
to the mall

hurry up and drive we have to go to the mall...

" ok lets go to the mall", right so hurry up and drive lets hurry before one of my favorite stores close in the mall so lets go. "right", as we was about to leave i saw the man that baught our (snacks and coffee) he walked pass ezras car and i thought to my self and thought that even though he baught our stuff that he probably wasn't just being nice cause he was a little rude but he probably did it cause he had to go to the so called (important place that he had to be to soon). and then he looked over at me and glared at me but not in a mean way but like what, who is this person it seem like he was interested and was just curious but then turned around like he didn't wanna see me- "hey hey who are you looking at you want some candy some jolly ranchers", as soon as i heard the word jolly i straight turned to him and went for the blue ones ooou they are soo good anyways.

yeah thanks oh i wasn't looking at No one it doesn't matter now shouldn't the mall be somewhere around the corner oh hey there it is Phoenix mall that mall is huge so lets go, "ok now were do we park oh i know right here". hey that's to far from the door we need to park i the front not back here that's to far... "its like three spaces back what are you talking about... *a moment of silence awkward silence* soo come on we about to go in the store to get some cake and go to what store was it oh 21 forever something". Uhhh yes and bright the candy lets go in, as we was going into the store and i turned to look around and i saw ezra, then he looked at me and we locked eyes and then i blushed and then he looked at the ground and blushed and looked back up he is so cute i mean handsome anyways back to the story while we were walking around for a little bit in the mall i finally found 21 forever store, "yes we found it i been wanting to get some hoodies from here hey molina wasn't you going to get something from here cause I'm only getting one or two things". oh. you like hoodies to yeah imma get a big fluffy hoodie and some nice pants .

"oh ok well I'm gonna go find some hoodies that i like and get one yeah thats all I'm gonna get", oh ok so I'm gonna go pick out some pants and can u pick me out a hoodie a big fluffy one. "yeah sure what color", ummm purple or white idk really. ok, sooo now what pants should i get idk owell I'm just going get these light blue jeans and wait for him or maybe i can see what he's getting for me. hey, ezra what are you getting for us ohh,*that surprised look she get on her face when she see he can dress really good*. "hey molina look what i got you like it so now that were done we can pay for it and go somewhere like we can go get pretzels and smoothies".

wait wait wait a minute you yes you picked out that hoodie, yup. i don't believe it you got skill like its so cute were did you find it. "oh it was the last one i think", i love it it's purple and it got 21 forever on it and red roses and it big and fluffy so soft. thank you so much what you get. "oh the same thing but just white". this is so cute and it bigger than mine if i wear it it's going to be a dress on me, ok lets buy them and the pants. " Your total will be 30.00, will it be card or cash". i guess card now i have to find my card in this messy purse, "it's ok molina I'll pay for it it's only 30 with cash", no i can't let you do that cause you took me out today i can at least do that. "excuse me but you two are holding up the line y'all need to hurry up and figure out who's going to pay for the clothes", molina just let me pay i got the money right here plus i wanna go hurry and get some pretzels an smoothies so i will pay and we should hurry up and go. ok fine you can pay, "sir that will be thirty dollars will it be cash or card", cash. here you go and can you get me some socks. "that will be a dollar anything else" no that will be it thank you have a nice day so lets hurry up i want some pretzels.

oh here it is twisty pretzels there pretzels be soo good. "about before thank you for buying the stuff you know you didn't have to do that for me but thanks and what pretzel should i get" hey it's ok it wasn't that much and your welcome an I'm the one who took you out today to have some fun so i had to pay it was right and nice ooou you should get the cinnamon ones or the nut pretzels. the cinnamon ones sound good so I'll get those, good so you wait here and i will go and get the pretzels and then we can get smoothies after or do you wanna go get something to eat and go back to my place for the movie. "uhhhh we can get something to eat and go to your house for the movie that sounds better".

ok then that sounds good so do you want to eat here or just go to my house and i make you something to eat. "well maybe we just order chinese food at your house and then can watch the movie there",so we getting chinese food but i never had Chinese food before what does it tas- so your telling me you never had chinese food ever in your life before, nope. oh no that is just sad like never but we have to get the yacumi the noodles and eggs and chicken its so good you have to try it. "so we getting yacumi sounds good here try your pretzel its going to be good im going to eat mine *much much* mmmm sooo good". so lets go i wanna hurry and try this yacumi you speak of and see if its good!!! "oh its going to be good just watch and see its going to taste so nice", bet will see hopefully it is good.