
back at ezras place

"so here we are this is my place it not that nice i hope you like it", what do you mean its beautiful i love it its so cosey and homey and not to spaces so- and you have a big tv is it fire stick or roku. "fire stick and the one in my room is roku so yup that's it and there's two bathrooms and the kitchen is over there and yup this is the living room so that's pretty much it". while ezra was saying that he looked at the floor and blushed, anyways. so now where's my phone so i can call the best chinese spot here, "and what movie do you wanna watch i have the new MIB,Milan,dora the new one its suppose to be interesting or something lets see oh,spiderman far from home,love in space its about this girl right and she gets a job to find someone and she has to bring him or her to her master and she didn't know that her master was going to imprison her for life or something i forgot i think that's it. "well i think i like the... love in space one it sounds cool".

right so we are going to watch that one and you go order the yacumi stuff and i will get the movie and snacks together, "ok i will and what snacks are we going to eat again". oh remember we bought the jolly ranchers and the hot cheetos, and i got some cookies-n-cream in the fridge and some sprite and fruit plunch. "woah thats alot of snacks i don't even have all that and I'm the queen of snacks and candy a little i don't eat sancks like that but i love me some candy though". right sounds good did you call the Chinese spot- ding dong, "oh there here hey you got a pin so i can sign my signature oh the paper thingy" yeah hold up oh here you go, thanks. "ok so how much was it again*man looks up at me with this dumb look*". it was 7.00 dollar hurry up and pay, hey I'm going to pay lemme see do i have 7.00 dollars *my thoughts am i always this broke like i just got paid*, oh here seven dollars in change. "right heres your yacumi have a nic- *takes bag slams door wait sorry*". finally we have the yacumi did you get the snacks and sprite oh what movie we watching again, "uhhh love in space and yeah i got it sooo can you make me a plate pleasee and I'll get you some candy and sprite.

here is your plate and i put a egg in it if thats fine with you, no its fine so lets start watching the movie its about to start."hey wheres the candy and sprite" oh its on the table, whyyy fine imma go get it oh do you want the hot cheetos to yeah you can get those hurry up its about to really start, ok ok im coming.

one hour later.....

hey molina wake up *snore snore* she must be a hard sleeper well imma have to carry her to my room, *ezra lifts molina up and starts carring her to his room*. while ezra was carring molina to his room she woke up and opened her eyes but kepted them cracked a little and looked at ezra and then he looked at her with his soft bright green eyes and blushed he probably didn't know that she was still awake cause he touched her face and blushed even harder as he was going through his door way he said "now how am i going to put you in my bed i have to sleep in the livingroom then". so he put her down on the bed and put her under the covers and gave her a little kiss on the cheek. and went into the living room... "i guess imma have to make my own little bed on the couch really she should be sleeping out here O well time to put all this food and stuff away and clean up".

molina's thoughts

i cant believe i actually fell asleep and he had to put me in his room and touched my face i thought i was going to freak out anyways i hope he sleep well his covers are so soft and warm.