


"Capo, I beg you!" I promise, "Betraying you was never my intention!" The shaky man begged as I moved closer, a wicked smile forming on my face.

"You neglected to respond to my question, putta," I whispered aggressively, my voice filled with spite. "Where has my money gone?"

While he struggled to speak, I enjoyed his fright, taking pleasure in the control I had over him. "You were my loyal companion, but you deceived me." What was the reason for you stealing from me?" I cackled uncontrollably, enjoying the terror in his gaze.

"I really enjoy watching them shake with fear," I thought, relishing the moment.

Recognizing my mistake in being too relaxed, I signaled for one of my comrades to give me the lethal sledgehammer. "I've been too lenient with you," I snarled, my eyes icy and relentless.

I am offering you another opportunity. "By whom were you sent?" I insisted, pushing his fingers down on the table, the promise of harm lingering in the atmosphere.

"Should I shoot this bitch?" I sighed. I need my dick in my baby's pussy right now" I dreamed heavenly.

"Dovrei semplicemente sparare a questa ragazza? - Mi chiedo. Mi serve che il mio membro sia dentro la vagina di una ragazza adesso."

In a fit of anger, I swore, debating whether to kill the traitor immediately. However, I opted to make things more intriguing by targeting his knees instead of crushing his fingers, ensuring he would always have a limp when walking.

While the man screamed, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pleasure. The noise of bones breaking from the impact reverberated against the walls, serving as a somber indication of the repercussions of disloyalty in my reality.

"Capo, I beg you to show mercy!" the abman pleaded, his voice filled with agony and desperation.

However, I could not afford to show mercy as my power was being questioned. "Pietà"? I snickered, my eyes narrowing in concentration. "When you chose to steal from me, you had the opportunity for me to show mercy." I responded coldly

I signaled for my soldiers to pull him up, paying no attention to his screams of pain. I commanded in a cold tone for him to be taken to the basement. Allow him to reflect on his errors as he anticipates what lies ahead.

While they took him away, I allowed myself a brief moment of contentment. Another betrayer has been handled, sending yet another warning to those who dare defy me.

However, I was aware that the betrayal from one individual was just part of a bigger issue. In my reality, loyalty was scarce, and trust was a privilege only a few could have.

While observing the man vanish into the basement's darkness, I found myself pondering about who would be the next to challenge my leadership. However, I was sure of one thing, I would be prepared. And would not pity the person who tried to oppose me.


*The maid walked into room*

"Your father is requesting your presence in his office," the maid whispered softly, pausing near the entrance.

I lifted my gaze from the papers spread out on my desk, his face revealing no emotions. I responded calmly, saying i would arrive after I freshened up.

*The maid leaves the room.*

*After five minutes*

I faced the mirror, seeing a combination of resolve and unease in his reflection. While he fixed his messy hair and straightened his shirt cuffs, he couldn't stop thinking about what he would face in his dad's office.

The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on my shoulders, but I was determined not to display it. After making sure I looked presentable in the mirror, he squared his shoulders and headed off to face whatever obstacles awaited him.

Walks into his father's workplace.

"Dad, what do you require?" I asked, sitting down in one of his fancy chairs, feeling the burden of responsibility weighing heavily on me.

"Father, what is it that you require?" Seduto su una delle sue sedie, lui era Chiesi?

"Did you manage to extract any details from the scoundrel?" Father angrily demanded, his voice full of irritation and annoyance.

"Hai ricevuto delle informazioni dal maleducato?"

I let out a sigh, sensing the heaviness of the situation bearing down on me. Reluctantly, I confessed that he is choosing not to speak, as I sense a desire to do so but he is guarding something or someone.

I let out a sigh. "I should reluctantly admit that it doesn't make any sense. It seems that he wants to do it but he is defending something or someone"

"Dovrei ammettere a malincuore che non ha alcun significato. Sembra desiderare di farlo, ma sta difendendo qualcosa o qualcuno."