

After she woke up at the hotel, she found a vampire killed. But she didn't know who the killer was, Suwilanji and her mentor, Mateo, had been looking for the killer for the past weeks. And the vampire was just another attack. But after that day, things began to look up. She later found a lead about the killer's whereabouts. But after she confronted the man, things turned out not to be the way they looked. "The mark of Cain?" Suwilanji asked. "A demon?" Mateo repeated. Ride along as she faces demons, witches, snowmen, etc.

Traver_Mwansa · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


What was Paul really? What was he looking for? I sensed no magic around him, which made the back of my air stood on end. If he was a magical being, why were my wizard powers felling to sense his magic? Was he protected? If that was the case, by what?

He was very mysterious, but genuinely nice to me. But that didn't set him free, he was up to something and I have to find out as soon as possible before things goes tits. As I said earlier, I don't believe in good Samaritans.

I pulled Sarah from the window and closed the curtains after I locked eyed with him for a second. Was he waiting for me? But why?

"Who is that? He doesn't look like the man you went with last night," Sarah asked as we sat down on the bed. "And why did you pull me from the window?"

"His name is Paul." I explained everything to her. From the time I met him and about him saving me from the police and the fact of him clinched to vampires' existence. But she slapped her hand on the mouth as I told her about Paul leading my mind.

"Do you think he is a magical being?" she asked.

"Yes. There is no way a human can read my mind. But why have more pressing matters than Paul? I will worry about him later." I changed the topic. Since Sarah was not a magical being, I always tried to keeping such talks from her. But I told her a bit and I will keep the detailed ones.

Involving her in my world was something I never wanted to do. But she always tried to know what I'm up to. What I was doing when I was not with her. Also, I worked for the Vatican. Helped to fight monsters threatening to the city.

Of course, Sarah knew that and what I did at the Vatican's, but I always tried to keep my job out of the topic as often as possible.

Then a thought hit me. I have to see Mateo. We still need to find more clues about the recent deaths that had been taking place. And the woman at the hotel might just be our way out. It might be the vampires, but some other dead bodies didn't have vampire teeth. So, I have to keep my options open for anything.

"I have pregnancy tests in my purse. Give me a second," she touched my thigh and got up.

I realized my hands were unconsciously shaking. If my suspicious were correct, then what will I tell my mother? I will embarrass. I got pregnant without getting married first. I wonder what the rest of the women in our society will be saying about me. Dammit. I cursed under my breath.

After a minute, Sarah came back with a white pregnancy tester. She handed it to me with shaking hands. I took it and went into the restroom.

I took a deep breath after I finished doing what I was supposed to do, then later looked at the goddamned pregnancy tester. It was negative. I sighed in relief and left the room.

"And?" Sarah asked, as she stopped pacing.

"Negative," I said.

"Thank God. Can you imagine yourself been a mother?" she laughed lightly.

She came and took the pregnancy tester. Then I saw her face changing. Becoming tighter and she was losing her smile.

My heart skipped a beat. Did I make a mistake with reading the results? Before I could ask her, she looked at me.

"How many minutes did you take to look at the pregnancy tester?" She looked at it again.

"None. A second," I guessed.

"Dude, you are supposed to take a minute or two," she scolded. Which only meant.

"It's positive, isn't it?" My heart shattered as I voiced my words.

"Sorry to inform you, but yes. I'm afraid you are going to be a mother," she went back and sat on the bed.

My world shattered in front of my eyes. I can't be a mother, not now. I have like a million things on my plate. And doing those things with a child in my stomach wouldn't do.

What was I going to tell my mother? She kept on telling me to always be careful. But here I'm doing the opposite. God.

How will I be able to find the killer now?

"You have to keep it," Sarah said and got up.

"But how will I be able to work with Mateo now? And what am I going to tell mother?"

"Aunt Temwananji, will not be mad at you for too long. That you even know yourself. And you just have to make sure you catch the killer as soon as possible before that belly starts getting bigger. If the killer sees you pregnant, they will take that to their advantage," she moved closer to me and tightened my shoulders. "We have to go and meet up with the father of that child. That bastard needs to take responsibility for this," she touched my stomach and smiled.

She was the best thing that I could ever ask for. She just punched the leaving hell out of my mind. I have to keep the baby and use that as my strength to catch the bastard responsible for the murderers. But first the billionaire bastard.

"Let's go. Thanks Sarah," I hugged her.

"You are welcome. And make sure you protect my nephew or niece."

We left the house after lying to Mrs. Mutale that Sarah was escorting me home. I opened the gate and found Paul standing outside the car with the passenger's door opened.

He looked at me as if he knew what the hell I was going through. Did he predict the outcome? I looked at him and he just looked down, avoiding my eyes.

"Paul," I said and moved closer.

"I know I said I wouldn't creep in your head, but it just happened. Anyway, let's not talk about that. Are you going to talk to the father?" He asked.

"Yes. Wait, you knew this before I actually did, didn't you?" I punched his shoulder, and he stiffened.

"Kinder. Just when you entered the gate, I sensed a weird presence in the air. And I instantly knew what it was. Because I had sensed it before," he looked down again. But this time, I noticed a teardrop from his left eye.

Did he go through some traumatic experience?

"I don't need to know. Shall we go then? Judging by the fact that you were waiting for us, it wouldn't be any trouble of you take us, right?"

He nodded and looked up at Sarah.

"You must be Sarah. Suwilanji has told me a lot about you. Actually, her brain did," he laughed.


He moved and opened the other door for Sarah. We settled inside and he drove off.

I realized I was shaking as we went closer to the golf course. Will he accept my baby and me? Or will he throw me like they do in movies? But one thing was for sure. No matter what decision he will make, I will make sure to give my child her rightful place. Which means making the bastard pay if he refuses to take responsibility for his actions.

And if Sarah's boyfriend had anything to do with prince charming taking me for a fool, he was surely going to pay his share in all this. I won't even consider her. Because apparently my child and my dignity come first. And those bastards were messing with that.

I tried to focus my energy on more pressing matters that a billionaire bastard.