


I stared at her, a slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth. I admit to being intrigued, speaking in a low murmur. I anticipated a boring event, but you have turned out to be a pleasant surprise in the midst of the dullness.

He moved nearer, his gaze fixed on her face, capturing every detail of her response. "And your nose," he chuckled gently, "it definitely adds to your charm, right?"

I formally introduced myself as Bianchi Alessandro, I enjoy seeing the flicker of surprise that appeared on her face. I smugly remarked, "I want to make it clear that I am not available for a future relationship, as I am already committed."

I stopped speaking, creating a deliberate quiet moment, observing her reaction to what he had just said. "Clinginess, though," he continued, his tone filled with disgust, "is not something I can tolerate. I was meant for someone else, but still…"

My voice faded away, leaving the suggestion lingering in the atmosphere. I watched her closely, feeling satisfied when I saw the disappointed expression on her face. "When she looks sad, she is even more charming," I thought, with a calculating sparkle in my eye.

But despite my confident demeanor, a small bit of uncertainty started to sneak in. I thought the material of her dress was quite unattractive, managing to hold back a shiver of disgust. I became intrigued when she pulled back in response to his attempt to touch her. "What caused the recoil?" I pondered, I curiosity now completely sparked.


As I struggled with the choice of whether to disclose my actual occupation, contradictory feelings rose up inside of me. The thought of revealing my secret activities to her caused a flood of fear and uncertainty. What if she reacted in terror, or even ran away after discovering my real self?

However, a sudden moment of understanding broke through the haze of doubt. A surge of realization flooded through me, bringing with it a fresh feeling of disconnection. "What is the reason for my concern?" I laughed quietly, surprised by my own nervousness. It felt like a sudden change had occurred, freeing me from traditional worries.

Looking at her, I was entranced by the bewilderment visible on her face. However, hidden behind a mask of purity, I perceived an underlying capability, a characteristic that connected with a primal aspect of myself.

With a slight smile on my face, I couldn't resist admiring her, from the way she carried herself to the subtle details of her mannerisms. "I pondered that she would make a better sub for me than Gabby, with a hint of excitement running through me." The idea of a new victory, an exciting test, called to me like a siren's song.

As I went further into understanding her complicated personality, I experienced a sense of excitement and a desire to solve the mystery in front of me. In that instant, surrounded by a complicated mix of longing and lies, I felt an irresistible pull towards her.

As we entered the cozy space of the bedroom, a noticeable tension filled the room, heavy with excitement and wonder. I gestured for her to sit on the bed as I settled on the couch, our eyes meeting in a wordless exchange of curiosity.

Taking a deep breath, I began to unveil the truth of my identity.

"I'm the CEO of B.A. Real Estate Companies. And I own them in 5 different countries and I also own clubs too" I said.

However, as the words left my lips, I couldn't help but notice the perplexed expression etched upon her features, her brow furrowed in confusion.

A sudden realization dawned upon me, shattering the illusion of familiarity. "You don't know any of the places I just mentioned," I exclaimed, a mixture of shock and disbelief coloring my tone.

Her admission was met with a stunned silence, punctuated only by the soft sound of her fingers nervously intertwining. I watched as she averted her gaze, a veil of uncertainty descending upon her.

"Urgh," I groaned, a sense of resignation washing over me. Despite the initial jolt of surprise, a strange sense of relief settled within me. The revelation that she was unaware of my prestigious affiliations offered a rare moment of authenticity amidst the elaborate facade of social pretense.

And as I gazed upon her, head bowed in a mixture of embarrassment and humility, I couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of connection, unburdened by the weight of expectations and assumptions.

Saying goodbye to Mr. Ivanov and his daughter, I couldn't ignore the unease I felt around him. Despite his cheerful demeanor, there was a certain quality about him that felt out of place, although I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.

I prepared myself for my father's unavoidable question by turning to him. "What was it like?" he inquired, his curiosity apparent in his voice.

"I answered tactfully that everything went smoothly." "I enjoyed our pleasant chat, and she appears to be a friendly individual."

My father's smile grew bigger as he continued questioning. "Any news on Gabby?" he asked, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I suddenly realized and berated myself internally for my forgetfulness. "I must admit I completely forgot about Gabby," I confessed, feeling a twinge of guilt for unintentionally neglecting her.

I acknowledged the oversight with a nod filled with thought. "I can't simply abandon her," I confessed, deciding to confront the situation with compassion and comprehension. Even though I was tempted by the new friend, I chose to continue treating Gabby with respect and kindness, favoring a peaceful approach over creating any unnecessary tension or disagreement.