

After she woke up at the hotel, she found a vampire killed. But she didn't know who the killer was, Suwilanji and her mentor, Mateo, had been looking for the killer for the past weeks. And the vampire was just another attack. But after that day, things began to look up. She later found a lead about the killer's whereabouts. But after she confronted the man, things turned out not to be the way they looked. "The mark of Cain?" Suwilanji asked. "A demon?" Mateo repeated. Ride along as she faces demons, witches, snowmen, etc.

Traver_Mwansa · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


"So, miss," the police officer with the hat in his hand looked at me as we entered and sat inside an office.

The people who decorated the room did a great job at best. It was dazzling and the light that came from the window made it even brighter. I and Paul sat on a leather comfortable couch, then the police officers stood about five feet from us.

There was a table that can actually fit if I lay on it, then a stylish chair on the other side of the table, and two more chairs to the opposite. But they were not as stylish as the chair to the opposite. Presumably, the owner of the officer doesn't want to be equal with the visitors.

"Miss Mpundu," I said.

"You, sir?" he looked at Paul.

"Paul will be fine, thank you," he replied.

"I'm inspector John and this is my coworker Simon," the one with the hat in his hands said.

"So, Mr. Paul, where were you when the murderer took place? I mean, your room isn't too far from the lady's, isn't it?" Simon asked.

"Well, I was with my girlfriend," he responded.

"Where is she?" John asked.

"She is here," he looked at me.

Was he implying that I'm his girlfriend? What the hell was he playing at?

"Do you mean Miss Mpundu?" John asked.


"Yes," he interrupted and stepped on my foot.

"But why was Miss Mpundu in another room when the woman found the dead body? If you two spent the night together, then it's only fitting that Miss Mpundu should have been in your room. Miss, do you mind elaborating on what he is talking about?" Simon said, and looked at me studiously.

I actually did not know what was going on. Me and Paul just met and now I'm his girlfriend. Was he trying to cover for himself or he had something up his sleeves? Could he have been the killer? Because if he wasn't, he wouldn't have lied to the men. But again, if I tell the truth, it might come back to me. They might blame me for the murder. So, going with the flow seemed to be a good idea at the moment.

"Yes, I was with him, but I left his room around four in the morning. That is why I was in my room when the woman found the dead woman," I explained, keeping my face as calm as a cucumber.

"Ok, but just out of curiosity, why do you leave in different apartments if you two are together?" John asked.

"Well, we didn't come here together, we met here," Paul spoke.

"I'm sure before she got killed, she might have been screaming. Didn't you hear anything?" John asked, holding a notebook in his left hand and a pen in his right hand.

"So, last night was the night we did it and it was a bit vicious, a can say," Paul responded again.

"Are you talking about…."

"Yes, officer. I think that is why we didn't hear her screaming," I interrupted.

"Ok, before this gets any more disgusting. You two can leave, but we will call you if anything comes up," John said, writing whatever we had said.

"Thank you, officer," we both said and stood up.

"Hope you catch the bastards who did this. But why didn't you just check the security footages?" I asked, as Paul opened the door.

Then it hit me. If they see the security footages, they will know that Paul and I were lying. Worse, if the killer only erased the footages when he entered the hotel and when he left. They will surely think we did it.

"We did, but they have deleted the footages from nine in the evening till six in the morning,' John said and I took a sigh.

But I didn't reply. Having expected that answer, I just left the room. Also, the fact that I needed to interrogate Paul for lying to John and Simon that I'm his girlfriend when I just met him today. We made our way to the elevator, and I pressed on the first-floor button. I have to find out if my suspicions are correct or not. As soon as possible.

"Are you going to explain or I have to ask?" I said, but didn't look at him.

"Explain what?"

"Dude, you just lied to them that I'm your girlfriend, and I was with you the all night. Why did you lie to them? What if they find out the truth?"

"I lied to save you. I know they might have blamed you mostly, just like you said. And they will never find out the truth about me and you not dating. Just relax now that you are out of the list."

But I couldn't relax. This bastard wants something. There is no way he could help a stranger. We just met today, about thirty minutes ago. So, him helping me was a bit suspicion.

Also, the fact that good Samaritans are mythical creatures made the whole thing look even threatening.

"Tell me the truth, Paul. I don't buy that saving me thing. What is the real reason you saved me? Tell me or die?" I turned to face him. Hoping I sounded intimidating enough.

"By dying you mean, both of us dying here doing what I lied we did last night?" he turned and his face was an inch from me. He had the most mischievous smile I have seen so far. I just turned and faced the other way. This man was nuts. "Listen Suwilanji, I have no bad intentions. I just like you. I friendly gesture," I added as he saw my look. "You couldn't have killed that man. Besides vampires did it, and you are not one, are you?" I nodded.

Though I have questions about him. Ever since he saw the woman's dead body, he had been saying constantly that a vampire was responsible for it. No matter how many times tried to talk him out of that thought, he kept on repeating it.

Did he know something about the dead woman and the vampires, maybe? That would be the only explanation to why he is so clinched on saying a vampire killed the woman. But that also made the hair at the back of my head stood on end. If he knew something, then I was also a magical being. Which could be both good and depraved. What if he was also a vampire? Then my life was surely in danger.

Vampires are the malevolent magical beings I have ever known and heard of. Though I have met no one. Everyone thinks they have gone extinct but, wait for it....

Here they are.

The elevator reached the ground floor, and I got knocked out of my thoughts. We walked in silence as we passed the reception's station. Then, before me and Paul exited the hotel, I remembered what hotel it was. I was at southern park hotel.


I was totally screwed now. My mother's friend worked here. If she sees me leave with Paul, then I will be in trouble. I took Paul's hand and hurried outside the hotel. Expectantly, she was already inside and I will not find her outside.

"Do you have a car?" I asked him while pushing him to the parking lot.

"Yes. Do you need a ride home? But that will make your mother even more suspicions if she sees you get out of my car," he said suggestively.

"I will deal with that later. Just take me to your car," I necessitated. Fortunate enough, the bastard was just going with the floor.

We reached a black BMW, then he removed a small key with a black thing at the end. He pressed on a tiny button that was even small than my pinky finger, then the car's lights flashed. Without even waiting for him gesturing, I opened the back sit and entered.

A minute later, the door to the drivers sit opened and Paul entered. I'm sure filled with questions, though he didn't want to voice them out.

"Where to miss?" he asked, and I saw the bastard looking in the mirror. Seemingly laughing at my paranoid state.

"Take me to Helen Kaunda," I said, ignoring his gaze.

"Yes miss," I saw him dip his head, and he took off.

But something was off, why was he not asking more questions? I just began panicking all the sudden, and he was good with it. Even give me a ride, to top it off.

"Aren't you going to ask me why I'm panicking?" I finally asked, couldn't hold my composure.

He was way too mysterious. First, he backed me up. Actually, he came up with the story out of his own accord and I just went with the floor. Second, the vampire thing. Now he has agreed to take me home without asking questions? What the hell did he really want from me. Could it be that he wanted what he lied about? But he must have seen I had no interest in him. Not even a bit. Despite the bastard been as handsome as hell. And though he has the devilish smile that kind of turns me on, I felt nothing for him. So, before this nightmare turns into reality, I have to put thing straight. And make sure he was not the killer and wanted to kill me too.

"Can't a man help a woman without the woman thinking there is a motive behind?" he said.

My heart skipped a beat. How was he able to know what I was thinking? Was I voicing my thoughts without knowing? Or he could read my mind?

"Of course, I can," he shot me his steely, devilish smile.

"Wait what?" I asked, jaw dropped. "You can read my mind?"

"Kind of. Also, I don't think my smile is devilish." I just looked away. This was not only surprising but embarrassing as well. So much for my secret thoughts.

But if he can read my mind, then he is a magical being.

"Who are you exactly? Why are you helping me? Explain or die, and this time I'm not joking. If you don't explain yourself in less than two minutes, then start saying bye to your family.," I said matter-of-factly.