

After she woke up at the hotel, she found a vampire killed. But she didn't know who the killer was, Suwilanji and her mentor, Mateo, had been looking for the killer for the past weeks. And the vampire was just another attack. But after that day, things began to look up. She later found a lead about the killer's whereabouts. But after she confronted the man, things turned out not to be the way they looked. "The mark of Cain?" Suwilanji asked. "A demon?" Mateo repeated. Ride along as she faces demons, witches, snowmen, etc.

Traver_Mwansa · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Peeling open my eyes; I saw that the room I was in was not mine. It was way too fancy. I slowly left the bed as my head ached like hell. Just when the silk sheets dropped from my body, I realized I was half naked.

"What the hell?" I cursed as I pulled the sheets on again.

How the hell did I end up at that place? Which, in no doubt, was a five-star hotel. I looked at my left and at the table was my blue jeans. My black crop top sat on the chair where a bottle of champagne lay on the floor.

Just as I stepped my foot down, I saw one of my high-heeled shoes beside my foot. Examining the room more, I spotted my other shoe just a foot from the door.

"Hello!" I shouted, but no one responded.

I tried to go through memory lane but nothing about the night came to my mind. I got up, and as I was walking towards the table where a jar of water sat, I stepped on something.

Looking down, I saw a man's tailored dark blue jacket. I lifted it, then I remembered it all. At Natasha's birthday party last night, someone asked me out. After refusing for the fourth time, the bastard came back for the fifth time and, of course, I agreed. I remember coming to a hotel with him. But where was he? I looked around, still saw no one. I got up and charged to the bathroom. There was no one inside the room.

Did he leave without saying goodbye? Wow, that bastard has the audacity.

Not only did he take me for a fool, but he took me for a one-night stand. I sat on the bed, trying to comprehend everything. What happened last night? The only thing I was able to remember was him and me driving to his apartment and we had a few shots. But from there I don't remember a thing. But judging by how I woke up, we did more than just drinking.

I took my blue jeans and began searching for my phone, but it was not there. I looked at the table; it was not there too.

"Where the hell are you?"

He couldn't have stolen my phone, could he? For him to bring me to such a hotel meant he was rich. But he could have sneaked me in here. Hopefully, he had paid the bills or I will be the one to do that. Which will increase my reasons to dismember him when I see him again.

The waist part was what I was going to tell mother when she asks about where I spent the night. But I can always say I spent it at Sarah's. Though she might have probably called her. Hopefully, Sarah was smart enough to cover for me.

They painted the apartment brightly with a touch of gold that made the apartment look even delicate. To my left was a vast opening, and the wind blew the curtains inwards. On either side of the bed sat white lamps that were still lit. Then, on the other side, was a black leather couch and a small table. As I examined the table more, I saw a silver wristwatch underneath. I got up from the bed and matched to the table. I picked the watch and realized it was already eight in the morning.

Damn that bastard. I cursed.

I made my way to the bathroom to at least wash myself before I exit that goddammed ravishing apartment. Then just as I wrapped a towel around my waist, my phone sort it best to ring, when I have been looking for it and it refused to come out of hiding.

But either way I rushed out of the bathroom and began following the sound of my ringtone. Then I saw the flashlight flashing under the bedcovers. Picking it up, I saw that mother was calling.

"Hey mom," I said cheerfully

"Suwilanji, where the hell are you? Don't even think about lying to me, young lady!" she shouted on top of her lungs. "This is like the tenth time I have called you!"

"Morning mother, you are not even greeting me. That's not fair," I said, trying to change the topic.

"Young lady."

"I'm at Sarah's place," I lied.

Then it hit me. What if she talked to Sarah? I might say something different from what Sarah told her. Which will, of course, lead to her asking me a lot of questions and I will have to tell her I spent the night at a hotel, which I literally don't even know.

I still have to find the twit I spent the night with. Just for the in cases. With both of us drank we must have done something that will cost mostly me.

"Mother, I can't hear what you are saying," I began rubbing my phone on the sheets, "I will call you later, ok. Bye."

Despite me knowing they will be repercussions for that, I still went on and cut the phone before she could finish speaking. But in my defense, I had to do that. To save both myself and mother from getting a heart attack that her daughter spent a night at a hotel.

I looked at the bed that can probably fit four people of my body size. Though the sheets that were everywhere would in no doubt make you think the owner of the room was a dirty person. To the left of the door was a table and a chair.

Dammit. I jumped from the couch. I can't be distracted right now; my major priority should be getting back home as soon as possible.

Then as I made my way to the bed, I suddenly felt nauseas. I ran to the bathroom. And vomited a hand full of beverage. I tried to get up, but the vomiting sensation came back. I again bent on the toilet but nothing came out of my mouth. After a couple of minutes, I left the bathroom and sat on the bed.

Did I drink that much?

"Oh, no. oh, no, no, no. it can't be," I got up and began pacing.

I can't be pregnant. Not in this way. I felt heat founding its way inside my body. What if I'm? what the hell am I going to tell my mother?

But again, it was possible that I just drunk so much. Hence, vomiting. I had to be sure. And if the case turns out that I'm... I swallowed loudly, unable to say the word. I need to find that man now more than ever.

"Maybe he just stepped outside," just after a voiced that, I realized how stupid it sounded.

As I looked around the place more, I saw a closet not too far from the restroom. I went over and opened it. But to my surprise, there were no clothes inside. Only a pack of cigarettes stared back at me. If the psychopath brought me here, then the apartment should be his, or maybe his friend. But why were they no clothes inside? I might be thinking I'm at a hotel, but instead they have kidnapped me. Though that scenario was not highly considered. They can't leave me with a phone.

As I was trying to think, my phone rang again. I looked at it, hoping mother was not calling again. Because I might just not answer, which will for sure answer her questions that I was lying about spending the night at Sarah's place. But lucky for me, it was Sarah. Just the person I was about to call.

"Hey. I was just about to call you," I said as fast as I could.

"Hey, Suwilanji, how are you? Hopefully, you didn't wake up with a headache like me."

"I woke up with more than I headache."

"What do you mean? Are you sick?"

"Off course, not. I wake up at a freaking hotel. Why the hell did you allow this to happen?"

"Wait, you are at a hotel?"

"Yes, and that too. I woke up half naked."

"But I thought he took you home," Sarah said.

"You seriously thought he took me at home? How damn can someone be. Ok, that came out wrong," I admitted after I heard her groaning. "But he couldn't. we come to a hotel. At least I think it's a hotel."

"Though I was drunk, I remember hearing Gabriel saying that same man who offered you a drink to take you home, while he took me home as well. But I can see you decided to take a turn," she laughed lightly.

"Ah, so funny. But I have bigger problems than that. We might have done something stupid. I'm uncertain, but I have my suspicions. Tell me your boyfriend knows where that man stays?"

"I'm sorry, ok?" her laugh died down, "and yes Gabriel knows him. So, we can go and confront that bastard together later today. For taking you for a one-night stand."

"Didn't Gabriel meet him like yesterday?"

Something was fishy here. Gabriel met the man yesterday and invited him to his girlfriend's party. Since I always objected to his relationship with Sarah, he never liked me. He kept on saying I wanted to keep Sarah from him, that I was jealous and the like. Which was a lie, I just happen to hate people who are too full of themselves. Just because his father happened to be rich, he thought he was the most handsome man in the whole world. So, me thinking that Gabriel set this up wouldn't be wrong. It would be his pay back.

"Yes, but I talked to him earlier, and he told me he was going to hang out with those same guys even today."

"Then I will see you at your house, and then we can go and confront that piece of shit. After of course, I conform my suspicions," my anger burbled up in my stomach like they just pulled acid inside it.

"Sure, also I told Mr. Mutale we are not going to work today. I guessed you had a hungover."

"Thanks for that. Did mother call you?"

"Yes, but I didn't pick up because I was still sleeping when she called. When I called her, it was saying she was busy. Why?"

"She called me and I had to hang up on her. I wanted to confirm if she talked to you, so I know what I should tell her."

"She didn't talk to me. I will call her, if you want to."

"I will handle it. I will be at your place in a few hours. Bye."

She said bye back and I hang up the phone.

Both me and Sarah worked as waitresses at a café called the mood lift café. It was a very popular café that people ever packed it. The only problem was the owner of the café was a spoiled rich brat. I think that is why I hate brats so much. That bastard had been nothing but a pain in my neck. But we had no choice but to carry on working. It was our only source of income.

Finding a job in Lusaka city was very hard. After we finished our schools, we both had to spend one year and a half just looking for a job. Then, when we lost all hope, mother's sister found that job for us. So quitting was not an option. I just have to deal with that man for now. But if he provokes me more, I will forget he is my boss one day.

Then right there it hit me. What if it was his house, and the bastard was just downstairs or something? Then it means he didn't take me for a fool. But again, going outside the room and I find his parents in the dining room. Or his mother sweeping the house?

I might end up making a fool out of myself. Heck, even embarrass my mother. I quickly took my clothes and put them on. The sooner I know what is going on, the better.

Then, just as I was tying my black long hair, someone knocked on the door. Then before I died thinking it was the man's mother, a lady shouted.

"Room service!"

Thank God I was at a hotel. Facing his mother would have been so embarrassing, heck, she might even think I'm a slat or something worse.

"Hey," I said as I opened the door.

"Hey. I see he brought a fresh one today. Did he leave you here as well as he does with the others?" she smiled.

Like others? So that bastard has the tendency of leaving girls in his apartment. I looked at the woman again.

She was black and slightly taller than me. Long hair just like mine and she tied it in a ponytail as well. She wore a black dress and a white apron around her waist. Which, of course, is the uniform. Then she completed the look with black flat shoes.

"I don't know how you keep felling for his tricks. Just because he is a billionaire. You choose to se….."

"A what?" I interrupted, not even caring if she took it as a rude gesture or not.

"A billionaire, you can't tell me you didn't know," she looked at me thoughtfully.

"Oh, I did. I just didn't hear you at the first time. Just give me a few minutes to finish up, ok? Thanks," with one smile at her, I slammed the door on her face.

The bastard was a billionaire. I know I might sound stupid but, that just changed everything. Instead of him taking advantage this time, I will use his stupidity to get some cash from him. Of course, later I will dismember him for the one-night stand thing.