

After she woke up at the hotel, she found a vampire killed. But she didn't know who the killer was, Suwilanji and her mentor, Mateo, had been looking for the killer for the past weeks. And the vampire was just another attack. But after that day, things began to look up. She later found a lead about the killer's whereabouts. But after she confronted the man, things turned out not to be the way they looked. "The mark of Cain?" Suwilanji asked. "A demon?" Mateo repeated. Ride along as she faces demons, witches, snowmen, etc.

Traver_Mwansa · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


I held out my brown wand, which the maker thought of decorating with star-shaped stickers. And according to my parents, that wand was the perfect fit. Just in case someone found it laying inside my bed or my bag, they wouldn't suspect a thing. They would think it was just a toy or something. Which was kind of embarrassing. They would think I play with children's toys.

I saw Paul smiling in the mirror. Then pursed his lips and turned to look at me. With his hand in the air. In no doubt, making me see he was unarmed. But I still had to stay on high alert. I did not know who he was or what he wanted. Why he helped me and what was his motive. Maybe one of the people I had offended in the past or who just hated me for no reason sent him.

Not to mention the murders that had been happening for the past few days. So, Paul suddenly appearing was not a coincidence. He might be linked to the murders somehow. Heck, he might even be the murderer.

"Listen, I don't mean any arm, ok? I was just helping out. I mean, we are both magical beings and we are supposed to protect each other. So, I was just helping a friend out," he said it casually.

"You don't expect me to just believe you were helping me without expecting something in return. Good Samaritans are mythical creatures. So, tell me the real reason you helped me? And why were you creeping in my head?" my wand was just an inch from his nose.

"I was just trying to help. No strings attached, ok? Now put that away, and I will take you to your destination," I lowed my wand.

"What are you exactly? How come you are able to read my mind? Stop it," I said as I saw him smirking in the mirror. "And I couldn't sense your magic either."

If he was a magical being, then I would have sensed his magic at the hotel. I had been with him for the past hour and I sensed nothing. Was he protected from that somehow? But why? How was he able to tell I was a wizard? I need to find out more about this bastard. But first the blood billionaire who took me for a fool.

"I'm a sear. We have a protected layer around us that keeps other magical beings from sensing our magic. And if you need to teach the blood billionaire a lesson or two, then why are you going to your friend? I think taking you to him would be great."


"I'm only trying to help," he burst out laughing at my paranoid face,

"I haven't asked for your help. And keep out of my head, man geez. Tell me how you realized I'm a magical being?"

"You told me to shut up when I mentioned vampires."

"Anyone could have done that."

"Not in the way you did, though. And at that time, I began creeping into you mind. I know I didn't take your permission. But I needed to verify my suspicions."

"Just how much did you read in my head?" I asked, just out of curiosity. If he could get into my head, he might tell me what happened last night. If me and that bastard did something, we shouldn't have done. Well, something I shouldn't have done. I don't want any surprises.

"Not a lot. But enough. And you enjoyed yourself last night, eh? So, me telling the police you were busy the all night wasn't wrong. You were very busy," he added with a smile.

"This is so embarrassing," I looked down. "But did it look like he was forcing me? Because I was so drunk I can't even remember."

"Well, no. as I said, you enjoyed yourself. And I don't think you should ask me a lot of questions. My heart is threatening to rip out reliving what you and that man did," Paul spoke. He took a turn, "we have reached Helen Kaunda. Where exactly is your friend's place?"

"Just go straight, then stop at a black gate. And thanks for saving me," I said, and he just dipped his head. I hadn't had time to do that ever since we left the hotel. I was too preoccupied with figuring who he was that I failed to thank him. It's no doubt that he saved me from the police.

If he hadn't come up with that story, then I wouldn't have gotten myself out of that. But I don't know why I felt he was not telling me the all truth. Why the hell did he have to do that? If they find out that we lied, then he will be in trouble as well.

If those police officers don't find the person responsible for the murder, they are likely to call us again. And if they decide to dig deeper, they will find out about Paul's lie.

"I did what anyone would have done for such a pretty lady. Anyone in my shoes would have seen through those mesmerizing eyes," I realized I was blushing. "But seriously, I was just helping, no strings attached. But can I ask for a favor?" here it comes.

But I was kind of expecting it. "I thought there were no strings attached," I used his words against him.

"And they weren't. I'm not forcing you. If you want, you can say yes or no. The decision is up to you," he parked the car. "We are here."

"What is the favor?" he phrased every word so well that I even agreed to the favor before I heard it.

"There will be a party at my friend's place, and I don't have a date," he paused.

"So, you want me to go with you? Just for the record, a party got me to that hotel," I explained.

"I know. But I won't do that with you or allow anyone to take you from my side. And I have told you the decision is up to you," he turned to look at me.

"When is the party?"

"This coming Saturday."

"So, I have four days to prepare?"

"Is that a yes?"

"Of course, you twit," I opened my purse and took my card. "You can call me at that number," I handed it to him.

"Suwilanji Sinkala. Nice name," he read the card.

"Thanks once again for saving me. And don't go blurting what you read in my head to anyone. I will see you on Saturday then," I opened the door and got out.

"Maybe even sooner," he said as I slammed the door shut.

"Go home Paul," I looked at him and he short me his devilish smile. I opened the small gate and went inside. Then, about a minute later, I heard the engine start, and the wheels made some noise because of friction. I understood a thing or two in physics.

Though I was kind of starting to feel guilty. I only agreed to go to the party because I might end up catching the person responsible for the murders. And find out a bit more about paul. if he was a magical being, then that party was where I was meant to be on Saturday.

I rang the doorbell and two minutes later; the door opened. Mrs. Mutale stood at the door.

"Morning aunt," I said cheerfully.

"Morning, Suwilanji. Please do come in," she answered, and I went inside.

She was also in her forties, just like my mother. A beautiful face that had once been youthfully dazzling. She wore a blue loose dress, with diamond jewels decorating the neck and comfortable slippers. She was an amiable woman, I never found any problem with her.

"Your friend came home last night worsted. Hopefully, you didn't drink too much as well," she said as we walked to the living room.

They painted the house white and the white curtains that hang on the window made the house look even brighter. The living room, on the other hand, had the golden touch like the damn hotel I found myself at. About five leather couches surrounded the glass table in the center of the living room. To the left there was a wooden dining table and on the right there was a five-inch television that was currently off.

"A bit," I admitted. But I couldn't tell her I drank too much. Actually, ended up at a lunatic billionaire's hotel. How had the audacity to leave me there not to mention.

"I thought I made it clear that you shouldn't drink too much. Anyway, your friend is upstairs," she said and went to the kitchen.

I rushed upstairs, passed about two bedrooms, and finally reached Sarah's room. Without even bothering to knock, I entered.

It was not that much big of a bedroom, like those princesses' rooms. But it was enough to occupy one person, and that was all she needed.

She well spread the bed, unlike the one I left at the hotel. To the left there was a white closet with a dressing mirror on the door. And on the other side, there was a table and a chair. For studies' sake. But since we weren't going to school any more, they were useless if you asked me.

I spotted Sarah looking out the window.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I went closer to her.

I looked at the window, and I saw Paul's car still outside the gate. What the hell was he doing? I heard his car engine. Was he waiting for me?