
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

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21 Chs

Qualifying Dogs? II

"Jin," called Riu, her voice hoarse but full of authority. "I want to see how well you can fight. Show me what you've got."

I assumed a fighting stance, staring at Riu seriously. The old woman merely gave a thin smile, then, without warning, she leapt at me with astonishing speed. Her punches and kicks flew like the wind, fast and powerful.

I dodged nimbly, using the Application of Observation to read Riu's movements. Each of her attacks was quickly analysed by my brain, allowing me to anticipate and evade more efficiently. However, Riu was no ordinary fighter. She was a taijutsu master, and every move she made was full of feints and unexpected changes.

"You're quick," murmured Riu, her voice sounding slightly impressed. "But dodging alone isn't enough, Jin. You need to attack."

I grinned, feeling challenged. Using the Application of Observation, I read her body movements, looking for an opening. When Riu launched her next attack, I seized the moment. I sidestepped, then swiftly moved forward, delivering a counterattack with a straight punch aimed at her stomach, enhanced by the Application of Strength.

But Riu was ready. She caught my hand quickly, twisting my body and throwing me to the ground with a very smooth technique. I was flung to the ground but quickly got up again. Riu's face remained calm, but I could see a glint of satisfaction in her eyes.

The fight continued, with Riu launching attack after attack, and me dodging and countering cautiously. Without using my adaptation abilities, I had to rely entirely on my fighting skills and the power of the Application. Riu, despite her old age, was still very strong and fast, and every attack was full of experience and technique.

Riu jumped into the air, delivering a spinning kick that was incredibly fast. I ducked and leapt forward, aiming a punch at the leg Riu used for support. She was surprised and lost her balance, falling to the ground. I immediately seized this opportunity, directing an attack towards her body. However, Riu quickly twisted her body and caught my leg, throwing me to the ground once again.

I was thrown hard to the ground, feeling the rough sand stick to my face. Riu quickly stood up, resuming her fighting stance. "You're quite tough, Jin," she said with a thin smile. "But I can feel you're holding back. Why?"

I sighed, slowly getting up. "Even after all that, you still think I'm holding back, huh. Alright, let's ramp up the intensity."

Riu raised her eyebrows, then nodded. "I understand. But if you want to survive here, you have to show that you're worthy. Alright, let's continue."

The fight continued with higher intensity. I used every technique and strategy I knew, trying to match Riu's expertise without revealing my adaptation abilities. Every movement on that field became a deadly dance between two warriors testing each other's limits.

Riu began using more complex techniques, combining physical attacks with movements that diverted my attention. At one point, she launched an attack from above with a speed that was hard to follow with the naked eye. I felt the attack coming, activating the Application of Speed to dodge quickly, and counterattacking with a low kick that almost hit Riu.

Riu jumped into the air, dodging my attack with an impressive acrobatic leap. As she landed, I took advantage of that brief moment to launch a counterattack. With extraordinary speed, I leapt forward and delivered a punch to her stomach. Riu managed to block, but the force from the Application of Strength pushed her back several steps.

Ren, watching from the edge of the field, occasionally smiled with satisfaction and sometimes looked worried. She knew that if I could prove myself in front of Riu, my position would be more secure. However, she also knew that Riu wouldn't let me off easily.

After several minutes that felt like hours, the fight finally reached its climax. Riu launched a final attack quickly, and I managed to dodge nimbly, countering with an attack that made her fall to the ground.

I stood over her, panting but satisfied. Riu laughed softly, raising her hand in surrender. "Alright, Jin. You've proven yourself. I concede."

I extended my hand to help her up. "Thank you, Riu. It was a great honour to fight with you."

Riu took my hand and stood up, brushing the sand off her clothes. "You're tough, Jin. And more than that, you're smart. You know when to hold back and when to attack. That's a rare quality."

Ren approached, a satisfied smile on her face. "See, Senior? I told you, Jin is a valuable asset."

Riu nodded. "Alright, Ren. I trust you. But remember, the responsibility is yours."

Ren nodded seriously. "Of course, Senior. I'll take good care of Jin."

I gave a thin smile, feeling relieved and a little proud. This fight was not just about proving myself, but also about gaining the trust of influential people in this unit. Though it still felt strange, if such a difficult test was only for a dog's position.

As we walked back to the headquarters, Ren nudged me playfully. "So, how does it feel to be the star of the zoo?"

I frowned. "Don't get too excited yet. I still don't like the idea of being a pet dog."

Ren laughed softly. "Just relax, Jin. I just want to make sure you stay safe and no one suspects us. Besides, who wouldn't want a tough pet like you?"

I snorted, though inwardly I felt a little more comfortable. Although this situation was far from ideal, at least I knew there were people who trusted and protected me. And maybe, in time, I could find a way to live peacefully in this new world.


After parting from Jin and Ren, Riu walked slowly down the headquarters corridor. The narrow corridor walls and dim lighting created long shadows along the way. Each step echoed, adding to the deep sense of solitude within the headquarters.

Riu suddenly stumbled against the wall, gasping for breath. Her advanced age was evident from her laboured breathing and the sweat streaming down her face. She wiped the sweat with her sleeve and chuckled softly, her laughter echoing in the silent corridor.

"Hahaha...," Riu's laugh was soft but full of meaning. "I always knew Ren was extraordinary, but I didn't expect there to be another individual who could match me in combat." She smiled widely, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Kekeke~ It seems there's a new spark in this organisation."

Riu took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She felt the tension in her muscles begin to ease, but her spirit remained ablaze. "I'll be waiting for you, Jin Takeru," she whispered, her voice full of determination and hidden excitement. "Will that man be able to be compared to my best student, Konomi?"

Riu imagined Konomi, her most talented and promising student. Konomi was an exceptionally skilled warrior, with almost unmatched fighting abilities. However, after seeing Jin's abilities, Riu felt there was something more than just fighting skills. There was a hidden strength within Jin that made her curious and excited to see more.

"This fight will be very interesting," Riu murmured as she continued her journey down the corridor. "I want to see how Jin develops and whether he can surpass Konomi. Maybe, just maybe, he can become more than just a pet."

With renewed spirit, Riu continued her steps, her shadow lengthening once more along the corridor wall. She knew the future of this organisation might change with Jin's presence, and she couldn't wait to see how it would all unfold.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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