

After she woke up at the hotel, she found a vampire killed. But she didn't know who the killer was, Suwilanji and her mentor, Mateo, had been looking for the killer for the past weeks. And the vampire was just another attack. But after that day, things began to look up. She later found a lead about the killer's whereabouts. But after she confronted the man, things turned out not to be the way they looked. "The mark of Cain?" Suwilanji asked. "A demon?" Mateo repeated. Ride along as she faces demons, witches, snowmen, etc.

Traver_Mwansa · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


We finally reached Lusaka golf club, and Paul parked his car in a parking lot. He tried to come with us, but I stopped him.

It wouldn't be wise to take a man I just met today on such a thing. The damn billionaire might just think I was lying and Paul was the father to my child.

Me and Sarah climbed out of the car and marched to the golf course. Then, ten feet from us, was Sarah's boyfriend, and I spotted the man who took me last night. He was my man.

We went closer and Robert rushed to us as he spotted us.

"Hey, sweat. What brings you here?" He asked as he hugged her. "Hey Suwilanji," he waved a hand.

"Hey Robert," I said and continued examining my man.

He wore white, very short shorts that says way, way above his knee cups. A white polo shirt with a man beating the damn gold ball with his bat. And then matched his looked with sneakers that went very well with a gold wristwatch he accessorized himself with. And as I looked closely, the wristwatch looked nothing like those fake one. This bastard might be richer than I thought.

But the more I looked at him, the more my anger vanished. Was I..... No, I can't be. I need to focus now more than ever.

"Suwilanji, shall we?" Sarah asked as she went past me.

I followed behind, trying to look as threatening as I could be. I had to be tough. For my child and for myself.

"Hey," I said, looking at the black tall billionaire. "Remember me?"

"I think so... Oh, yeah. You are the one I ended up babysitting," his two huge friends began laughing behind.

"Well, you did more than babysit," I said and I saw his face going blank. Was he also drank? Or he was just pretending to. "Can I talk to you over there? I don't think this conversation should involve them," I added, and began walking to the left side.

I head footsteps, and then I stopped about ten feet from everyone. I turned and looked directly into his blue colored eyes.

Oh, crap. He was... A werewolf.

Then, just like that, everything came clear. My vision kind of become blurred. He was a freaking werewolf. But what was he doing showing his eyes to everyone?

I thought they put on contact lenses to prevent humans from sensing them. So what the hell was he up to? Or was I the one being paranoid? But my wizard senses never lie to me about the surrounding dangers. Or was there someone else who was a magical being.

I thought about Paul, but removed him out of the list as soon as I could. I couldn't sense his powers early and he said he was protected from that somehow.

I looked around, trying to scan the area, but I saw no one that looked even remotely like a magical being.

"Are you just going to stare in to my eyes, or you gonna tell me what you want to say?" The man said.



"Zack. I know maybe you didn't also mean for this to happen, but it did. We were both drunk and acted childish," I said as fast as I could master.

"What are you talking about? I'm kind of lost."

"Well, you remember we spent the night together, do you?"

"Yeah. And that you kept on staring into my eyes the whole time," a smile split across his face. The bragging kind of smile.

"And you know we did things we shouldn't have, right?"

"If you mean having fun. Then yeah."

"Dude, I'm pregnant," I blurted. Realizing he was not focusing.

His smile suddenly vanished. He looked directly into my eyes. And I spotted fear in his eyes.

"Did you hear what I just told you?" I asked.

"You, you what?" he stammered.

"Pregnant. With your child," I enunciated.

"You are kidding, right? If it's money you need, I will give it to you. Just tell me you are lying to me," he began pacing, beating his fists together.

"No, I'm not. Why the hell would I lie about something like this? I'm freaking pregnant and I'm carrying your child," I scolded.

"What if it's not mine? How sure are you it's mine, eh? I know what you are trying to do here. You are trying to get some money from me. Well, guess what, I'm not gonna accept that child because I believe it's not mine."

I don't know what came over me, but I embraced it with my all heart, soul and mind. Then I slapped the damn man. So hard he lifted a bit from the ground and slammed the ground.

"How dare you say I'm lying? You had your fun last night, you idiot. Did you think you were going to continue sleeping with every girl in town and none of this would have happened? Well, guess what brat, it did," I went and bent down, looking at his scared face. "It's your child and you are gonna take responsibility for it. I don't know what you are going to say to your father, but I'm coming to your house tonight. Oh, and this is for leaving me at that fancy hotel," I kicked him in the stomach and motioned for Sarah to follow me behind.

I heard Sarah, saying goodbye to Robert and she was laughing lightly. Then I heard her footsteps following me behind.

I seriously did not know what just happened. It went better than I expected. I think all that anger I felt from not catching the killer kind of bubbled up when he refused to take responsibility. But he deserved it. Hundred percent.

After we got into the car, I told Paul everything and the man nearly went outside to beat up Zack again. But I told him it was ok. I had already taken care of that. Though he was still furious.

He drove me and Sarah to my place. After he dropped us, he told me to call him if anything went wrong. And then he drove off.

But I still needed to figure out what Paul was in all this. Why was he helping me? I was a stranger to him and he was been nice for no reason at all. Why? We he related to the murderers that had been taking place? Was that why he was buttering me so I could remove him from the suspect list? Or I was just too eager to accept that good Samaritan's existed?

But whatever it was, was something to think about later. I had to tell my mother everything. She was going to ground me for the rest of my life.

The outside of the house got covered with artificial tiles. Then they put pavements on the ground, making the place looking even more dashing. There was no single tree outside, unlike Sarah's place. So, you might say we were getting less of oxygen. But enough from the neighboring trees.

The house was bigger than Sara's place. And just a bit fancier. Not to brag or anything, but that was what I saw. I guess it was because I grew up there and I got used to it that I couldn't see the beauty of other places.

I took a sigh, and we entered the house. Mother was pacing up and down in the living room. She lit the vast chandelier that hang loos in the ceiling. Making her sparkly dress look even more mesmerizing. She went and sat in one of the five leather blue couches that surrounded the living room.

Then father thought it best to build a fireplace. Which we literally needed, especially since winter was approaching. Then, to the left of the living room, were stairs leading to the second floor.

She looked at me as she sensed mine and Sarah's footsteps. And they were nothing but rage in her eyes. But despite that, she hugged me tightly, that she nearly broke my bones.

"Mother, do you want me to chock to death?"

"That was the plan," she smiled as she let me go. "Are you alright?" She asked, looking directly into my eyes. "Oh, hey Sarah," she waved a hand at Sarah, but instantly turned back to me again. Motherly insticts. "Suwilanji, what is going on?" She repeated.

"I think you might want to sit down for this," I touched her shoulders and led her to a couch. "So, I did not sleep at Sarah's," I began as we sat down.

She jumped from the couch, "what? I should have known. Well, I knew you might be lying. But there was no way If proving it. Then start explaining, young lady," she sat back on the couch again.

"I slept at a hotel. With a man," I looked down. Avoiding her eyes in any way possible.

"And you got pregnant," she finished my sentence, and I just nodded. "Suwilanji why? How did you even allow this to happen? After everything I told you. You still allowed yourself to get pregnant."

I looked up at her, and the look on her face shattered my heart. Tears were streaming down none stop. She looked disappointed, mad and looked like she could strangle me in a blink of an eye. But above all, she looked scared. Scared for me. How was I going to face the society? What were they going to say about me? About her?

I worked for the church. But they didn't know my position. It had nothing to do with religious. But they believe I was some kind of saint. When in the actual sense I hunted for the Vatican's. Well, killed those who deserved it. Like the bastard who had been killing people around.

I looked away, unable to bare seeing her face. I just made the biggest mistake I could ever make in my entire life.

Screw me.