


"Today is the day," I whispered sadly, feeling like a tragic character in a story. "I haven't met the person I will marry yet."

The words "Bianchi Alessandro" slipped out of my mouth like a quiet curse. "I never imagined it would turn out this way." All my hopes of having a fairytale wedding have been destroyed.

Yesterday evening, inside the poorly lit room, my father's voice cut through the quietness like a sharp weapon. "Sit," he ordered, his tone allowing no room for disobedience. I complied dutifully, my stance mirroring the gravity of his words. "I want to jog your memory regarding the marriage," he carried on, his voice filled with commanding presence. "Behave well, no matter what he tells you, you have to follow his instructions."

I kept my head down, using a submissive veil to block his intense stare. I silently debated whether to glance at my father, knowing it was not permitted, the battle raging within my mind.

"Am I having a conversation with myself?" His unexpected eruption startled me out of my daydream, causing me to recoil and hastily find a reply.

"Yes, I will," I stuttered, blending my words with a combination of apprehension and acceptance.

"Good". He waved his hand to dismiss me, conveying the finality of his command before I left.

*Back to the present*

I rested in my bed, with the moon shining its otherworldly light on my face. In the darkness, I whispered, "I hope he treats me well," feeling a spark of hope light up inside me, like a single flame in the night. I slowly fell asleep, as excitement mixed with doubt, creating a fabric of unfamiliar opportunities in the realm of my dreams.

*Next Day*

My father's furious pounding broke the peaceful morning, serving as a stark reminder of the harsh reality. "Get out of bed, you lazy bitch!" His words struck with the force of whips, cutting through the air accurately and full of venom. Shaking, I staggered to the door, my body revealing my terror.

As I bravely opened the door, his rage landed a brutal slap on my cheek, leaving a painful mark. His gaze traveled over my nightgown, and a malevolent grin curved his lips before he departed, leaving me shaking with a blend of fear and revulsion.

I looked away from the door and found comfort in the mirror, staring at my reflection with a blend of desire and self-hatred. "What is the reason for my father's disdain towards me?" I murmured softly, feeling the pain in my heart reflected in the depths of my gaze. "If Mom had not passed away..." The idea of killing her haunted me, lingering like a shadow with accusing whispers.

Even with my father's harsh treatment, I couldn't ignore the details on my face – fiery long red hair, doe eyes with a touch of sadness, a small button nose, and lips tinged with the hue of ripe cherries.

Still, while looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn't get rid of the sense of not being good enough. "I despise my body," I sighed, running my fingers along the curves that decorated my silhouette. "I am not attractive... Will he approve of me?"

Recollections of my father's cruel remarks and the constant harassment reverberated in my thoughts, forming a chorus of meanness that jeopardized my self-esteem. I confessed my fear to the vacant room, feeling the heavy burden of uncertainty on me like a stifling blanket.

I dressed quickly with shaking hands, anxious to avoid his anger by fleeing before he came back. "I need to change before he returns and hurts me once more," I murmured, silently begging the universe for relief from the never-ending turmoil in my household.


"He is beautiful," I mumbled under my breath, captivated by his presence. Towering at 6'2, his long lashes, chiseled nose, and lips both firm and tender commanded my attention. My cheeks warmed with a rosy tint as I observed him, and a wave of shyness washed over me when our eyes met.

Mr. Bianchi had instructed us to ascend the stairs for a private conversation, an opportunity to become acquainted.

Rising to my feet, I trailed behind him, my thoughts a whirlwind of anticipation. "I desire his embrace," I confessed to myself, a flush spreading across my face.

So lost in thought was I that his sudden pivot caught me off guard.

My expression betrayed my nervousness and fear, prompting a look of annoyance from him. Confusion and sorrow mingled within me. When he reached out, I instinctively recoiled.

His look of surprise and concern deepened my blush. "Does he care for me, or is it mere pretense?" I pondered.

Then, with a tenderness that took my breath away, he cradled my chin and traced my lips with his thumb. The intensity of my blushing matched the racing of my heart. "Is he thinking of kissing me?" I wondered.

In the quietude of the room above, Alessandro and I faced one another, an unspoken tension enveloping us like a gossamer thread. His eyes held a depth that seemed to pierce through to my very essence, searching, yet filled with a softness that sought to discover the secrets I held close.

Feeling his gaze, I became acutely aware of my imperfections, as if they were amplified. I wanted to hide away, to shield my vulnerabilities from his penetrating stare.

Yet, sensing my discomfort, Alessandro's demeanor shifted, his smile bringing a sense of calm that set my heart aflutter. His hand reached for mine, a simple touch that sparked a comforting warmth within me.

In that instant, the barriers around my heart began to dissolve, and I dared to hope for a connection born of true affection and mutual understanding.

We spoke tentatively at first, our conversation meandering like a babbling brook, sharing tales, aspirations, and apprehensions. With each passing moment, a bond seemed to form, a delicate link that drew our hearts closer in a shared vision of hope.

Time passed unnoticed as I was drawn deeper into Alessandro's world, his very presence a beacon that scattered the lingering doubts and fears that once haunted me.

And as the evening light faded, casting a warm amber glow around us, I realized that Alessandro represented more than just a future partner; he was a soulmate, a confidant with whom I could journey through life's storms, united by love and a shared dream of tomorrow.