
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

One more person knows II

Ginna still had doubt in her eyes. I couldn't blame her. I was the enemy they feared the most, the denizen of hell's valley, though I had already conquered that place. The fear lingered, especially since the government had recently conducted a major operation to capture Adapto—me. Even though Ren vouched for me, Ginna, who shared the common public sentiment, remained sceptical. Having a dangerous being like that nearby would terrify anyone.

Ren looked at Ginna attentively. "I understand your doubts, Ginna. But remember, we all have a dark past. What matters is what we do now," she said with calm authority.

Ginna nodded slowly, but the doubt was still evident on her face. I felt the need to lighten the mood. I took a deep breath and decided to try a different approach.

"Ginna, I know it's hard to believe. But I'm not here as a threat. Besides, if I really had bad intentions, why would I bother helping you fight the Shuuki yesterday?" I said, attempting a joke. "And yes, I know this appearance might add to the creepy factor," I added, pointing to the maid outfit I was still wearing. "The fox mask is cool, but it might not help in building trust."

Ren chuckled, and even Ginna smiled a little, though she still looked doubtful. "Okay, that is unusual. But seriously, Jin, a maid outfit?" Ginna finally commented, her tone a bit more relaxed.

"I thought it would make me look friendlier!" I replied, pretending to be offended. "But it seems it didn't work, huh?"

Ginna shook her head, laughing softly. "No, not really. But it does make you more recognisable."

"I'll keep that in mind for my next appearance," I said with a grin. "And to prove I am fully human now, how about we have dinner together? Ren's treat, of course."

Ren looked surprised and then laughed. "Why am I the one treating?"

"Because you're the leader, of course!" I replied, jokingly.

Ginna seemed more relaxed now, the tension from earlier slowly melting away. "Alright, a dinner together sounds good. Maybe it can help us get to know each other better," she said finally, smiling.

"See, Ginna. I'm still human, even though there's a bit of Shuuki left like the ability. But I promise to use this power to protect you, not threaten," I said seriously.

Ginna nodded. "Alright, I'll give you a chance. But remember, I'll be watching you."

"I wouldn't expect less," I replied with a smile. "Now, let's go have dinner. Ren, ready to treat?"

Ren shook her head but smiled. "Alright, alright. Let's go."

And with that, the tense atmosphere turned into a more relaxed one. We left Ren's office, ready to enjoy a meal together, with new hope that we could work better together in the future.

A few days passed. Now, the people who knew my secret had increased by two—Ren and Ginna. The rest quickly forgot the bad rumours and returned to the usual atmosphere. Although Ginna's behaviour towards me gradually changed, I was still a bit annoyed with her from a few days ago. She mocked me for having to wear a dog-eared headband given by Ren. Ren's reasoning was that she wanted to see me like her two dogs.

At first, of course, I refused vehemently. But seeing that haughty woman could make such a sweet face when begging me, I had to do this embarrassing thing.

One morning in the training room...

I was training alone when Ginna appeared at the door, smiling widely. "Wow, a beautiful morning for training, isn't it? Or should I say, 'woof woof'?" she mocked, imitating a dog's sound.

I turned, slightly annoyed. "Yes, very funny, Ginna. I'll remember that when I beat you in the next training."

Ginna chuckled and walked closer. "Oh, come on, Jin. It's just a joke. Besides, you have to admit, you look adorable with that dog-eared headband."

I snorted, trying to hide a smile. "Yeah, adorable. Like Ren's pet dog."

Ren appeared from the corner of the room, a wide smile on her face. "See? Even Jin admits he's adorable. Besides, Kaname and Miyabi agree."

I shook my head. "I can't believe you made me wear this just because your dogs agree."

Ren laughed. "Relax, Jin. You look good. And who knows, maybe it can become a new style for you."

Ginna added, "Yeah, and maybe you can start barking too."

I gave them a sharp look, but a smile started to form on my face. "Alright, alright. You win this time. But don't expect me to keep wearing this headband."

Ren patted my shoulder. "Just take it easy, Jin. You've become part of this family. And like family, we have to be able to laugh together."

I sighed, then smiled. "Okay. But don't expect me to forget how you embarrassed me."

Ginna grinned widely. "Never. Besides, this memory is too precious to forget."

I chuckled and looked at both of them. Even though they could be annoying at times, they were indeed my new family. And in every laugh and joke, I felt closer to them.

I looked at Ren with confusion, feeling something was off with her command. "Explain to me what you mean by joint training."

Ren, while gently stroking Miyabi, her pet dog, answered calmly, "Yes, it's a project from the organisation to improve skills and teamwork between units and teams."

I raised an eyebrow, still not understanding. "But why do I have to participate?" I asked while brushing Kaname's fur, the sound of the gentle rustling fur was calming, but confusion still clouded my mind.

Ren shifted her gaze from Miyabi and looked at me with a small smile, her brown eyes shining with conviction. "Jin, this joint training isn't just about improving individual skills. It's also about understanding how other teams work and developing joint strategies. You know how important coordination is in facing the Shuuki."

I sighed, still feeling sceptical and a bit cornered. "But Ren. Why do I have to participate too!? Aren't I your dog!? Not a unit member!" I said, half-joking, half-protesting, diverting my gaze for a moment from Ren's sharp stare.

Ren chuckled, adding a touch of warmth to the previously tense atmosphere. "Jin, even though you often joke about your status as 'my dog,' you know how valuable your presence is to this team. Your skills and experience far exceed many other unit members. Besides," she added with a serious yet gentle tone, "this is an opportunity for you to show that you are more than just a bodyguard or a lone warrior. You are an important part of this team."

I was silent, pondering for a moment. On one hand, there was a lingering scepticism. On the other, Ren's words touched something within me. "Alright," I finally said, giving in to Ren's reasonable argument. "But don't expect me to enjoy every minute of it."

Ren smiled broadly, nodding in satisfaction. "I know you'll find something interesting, Jin. And don't forget, this is also a chance to showcase your abilities to other teams."

I sighed, feeling slightly relieved yet still doubtful. "Alright, I'll participate. But only because you asked."

Ren stood up and walked closer, patting my shoulder warmly. "Thank you, Jin. You won't regret it."

I sighed again, but this time with a small smile on my face. "We'll see," I replied while scratching Kaname's head, who seemed increasingly happy.

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