
the secret day out...

hey you look nice today so were are we going that is such a secret. "well I'm taking you out to get coffee then you can choose where you wanna go next and then we just see how the day goes so yup nothing special really sorry if you were expecting something better or bigger since i said it was a secret and then i thought that we go back to my place and watch a movie then I'll take you back home so yeah thats what i had in mind...."oh ok well i wanted to know if we can go to the mall after because they some nice clothes on sale at forever 21 so i wanna see if we can go". yeah we can go after we get coffee and then i wanted to see if i can take you out to get food somewhere i don't know, and then maybe i can take you back to my place and we can watch a movie together if you want to.

"yeah that would be nice of you so lets go and get some coffee, and then to the mall and we can both figure out what we are going to eat and". ok lets get going bye fluffy butt," meow meow intraslation bye human whats your name i forgot bye meow oh and don't forget to take her home by eight ok and no touching". bye fluffy butt imma come home tonight i don't know ok so see ya, (door slams shut *walks out*). are we going to starvucks or to somewhere else, "nooo we are going to royalfarms and imma make you a Brazilian latte i made it myself and its new".

but does this (Brazilian latte) taste good at least because if it does it has to have whipped cream and sugar, hey! it does ok and it do have whipped cream and sugar just wait till we get there when i make it its going to be good just wait, imma wait but it better be good because coffee like the black coffee nasty i like the sweet stuff with creamer and whipped cream its so good. "look you should taste my my vanilla chocolate Carmel latte its really good, we will one day but i wanna taste this Brazilian latte u speak of, you better because its going to be soooo goooood so lets get to know each other better when did you move here and why and do you siblings.

"soo i moved in new york a year ago and the reason why was i moved out of my parents house beacause they wanted me to be a business man you know one of those hard worker so that i can get more money and for us but i told them that i wanted to be a doctor or an assistant nurse so they kicked me out because they thought i was going to be a complete failer and i told them that is what i wanted to be was a doctor to help people get better and they said i had to go and leave and never come back but we kinda still talk once in awhile and they seem fine with what I'm doing now so i moved to new york were its busy and i now work at the normandy hospital and i and i have a older sister and she is a artist and has her own art work in her own art museum so she is doing good thats about it and i like chocolate haha", so i didn't know that about you I'm sorry what happened between you and your parents i hope they see that you are doing great and is a successful man oh were here finally yessss ok so imma go in and get you some of my famous Brazilian latte.

ok see ya and hurry up i wanna go to the mall to see if i can get me some clothes sooo yeah hurry please and can i get extra whipped cream?, " nooo because its going to be tooo sweet so I'm going to go in now cya". ok thank you and get some gummy worms and jollyranchers the blue ones!!. so to make this coffee so get a small cup or medium hmm nahh imma get the large he can get the small ok maybe medium so first get the coffe Brazilian coffee and some vanilla creamer and some whipped cream oh and sugar only little bit and the same for him did he say he wanted gummy worms oooouu i love jolly ranchers so imma get some of those and some hot Cheetos this going be good today ok so next oh thats it so time to pay for this.

"here you go that will be 8 dollars" here you go wait i dont have enough money dang it i only got six dollars "miss hurry up now people in line are waiting", im sorry i just dont have enough money. "well I'm sorry but you going to have to put all of this stuff back". as i look to the corn of my eye i see a nice looking tall man he was Caucasian blue hair and bright hazel eyes looked to be about in his 20s or lets see maybe 24 i don't know but he offered to pay for my snacks and coffee oh and he had a dimond tattoo on his arm so he offered to pay for my stuff he said that is an weird combination of snacks with coffee.

"well the coffee taste like hot chocolate and its good so yeah and yes that would be nice of you to pay for my stuff thank you", well you are kinda holding up the line so how much do your stuff cost. i thought to my self he is so up tight owell "it cost eight dollars is that fine with you" yes so hurry up and let me pay this is taking to long i have to be somewhere soon". " young man that will be eight bucks here you go miss" and here you go miss your snacks and coffee, thank you "your welcome see ya". well that was weird, *walks to car opens door* and hes sleep hey wake up remember the mall we have to go don't you want something from the mall to. huh huh what oh what took you so long thats exactly why i fell asleep you took forever did you get the jolly ranchers?. yeah yeah here and i want some to the blue ones and green oh and heres your coffee hehehehe he better like it i hope he does.

*takes sip of coffee* whoa that was so good its a little to sweet but its ok," ok ok?? what, what did you say it is better then ok it is the best hot chocolate coffee ever tsk he said ok really i don't believe him wow so weird owell its good to me at least, hey! i never it said it wasn't good but it is good it taste nice.

hurry up and drive we have to go to the mall....