares from the other members. Those suspicious looks were so clear, as if I were a stranger among them.

"What's going on?" I muttered quietly, lifting a piece of broken debris.

I had been careless, I thought. Showing my power a bit too excessively in front of the other members had led to this situation. What kind of fool couldn't distinguish between physical strength and supernatural power? The Gaeblog spear I threw yesterday was a form of pure energy, meticulously shaped into a spear.

I sighed deeply, recalling the moment when that spear pierced the special Shuuki, which had troubled Ginna and her team. With just one strike, I ended the threat. Of course, this led to suspicions that I possessed the Peach Blessing ability.

While I was cleaning the area, Ginna approached with a serious expression on her face. She looked at me sharply before speaking. "Jin, we need to talk."

I straightened up and faced her, trying to keep my tone calm. "What do you want to talk about, Ginna?"

Ginna folded her arms across her chest, her eyes piercing straight into mine. "Yesterday, you killed that special Shuuki with one strike. That's not ordinary power, and we all know it," she said firmly.

I nodded slowly, realising there was no point in trying to evade. "I used a spear I found and just threw it?" I replied, attempting to play dumb to divert attention.

Ginna snorted, unimpressed by my attempt to deflect. "Don't lie, Jin. How do you explain this?" she said, showing her smartphone screen. There was a news report about a mysterious saviour in Shibuya yesterday. The person wore a fox mask, and according to experts' observations, it seemed to be a man.

I read the comments below, 'A man has an ability?'

Ah, this has gone too far. I stared directly into Ginna's questioning and disbelieving eyes.

I took a deep breath. "Haah, it's hard to cover this up. Alright, if you want to know the truth, meet me tonight in Ren's office. Let the Leader Ren know about this too," I said seriously. "And please, dispel the bad rumours about me that have just started. Since this is classified, you must do it. If you can't, I will take some extreme measures to eliminate the rumour."

My tone turned lower and more threatening, a dangerous aura beginning to emanate from me. Ginna swallowed hard, the sound of her fear clearly audible. "A-alright, I will try," she replied with a trembling voice.

I could see the tension on her face ease slightly, realising how serious this situation was. I smiled faintly, feeling relieved that Ginna understood the problem at hand. "Good," I said, nodding slightly.

Ginna turned and walked away, while I refocused on my work. Thoughts of tonight's meeting with Ren and Ginna kept swirling in my head. I had to prepare to reveal the truth and explain everything. I knew this would be a significant step, but also a necessary one to maintain trust and cooperation within the team.

As I continued cleaning, I felt the gazes of the other members still fixed on me. Perhaps they weren't fully convinced yet, but I would prove that I was an ally they could rely on.

When night fell, as agreed, Ginna came alone to Ren's office. I was already there, sitting in one of the chairs facing Ren's desk. The room was filled with stacks of files, thick books neatly lined on the shelves, and several maps scattered on the walls, showing our operational areas. The dim desk lamp cast moving shadows on the walls, adding to the tense atmosphere of the night.

Ren sat behind her desk, her body upright and her gaze serious, exuding authority and dignity that made everyone who entered her room feel the pressure. Her sharp eyes watched every small movement in the room. Her strong hands were folded in front of her chest, waiting for Ginna to start the conversation.

Ginna stood in front of Ren, slightly nervous. I could see her trying to calm herself, taking a deep breath before finally speaking. "Leader Ren, thank you for taking the time. There's something important I need to discuss," she said with a slightly trembling voice, yet full of determination.

Ren nodded slowly, signalling her to continue. "Go ahead, Ginna. We're here to listen," she said in a calm yet authoritative voice.

Ginna glanced at me briefly before returning her gaze to Ren. "This is about Jin, Leader. Yesterday, he showed extraordinary power. Power that isn't possessed by ordinary humans. I'm sure there's something that needs to be explained," she said, her voice growing firmer.

Ren shifted her gaze towards me, waiting for an explanation. I knew the time had come. "Alright, Ginna. Right now, I will tell you the secret of my power," I said, my voice calm yet firm.

Ginna looked at me intently, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and anxiety. I took a deep breath before starting my explanation.

"I used to be an ordinary human, living a century ago when the first Mato disaster struck the earth. Human life changed instantly when strange portals began to appear, bringing terrifying creatures from another dimension. At that time, I was stranded in an unknown place. It was a barren and dangerous world, filled with the monsters we now know as Shuuki," I began my story, my voice tinged with sadness and nostalgia.

Ginna looked surprised, but she remained silent, listening intently. Ren, who already knew most of this story, continued to watch with keen interest.

"While there, I suffered from severe hunger. There was no food to be found, except for the peaches growing on the barren Mato plains. Desperate, I ate those peaches, which turned out to have extraordinary effects. The peaches changed me, giving me powers I never imagined, but also cursed me to become one of the Shuuki. I survived as a monster, seeing the world from their perspective, and unknowingly becoming a threat to humans," I continued, letting my words hang in the air.

"The government labelled me as a walking disaster, Adapto. This was due to my unique ability, the power to adapt to any situation, making me nearly invincible. For years I wandered, until I was finally found by Ren and this unit. When Ren learned my secret, I told her everything, and she accepted me. So, she knows that I was once a Shuuki," I concluded my story, looking into Ginna's eyes with earnestness.

Ginna was silent, seemingly contemplating my words. Her face showed a mix of shock and understanding. "So, that's why you have these extraordinary abilities," she said softly, almost talking to herself.

I nodded. "Yes, that's the reason. I understand if you feel doubtful or afraid, but I want you to know that I'm here to help, not to be a threat," I explained, trying to reassure Ginna.

Ren, who had been silent, finally spoke. "Ginna, this is very important and confidential information. I have verified the truth of Jin's story, and I trust him. He is a valuable asset to this unit, and we must work together to keep this secret," she said, her voice full of authority.

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