
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

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21 Chs

Fight II

When the third point was successfully dealt with, I now had to assess the situation at the other two points. I soared through the air towards the second point where Ginna and her team were facing a special Shuuki. From a distance, I saw the monster flying with large wings, emitting ultrasonic sounds that immobilised Ginna and her team. The sound waves rendered them unable to move or attack.

Observing the situation anxiously from 5 km away, it was clear I would be too late if I flew there. I had to act quickly and accurately from here. An idea crossed my mind—shooting from a distance. But with what? Then it hit me: what about throwing an energy spear?

Hovering in the dark Mato sky, I gathered energy around me. Activating both the Application of Energy Blast and Application of Lightning simultaneously, I created a vortex of electrical energy that vibrated the air around me. A dazzling blue light appeared in my right hand, forming a shimmering energy spear. This spear, which I named Gaeblog, was a weapon from Irish legend/myth. However, mine was a modified version.

I focused my gaze on the special Shuuki that continued to terrorise Ginna and her team. "Alright, Gaeblog. Don't let me down," I whispered, taking a deep breath. I pulled the energy spear back, feeling its weight in my hand, before hurling it with all my strength. The spear shot forward at incredible speed, slicing through the air with a sharp hiss.

Gaeblog streaked like a comet, leaving a trail of electrical sparks behind it. As it neared the Shuuki, the energy spear vibrated, emitting a terrifying aura. The Shuuki didn't have time to react as Gaeblog pierced its tough hide and exploded with immense power. The explosion created a shockwave that shook the air and echoed throughout the area.

The special Shuuki was thrown into the air, crashing hard to the ground. Its massive body shuddered violently, large cracks appearing all over its form from the impact. Ginna and her team, initially paralysed by the ultrasonic sound, began to move again as the sound's effect dissipated with the Shuuki's fall.

I descended a bit further away to remain unnoticed and then approached Ginna, running towards her while looking at the shattered Shuuki body. "Well, it seems that spear was quite effective," I said with a slight smile. "Are you all alright?"

Ginna nodded, though her face still showed signs of exhaustion. "Yes, we're fine now. Thanks, Jin."

However, before we could relax, a massive explosion echoed from afar, followed by a blinding light that filled the sky. I looked up, my eyes fixed on the source of the chaos.


"That must be Ren. Man, that's over the top," I thought, gazing nonchalantly at the explosion. Well, no need to worry since Ren is there.


At the first point, Ren stood firm in front of the open portal, facing a wave of Shuuki attacking with tremendous intensity. Their numbers were far greater than where Ginna and I had fought. And more frighteningly, they were led by Apophis, a legendary special Shuuki in the form of a giant cobra, as described in Egyptian mythology.

Apophis towered high, its diamond-like body moving with deadly grace. Each of its movements created vibrations that could be felt from a distance. Ren stared at the creature with sharp eyes, showing no trace of fear. Instead, she looked intrigued. Was this snake truly a match for her? Or just another foe to be defeated?

Ren took a deep breath, then activated her extraordinary ability, Vairocana. Light emanated from her pupils, forming a brightly shining mandala. Circles of light appeared around her, with several cards spinning within. This was the power that set Ren apart: "The Boundless Universe That Shapes All Creations."

With Vairocana, Ren harnessed the power of the eighth Buddha. She floated in the air, luminous energy wings unfurling on her back. In an instant, she darted forward at incredible speed, leaving a trail of radiant light in the Mato night sky. She could unleash shockwaves from her kicks and nullify the blessings of other Shuuki.

Apophis let out a thunderous roar, sending an ear-splitting sound wave. Hundreds of Shuuki surged forward with terrifying ferocity. Ren, with extraordinary calm, launched the first attack. With swift and precise movements, she fired beams of light radiating pure energy. Each shot produced an energy explosion that obliterated approaching Shuuki.

Ren hovered in the air, dodging Apophis's attacks that struck the ground with immense power. The giant snake attempted to bite her, but Ren easily evaded, performing a mid-air somersault before launching a counter-attack. She aimed her fist at Apophis's head, unleashing an energy blast powerful enough to shake the earth.

With the Peach Blessing, Ren could teleport smaller Shuuki to the sky, causing them to crash to the ground with significant force. However, her teleportation ability could not be used on herself. Ren used shockwaves from her kicks to knock down waves of Shuuki surrounding her, creating space to face Apophis directly.

The battle raged with extraordinary intensity. Ren not only had to face Apophis but also hundreds of Shuuki constantly attacking from all directions. With each movement, she displayed her skill and strength. She leapt, spun, and attacked with astonishing speed and precision. Each slash of her sword produced energy waves that decimated her foes.

Apophis launched its final attack, leaping into the air and attempting to swallow Ren in one bite. Ren, with remarkable composure, gathered all her strength. She directed her hand towards the sky, amassing pure energy that grew ever brighter. With a spirited shout, she hurled the massive energy at Apophis. The resulting energy wave was so powerful that it pierced the sky, obliterating Apophis and sending the remaining Shuuki flying in all directions.

As the dust and darkness began to clear, Ren stood in the middle of the battlefield, her breath still steady despite the epic battle she had just endured. She looked towards the portal, now closing, ensuring no more threats were coming. With firm steps, she walked back, her heroic aura still shining brightly.

Ren was indeed worthy of the title pinnacle of humanity. Her strength, calmness, and combat prowess were unmatched. She was a protector who would always be ready to face any threat for the safety of humanity.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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