
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Everyday life as a dog is not as bad as I thought.

Several weeks passed by with monotonous activities. The label of "dog" turned out to be merely a formality. My work in Unit 10 was more akin to being Ren's personal bodyguard. Every day, I assisted with various tasks such as managing the unit, patrolling the area to ensure Earth's safety, and ensuring no one got dragged into this dimension. We were also vigilant about dimensional rifts opening, as they could bring unforeseen threats.

This system had been running for decades without any major incidents involving all nations. However, special type Shuuki, Adapto, were the exception. And yes, that's me currently feeding Ren's pets.

Ren's pets were two Shiba Inu dogs, Kaname and Miyabi. According to the haughty woman, she found them when they got lost during the Mato disaster, which dragged them into this place. At the moment, I was wearing a servant's outfit, feeding Ren's beloved dogs in the backyard of the base.

Kaname and Miyabi bounced around excitedly, sniffing the food I brought. I placed their bowls on the ground, and they immediately started eating voraciously. Ren sat nearby on a swinging chair, a sly smile playing on her lips.

"Hey, Jin. You look quite fitting in that outfit," she remarked with a soft laugh. Her tone was clearly teasing, enjoying my predicament.

I sighed, trying not to show my annoyance. "Thank you, Ren. Glad to see you're entertained," I replied flatly, ensuring Kaname and Miyabi ate well.

Ren laughed louder, swinging her legs casually. "You know, Jin. I never imagined someone like you would end up as my personal bodyguard and servant. Life is full of surprises."

I rolled my eyes, feeling a bit irritated. "Yeah, life is full of surprises. But I'd prefer different surprises than this," I muttered while patting Kaname's head.

Ren rose from her chair and walked towards me. Her sharp violet eyes looked at me with a curious expression. "You never talked much about yourself before becoming an Adapto, Jin. What made you survive a century in a land full of monsters?"

I sighed, recalling those hard times. "Survival. That's all. There was no other choice. I just used my adaptive abilities to survive and learn from every battle. Every day was a struggle, and I had no time to think of anything else."

Ren nodded slowly, her eyes softening slightly. "That must have been very tough. But now, you're here. And although I tease you often, I appreciate what you do for this unit."

I was surprised to hear the sincerity in her voice. "Thank you, Ren. That means a lot."

Ren smiled and patted my shoulder. "Alright, carry on with your work. Don't let Kaname and Miyabi starve again."

I nodded and refocused on the two dogs. As Ren returned to her chair, I couldn't help but smile a little. Despite the situation being far from ideal, there was something warm and comforting about this routine. Maybe, just maybe, my life as a "dog" wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

After feeding the dogs, I left the backyard and walked towards the break room. In the corridor, I encountered Ginna Bizen again. Ever since I arrived here, she had always given off a bad vibe and clearly disliked having a man around. Her gaze was always sharp and full of suspicion.

Ginna, a woman with long copper hair neatly tied, stood in the middle of the corridor with her arms folded across her chest. Her green eyes glinted as she looked at me, assessing my every move.

"Jin," she greeted with a cold voice, "what are you doing here? You should be in the training area, not wandering aimlessly."

I smirked, relishing the opportunity. "Oh, Ginna. I just finished feeding Kaname and Miyabi. You know, a dog's work."

Ginna frowned, clearly unimpressed with my sarcasm. "You might think this is all a joke, Jin. But your presence here only complicates matters."

I stepped closer, enjoying the rising tension. "Complicates matters? I thought Ren already explained my position here. Or maybe you just don't like seeing a man around this place?"

Ginna snorted, her gaze growing sharper. "I have no problem with men, Jin. I have a problem with someone who can't take their responsibilities seriously. You need to prove yourself more than just a pet."

I chuckled softly, making Ginna even more annoyed. "Relax, Ginna. I'm always ready to prove myself. Besides, I've been through enough to handle this."

Ginna stepped closer until our faces were just inches apart. "You might have impressed leader Ren, but don't think I'll be as easy. I'll be watching you, Jin. And if you make even one mistake, I'll make sure you're out of here."

I stared directly into her eyes, trying to suppress my laughter. "Watching me? Wow, Ginna. I didn't know you had an interest in me."

Ginna's face flushed, clearly not from embarrassment but anger. "Don't play dumb with me, Jin. I'm serious."

I raised my hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. I'll try not to make you angry, though that's hard to do."

Ginna snorted again before turning and walking away. I watched her retreating back, feeling slightly satisfied with the encounter. Every time I managed to annoy her with my sarcasm, it was a little entertainment in the midst of this boring routine.

However, I realised this conflict was far from over. Ginna would continue to watch and look for reasons to expel me. But that only made the game more interesting. I prepared myself to face whatever came next because life in Unit 10 turned out to be more challenging and entertaining than I thought.

Just as I mentioned boredom, of course, trouble came unexpectedly.

A female soldier ran hastily into the break room, her face full of worry and her breath ragged. "Leader Ren! A large group of Shuuki has breached!?"

Ren, who was standing near the window, turned quickly, her expression turning serious. "Where is the location!?" she asked in a firm tone.

The soldier swallowed hard before continuing, "Leader, it's not just one place. According to our observations, there are at least three portal points in our area."

I could see Ren's jaw tighten. Well, life can't always be smooth. Even though Ren was the strongest here, handling three portal points opening in different places simultaneously was still challenging. Not to mention, there was information suggesting that there were two special-type Shuuki among the three portal points.

Ren turned towards me and the other members in the room, her face showing how serious the situation was. "Alright, we must act quickly and coordinated. I will head to the first point. Ginna, you take the second point with your team. And lastly, Jin, you will head to the third point."

The last order surprised everyone, especially Ginna, who immediately reacted with a protesting tone. "Wait, Leader Ren! Isn't it a futile sacrifice to send Jin into battle? He's a man!" Ginna protested skeptically.

Ren looked at Ginna sharply, her eyes indicating that she didn't want any arguments. "Ginna, we don't have much time to debate. The safety of many people is at stake here, and I trust Jin's abilities. He has proven himself more than once. We need everyone in their positions. So, Jin, can you do it?"

I felt everyone's eyes on me, some filled with doubt, but others with hope. I nodded firmly, trying to quell their doubts. "Yes, if you order me, then I'll do it."

Ginna still looked doubtful, but she didn't argue further. "Alright, Leader. But I still think this is too risky."

Ren took a deep breath, trying to calm herself before continuing. "Ginna, I understand your concerns. However, Jin is not an ordinary man. He has more than enough capability to handle this. We all need to trust each other, especially in times like this."

Ginna finally nodded, though still looking somewhat hesitant. "Alright, Leader. We'll do our best."

Ren gave us all a look of determination before giving the final instructions. "Remember, we cannot afford to be careless. Focus on your tasks and look out for one another. We must handle this quickly and efficiently."

We all moved towards our respective locations. I headed to the third point with mixed feelings.

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