

After she woke up at the hotel, she found a vampire killed. But she didn't know who the killer was, Suwilanji and her mentor, Mateo, had been looking for the killer for the past weeks. And the vampire was just another attack. But after that day, things began to look up. She later found a lead about the killer's whereabouts. But after she confronted the man, things turned out not to be the way they looked. "The mark of Cain?" Suwilanji asked. "A demon?" Mateo repeated. Ride along as she faces demons, witches, snowmen, etc.

Traver_Mwansa · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


The day flew by so quickly. I sat in my dim room. Alone with only my thoughts drowning me. After my talk with mother, well… she forgave me, just like Sarah said she would. But it was like I was the one who hadn't forgiven myself. I still saw the same face my mother wore when I told her I was pregnant.

It was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. And to top it off, that bastard refused to accept his responsibility.

Then I realized it was time for me to go and pay my billionaire father of my child a visit. Before I confronted the bastard at the golf course, Paul did some digging for me. The man was a genius with computers. So, he figured the address where the Zack and his father stayed, he also told me that Zack's mother died a few months ago.

They lived near the state house, which was a place for the president. And for him to find his way in such a place meant he was very wealth and must have had been friends with the president or his associates. But that didn't matter to me. The only thing that mattered was for him to be on my side.

And according to Paul's research, the man did some charity work. He owned about three NGOs in the city and he also sponsored some poor kids to school. So, he wouldn't refuse to take his grandchild in.

But even bad people do charity work, so I didn't rely on that only. I had something up my sleeves. But I was hoping against all odds that he was not a dush like his son. Also, if he accepts me, my mother will be happy, so will I. But that bastard was still going to pay.

But there was something wrong with me. Apparently, there was something about him that kept wanted me not to make him pay. Maybe his cute blue eyes. Or his dashing jaw line.

I instantly banished those thoughts away. I needed to focus. Now more than ever.

After I got out of the house, mother offered to follow but of course I refused. I wouldn't want her to have a heart attack if Zack's father also refused to help me. So, I quickly left the house before she could force herself to tag alone.

As I opened the gate and got out, I spotted Paul's car about five feet from me. It was late and I couldn't walk in the dark to a place that was hundreds of miles away from my house. Hence, I asked Paul for a favor. And just like that, the man agreed. My head again thought it best to question Paul's actions towards me.

Was he only helping me or he had an anterior motive? Why was he so nice to me from the first time we met at the hotel? He helped me out with the police earlier, then agreed to take me to Sarah's place than to Zack. And now he had agreed to leave his home around eight pm just because I needed his help.

Was he maybe in love with me or something? That would explain a lot of things, actually. But I can't allow him to get closer to me that much. I wouldn't give him what he might need from me as his wife. So, there was no way I would agree to that.

"Hey," he opened the door and allow me to enter the car.

"Hey," I said before he closed the door and rounded the car, then entered into the drivers sit.

He was wearing black pajamas. Top and bottom. He also wore casual sandals. But the outfit didn't look cheap at all. They actually looked as expensive as hell. Was he some kind of rich bastard as well? Then why was he at the hotel?

And my mind raced again. Was he involved in the murders that had been happening? Was he aware of the woman's death from the hotel? But again, he was a sear, not a vampire. So, he couldn't have been the one who killed her. Though what if he was just helping them? Finding out more about magical beings than alerting the vampires. It was something to consider. I allowed my thought to vanish, as I sensed him staring at me.

"You ready?" he asked, as he started the engine.

"Well, yeah. I guess," I sighed and shot him a smile.

Did he read my mind? Was I too late to banish my thoughts away? He was helping me and here I was, suspecting him.

"What are you going to do if Zack's father also refuses to take you in?" Paul asked, and I could sense emotions taking over him. He was such an amazing person. One of the few I had met.

Which made me feel sick to my stomach that I was doubting his actions. But my life was full of crap that I had to think twice before trusting anyone. Knowing that I was a wizard, majority befriended me because they needed my protection. Apparently, I was a powerful being. So, most people feared us. Which was my leverage and made me keep on thinking about why the killer was still in town. I don't think he had heard about me. But he was going to.

"I'm not sure. But I'm hoping against all odds that he doesn't act like his son. He is my only hope," I took a sigh and rested my back on the chair.

If the old man was to refuse me as well. I would resort to my second solution. I just couldn't let them walk away from their responsibility. Mostly Zack. He mightn't have known what he was doing due to both of us been drank. But despite that, it happened, and he was supposed to take full responsibility.

I wouldn't blame his father that much, though. The old man did not know about his son's stupidity. And I'm sure he might have been trying to stop his son from acting childish and braty. But that is only if he was as good of a person as everyone said he was. But if he was just like his son, then he wouldn't even give a damn about me. An Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But that saying has proved to be null in so many cases. Fingers crossed, it was the same here as well.

My second options were threatening the leaving hell out of both of them. And I just happened to know how.

Every rich bastard loves their reputation more than anything. They are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure their reputations stay intact. Even kill if the scenario required it. With that been said, I was going to threaten them with the reputation thing. I was going to make sure my child leaved the life she deserved, whether by hooks or crooks.

Though they might be something I might be overlooking. If Zack was a werewolf, then his father was also a werewolf. That gave them a bit of an advantage, but I was at an upper hand.

They might highly respect the old man at their werewolf's park. So, threatening him with that might also work.

"You are one hell of a woman. But I'm with you on that one. They deserve to pay for their actions. But if the brat Zack keeps on refusing to accept his responsibility, just tell me. I will teach him a lesson he will never forget," he looked at me for a second and then returned to the road.

"Thank you, Paul. But I think I have this under control. I had put myself in this position and I will get myself out of it," I chose my words carefully, making sure I hadn't sounded rude or anything. "And stop creeping in my head, will you? It's very uncomfortable," a smile split across his face as I looked at him.

"I will try. But just for the in cases I'm here."

"Thanks, Paul."

I had been trying to block him from leading my mind, but apparently, that was inevitable. I tried countless spells. But nothing worked. Though I have to keep trying. Do my level best to keep him out. Him knowing everything I'm thinking is not safe. Both for me and him.

It was obvious the bastard felt something for me and would do anything nobbily idiotic to make me happy.

Asking Mateo might be the best choice. He was one of the best wizards I knew.

My phone rattled in my purse, and I took it out. Speak of the devil-and the dammed bastard calls.

"Yes, Mateo. How is it going?" I spoke.

"Suwilanji, where the hell are you? You didn't forget we were supposed to meet, did you?" He scolded, nearly making my eardrums break.

"Crap," I cursed. "Sorry, Mateo. I have been occupied the all morning with work. I'm really sorry. But I still can make it. Though I might be late. Due to the same issue. I will explain when we see each other," I said assuredly.

"Just hurry. They might get away again and that is the last thing we need right now because they had been another attack. A vampire was killed a few minutes ago. I had to go and remove all the evidences before the police got there. Which you should have been doing, young lady," he said in a fatherly tone.

I had been working with Mateo, for almost five years now. My father entrusted me to him before he died. And the man had been there for me through everything. Which made my heart skip a bit. Mateo would kill Zack if I tell him the man refused to take responsibility for his actions. Also, he might feel disappointed in me. And just thinking about seeing the same face I saw on mother made my blood boil.

Then I realized I was still on the phone after he groaned. "Oh, sorry. Anyway, I will kill those bastards when we catch them. They have acted cowardly and they will pay for that. You can send me the location where I will find you. But I might take maybe thirty minutes or more," I said as Paul parked his car and stopped the engine.

"Alright, just hurry, ok? And be careful."

"Yes, Mateo," I said and hang up the phone. I looked at Paul and we left the car.

Time to face this dammed rich family.