

After she woke up at the hotel, she found a vampire killed. But she didn't know who the killer was, Suwilanji and her mentor, Mateo, had been looking for the killer for the past weeks. And the vampire was just another attack. But after that day, things began to look up. She later found a lead about the killer's whereabouts. But after she confronted the man, things turned out not to be the way they looked. "The mark of Cain?" Suwilanji asked. "A demon?" Mateo repeated. Ride along as she faces demons, witches, snowmen, etc.

Traver_Mwansa · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


I just don't get why a billionaire would want at Sarah's party. It was a middle-class party not a fancy one where a billionaire would want to go. But that proved the room service lady's words. The party would be a perfect place for him to take a girl. But why me when I even said no? he could have chosen anyone at the party. Something was just not right. That piece of crap wanted more than just to sleep with me.

Then just as I picked my phone to exit the room, someone screamed outside. I rushed to the door, and as I went out side. I found the lady I just slammed the door on her face screaming and slowly felling to the floor.

People left their apartments and clouded the lady. Some of them were still in their pajamas and some were well dressed. Presumably about to go to work.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I went closer to her.

"Of course, she is not ok," a lady behind me said. I know. How rude of her.

"I know she is not. I was implying miss. What happened? Why did you scream like you have seen a ghost or something terrifying?"

She was trembling from head to toe. Then after a few minutes she pointed inside the room to the left of the room I was in and it was still wide open. We all turned but there was nothing there. It was just a table with a bit of beauty products.

"There is nothing there miss," a man's voice said. I was too engraved in trying to get information from her that I didn't even look at him.

"Bo…bo… Body," she stammered.

"What body?" I asked and looked inside the room again. Still nothing there. "There is no body where you are pointing. What body are you talking about?"

"Ins….. inside th...the room."

"I will go and check. Miss, do you mind holding her please?" I looked at a blond lady to my left. She moved closer and I handed her the trembling lady.

"I will go with you," a man about twice my age said.

I just looked at him and left. Judging by the footsteps behind me, he followed. the hair at the back of my head stood on end as I entered the room.

There was a lady lying on the bed. The white sheets underneath her got turned to red even her clothes were all covered in blood. Then the man I was with shouted to everyone that we found a dead body inside. Withing a minute, people clouded the room.

I went close and I saw that someone bit her on the neck. There is only one thing that could have done this.

"Do you think it was a vampire?" the man asked.

"Dude, they are mythical creatures," I replied.

"Judging by this they are not," he responded and stood in line with me.

Despite me refusing to what the man was saying, deep down I knew he was right. Such a bite couldn't be from anybody else but a vampire. But that was impossible. What would a vampire want in Lusaka city? If I remember correctly father banished them years ago. But what would they still be doing in Lusaka? Also, judging by the freshness of the blood, it hadn't been too long ago since the vampire bit her. So, how was he or she able to walk in the sun?

"Please let me pass," a man said.

As I whirled, I saw a short bald man pushing his way in. He wore a well extinguished black suit that complemented his skin color. Then he completed the look with well-polished shoes and accessorized it with a golden watch. Fake one of course. He was fat, that i was even unable to tell if he had a neck.

"What happened here? Who did this?" He demanded looking from one person to the other.

"We don't know. We just heard the room service lady scream and we came out of our rooms," I said with a polite voice I have never heard myself use before. I mean it was so obvious. Even if the killer was one of us, they wouldn't have given themselves out. So, giving an answer which was not polite wouldn't be that big of a deal.

I looked at the lady again, and by her facial expression you could tell she was as terrified as hell. But who wouldn't be? She saw what she believed to be mythical.

"I will call the police and the hospital. No one leaves or enters this hotel. Do I make myself clear?" the short man shouted and gestured for everyone to start exiting the room. "Miss, do you need a private invitation?" he said to me.

With one glance at her, I left the room and the owner of the hotel or manager closed the door behind us.

"You can all go back to your rooms. We will take it from here, and don't worry we will catch the one who did this!" the manager spoke.

"But what if he comes back? I don't think I will be spending another nigh here again. Whoever did that to Mrs. Mulenga he or she is surely a cold-blooded person," a man in his forties spoke, and many people seemed to agree with him.

But no one would blame them. If I leaved here then such a thing happens then I would never step foot in the hotel.

"Mr. Zimba, I can assure you that we will catch the one who is responsible for this. Just relax and you can all go into your apartments. I have to inform the authorities and the hospital. Excuse me," he went, entered the elevator and it took him downstairs.

But instead of everyone going into their rooms as the manager said, they began talking amounts themselves, while wearing worry expressions. I'm sure they all asked each other the same question as I was. Who did it? But mine kinder continued with what vampire did it?

"So, getting back to my question. Do you think vampires did it?" the man I entered the room with asked again.

I turned and looked at him. he was a handsome looking guy with well-trimmed beard. Light eyes and was black in complexion, with short hair. He wore black jeans and a black t-shirt, then completed his look with slippers.

"Dude, I have already told you they are mythical creatures. Also lower your voice down when speaking about such mythologies. People are freaking out here, and if they hear you then I'm sure one of them is likely to have a heart attack. For example, Mr. Zimba," I responded.

"I was just thinking out of the box. We both can't deny they look like vampire teeth."

"Yet none of us have seen vampire teeth before," I said and walked away.

I had way too many things to worry about than him. I was now stuck at the hotel. All because that bastard had the audacity to leave me at the hotel. I should have been on my way to confront him right now, but no something just had to happen.

"Sorry if I said something wrong. Or something to scare you," he followed.

I don't get why he was so clinched to the fact that vampires did it. Could he be a magical being? Then I was not alone at the hotel. But that also meant he might have sensed my powers and that will explain why he keeps following me.

"You didn't I just have a few things I have to comprehend," I responded.

"Oh, by the way my name is Paul," he stretched his hand for a hand shake.

"Nice. I'm Suwilanji," I stretched my hand and I took his hand shake.

"Lovely name, and do you leave here? Or you just came. Because I have never seen you here before?" Paul asked.

"I came last night. But I'm leaving. I was actually about to leave. I have to attend to some work, and now because of the bastard who killed the poor lady. I will be late. Heck even not go."

I just had to find a way out of that place. There was no way I had to be there for more minutes. The fact that I was next to her room, they will surely suspect me, and take me to the interrogation room. Which of course, will result in mother finding out I spent the night at a hotel with a psychopath who can't accept rejection.

Also, if they don't find a person who killed her, they will find someone to blame. Just to make people see they are doing their job. There is eighty percent chance I will be blamed for it.

God, how I wish I didn't accept that twit.

"But didn't you hear anything? Any strange noises coming from the woman's room?" Paul asked and knocked me out of my thoughts.

"No, I didn't. You said you have been leaving here for some time now, right?"

"Yes, I think two weeks now."

"Was she leaving alone in the apartment?"

"Yes, but there was a guy who usually visited her. Wait, are you trying to find out the killer?" He looked at me.

"Not really, just trying to get myself out of the suspect list."

"Then you are trying to find out who killed her," he said matter of factly.

"I will not be wrong to think they might put the blame on me if they don't find the killer. Just like you asked me if I heard anything coming from her room," I explained.

"That's why they have surveillance cameras," he looked around the place.

I actually didn't think about that. If the hotel had surveillance cameras, then they will find the killer in no time. But again, what if the killer was smart enough to erase the footage?

If the killer surely came for her, then he thought about the surveillance cameras. Only a stupid person will come at such a fancy hotel and kill someone then leave without destroying the evidence.

Before I could voice out my thoughts my phone rang. I took it out of my bag and mother was calling.

"Will you excuse me for a minute?" He gestured for me to leave. "Yes mother," I said in a low tone.

"Suwilanji where are you? If you are lying to me that you are at your friend's place and I found out the truth they will be consequences young lady!" She shouted.

"I'm at Sarah's place mother. Can we talk later, I'm in the restroom right now," I lied, but I had no choice.

"When are you coming back home?"

"In two hours or less."

"Wait, aren't you going to work?"

"No, I asked permission from my boss. I will work on my day off. Mother I will call you later ok. Bye," I hang up before she could retort.

I whirled and I saw Paul turning the other way. The bastard was eavesdropping.

"What were you doing?" I asked as I went closer to him.

"Eh.... Nothing," he looked at me innocently, but I didn't buy it. "But just out of curiosity, why did you lie to your mother about your whereabouts?"

"Dude, seriously?"

"You were three feet from me. I couldn't help but eavesdrop."

"It's none..."

Before I could finish my sentence, he pointed at two police men that were approaching me and him. Just like I guessed, they will be interrogating me.

"Hey miss," the one at my left said.

They both wore blue shirts and black trousers. Also, they had walkie-talkies on their left shoulders and completed their looks with well-polished shoes.

"Hey sir," I dipped my head.

"Can we talk to you? Don't worry we just want to ask you some questions about the woman," the police man to my right said. I might have somehow showed my fears.

"Sure," I looked at Paul and just when I took one step he spoke.

"I think you should start with me. I have somewhere to go. So, the sooner you finish with me the earlier I will be at work. Please," I turned and he was holding his hands together.

"We want to start with her first," the one who was holding his hat spoke.

"Maybe you can interrogate us together. Please, help a brother out," he looked as pitiful as he could be.

I looked at him. Silently asking him what he was doing. But I got no response.

The police officer with his hat on looked at us then at his friend.

"I think we can make a compromise," he said.

"Ok, follow us."

They turned and started walking. People moved out of the way as we passed. Hypothetically speaking, they might also start suspecting me since I was the first one to be approached by the police officers. Then just as I saw that the police officers where five feet from us, I looked at Paul.

"What the hell are you up to?" I asked.

"Just go with the flow," he whispered back.

"What flow? There is no flow here," I glared at him.

This bastard was up to something and the sooner I found out the better. He might be out to get me. Who knows maybe he had something to do with the woman's death, and now he wanted to put the blame on me?