
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


I flew using the Application of Fly, creating wings of pure energy on my back. These wings shimmered with an intense blue light, lifting my body into the sky with remarkable grace. To increase my speed, I activated the Application of Speed, propelling myself like a fighter jet, breaking the air with a thunderous sound as I flew.

In an instant, I located the open portal using the Application of Observation. My mind's eye captured the Shuuki energy flooding the area, swarming around the portal in terrifying numbers. Some Shuuki had already broken loose onto Earth, spreading terror everywhere.

"Damn," I muttered, feeling the urgency intensify. "Before things get worse, I have to do something."

With incredible speed, like a comet, I shot down into the midst of the ordinary Shuuki horde. Landing with a resounding crash, the ground around me cracked, and several Shuuki were thrown back, dying instantly where I landed. Dust rose, creating an ominous aura around me.

I glared at the ordinary Shuuki with eyes full of hatred, the aura of power emanating from me causing them to instinctively retreat a few steps. "You have no place here," I said in a low voice, but loud enough for the monsters to hear.

The first Shuuki attacked, leaping at me with sharp claws. I easily dodged, using the Application of Agility to move with incredible speed and agility. In a nearly invisible motion, I sliced through it with concentrated energy in my hand, cutting it in half.

The Shuuki horde began to encircle me, attacking from all directions. I used the Application of Strength to amplify my attacks, each punch and kick demolishing their bodies with tremendous force. The sound of breaking bones and splitting flesh filled the air, as black blood spilled onto the ground.

"One by one, you will all fall," I shouted, spinning and launching attacks in every direction. The Shuuki kept coming, seemingly endless. But my fighting spirit never waned.

Using the Application of Shield, I created an energy barrier that blocked their attacks. Every time they tried to get close, the shield repelled them with enough force to send them flying back. I leapt into the air, hovering above them and launching attacks from above, creating explosions of energy that decimated their ranks.

"I won't let you spread any further!" With the Application of Energy Blast, I unleashed a massive energy blast that wiped out hundreds of Shuuki in one strike. They exploded into tiny fragments scattered in the air, while the others retreated in fear.

However, the greatest threat had yet to emerge. From within the portal, two special type Shuuki appeared, larger and more terrifying than the others. Their eyes glowed with intense hatred, and they let out roars that made the ground shake.

"All right, now the real fight begins," I said, amplifying my combat aura. The two special type Shuuki attacked simultaneously, their movements swift and powerful. I dodged quickly, countering with concentrated energy attacks.

One Shuuki managed to claw my arm, blood flowing, but I felt no pain. My adrenaline peaked, and I retaliated with a punch that struck it hard in the face, sending it flying several meters. The other Shuuki tried to attack from behind, but I was ready. With the Application of Reflexes, I swiftly turned and kicked it with full force, slamming it into the ground.

The battle grew fiercer. They kept attacking, and I kept dodging and countering. Each of their moves and attacks was filled with hatred and power. But I would not give up.

Using the Application of Energy Manipulation, I gathered energy in my hands, creating a large glowing energy ball. "This is for you," I shouted, hurling the energy ball at them. A massive explosion ensued, shaking the ground and causing the portal to tremble violently.

When the dust settled, both special type Shuuki lay on the ground, their bodies shattered. I stood in the midst of the battlefield, still full of energy but triumphant. The portal began to close slowly, indicating that this threat was over.

I looked around, seeing the debris of the battle and the scattered bodies of the Shuuki. "This isn't over," I said to myself, aware that the threat remained and I must always be prepared.


When the Mato portal opened in Shibuya Prefecture, in the middle of the world's busiest street, everyone was shocked. A special type Shuuki with a terrifying form and the ability to harden its body like a diamond emerged from the portal, causing a brutal and panicked scene in the streets.

Thousands of people screamed, running frantically to save themselves. Fortunately, a few special-ability police officers on site managed to buy time for civilians to evacuate. They used all the means at their disposal, but the special type Shuuki's power was too great. They could only provide limited time until I emerged from the portal to check the situation, the grim scene unfolding before my eyes.

To hide my identity, I wore a fox mask. However, wearing a servant's outfit and a fox mask in the middle of this emergency situation made me look odd. I could imagine how mismatched my appearance was at that moment.

As I stepped out of the portal, the special type Shuuki's eyes immediately fixed on me. Its large body, resembling a sparkling diamond, gleamed in the sunlight. It let out a horrifying roar, and with swift movements, it attacked the police trying to block its path. One by one, the officers were thrown into the air, blood spilling onto the streets.

"You monster!" shouted an officer, firing energy bullets from his special pistol. But the bullets merely bounced off the Shuuki's hard body without causing any harm.

I clenched my fists, feeling angry seeing the officers struggle in vain. "That's enough," I muttered, stepping forward, energy beginning to gather around me. "This time, you're facing me."

The special type Shuuki let out a sound like laughter, mocking me. It stepped closer, each step causing the ground to tremble. I activated the Application of Strength, boosting my power to the maximum level.

"Alright then, let's end this," I said, jumping high and using the Application of Fly to accelerate my movement. With incredible speed, I struck its hard body with my punch. The impact created a shockwave, and despite its hardness, its body cracked where I hit.

The Shuuki growled, feeling pain for the first time. It counterattacked swiftly, trying to claw me with its crystal claws. I dodged using the Application of Agility, moving nimbly between its attacks.

"I need to finish this with one powerful strike," I thought, gathering energy in my hand. The Application of Energy Blast began to shine brightly in my palm, and as the Shuuki attacked again, I fired the energy directly at its body.

A massive explosion shattered the silence, breaking the special type Shuuki into tiny fragments scattered on the street. The blast was so powerful it caused the portal behind it to tremble and slowly close. I landed lightly, my breath ragged but satisfied seeing the threat ended.

The wounded police officers struggled to stand, some of them looking at me with admiration and curiosity. "Who are you?" one of them asked, his voice weak but full of wonder.

I smiled behind my fox mask. "Just someone trying to keep the peace," I replied briefly before turning and walking back into the portal. This mission might be over, but I knew the threat from the Shuuki was far from ended.

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There are 10 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.